Chapter 62 Missed

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Arriving at the home where he had stayed for eighteen years, Chu Rui could feel his heart beating violently. He couldn't imagine how excited he would be when he saw his mother. He raised his head and looked in the direction of his building, but unexpectedly did not see the flowers on the balcony.

If he remembered correctly, it was something his mother took care of carefully. He still remembered that his mother said that life is sometimes bitter, but when he sees these lives that are still tenacious, even though their years are very short, but they have never complained. As a thinking person, what reason is there not to be strong? This is his mother, a strong woman who has never complained about life. She taught himself how to be a human being, but now she is not here. Does the mother in his memory give him love unreservedly to him? What about the other person? As long as he thinks of his mother looking at him with strange eyes, his heart will really hurt.

After sorting out my thoughts, I tried to make myself smile brighter, then walked upstairs to my house, took a deep breath when I came to the door, and finally pressed the doorbell with my hand, but the door did not open several times in a row.

The aunt saw a thin and beautiful boy who kept ringing the doorbell, and thought that this person might not know that the people inside had moved out: "Young man, you don't know, the family moved out two years ago. Alas, the poor mother and son have been dependent on each other for so many years. Fortunately, God has not forgotten them. That kid, Bu Yixiu, is now a big star and bought a house outside to take his mother over."

Chu Rui looked at the aunt who was talking, he knew this person, she was a kind-hearted person, when he was a child, he would often help his family, for this reason he already regarded her as his grandmother, but now she didn't know him earlier, He just smiled forcedly when he heard aunt's words, didn't he? It's ridiculous that he was forgotten by everyone like this.

He promised to honor his mother, but now he doesn't seem to need himself: "Then do you know where they moved to?" Now that he is here, he doesn't care. No matter what, he had to see his mother. Only when he was sure that his mother was really doing well, would he feel at ease.

"I really don't know." The aunt shook her head after she finished speaking.

Walking out of the building, Chu Rui raised his head and looked at his balcony again. Although this home was small, it carried his beautiful childhood. Now everything is in the past. He shook his head helplessly, not knowing where they moved. How could he see his mother? He was walking back in a bit of a loss.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of a person, a gentle person, who always smiled so gently. He remembered the first time he met him. , it seemed that he fell asleep but was woken up by him. Since that day, they have gradually become friends. At first, he always thought that what he had for Jin was just the friendship between brothers, but later he found that there was a mixture of He didn't understand what kind of emotion he felt at that time, so he didn't dare to speak out, he was afraid that if he really said it, he wouldn't even be a friend.

Now that he has changed to a human skin, can he still recognize himself? Can I really see him? No longer thinking about it, he decided to go to Jin's company. After so long, he should have managed the company well. This person is always so good. In his opinion, no one can compare to Jin.

When I got off the taxi, I saw the big golden characters of Yushi Group in front of me, all of which indicated that the company had strong financial resources. When I walked into the lobby, I was stopped without accident. Yes, no one knows it now. .

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