Chapter 42 Xi's Extra Story

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Love can be a momentary thing, or it can be a lifetime thing. Everyone can fall in love with different people at different times. It’s not that whoever leaves can’t live. Forgetting makes us stronger.

Not everyone's love can be smooth sailing, maybe only after a heart-piercing separation, we will understand that love is hard-won, and we will love more thoroughly, and the frozen memory will melt one day.

It is everyone's dream to be born in a wealthy family. Everyone hopes that they can drive a luxury car and live in a villa, but this is not a choice for oneself, because it is earlier than fate.

I have become the lucky one in everyone's mind, because I was born in a family that owns multiple businesses, but they don't know that I just want to be ordinary. Like other kids from business families, I don't have my own In childhood, we all grew up under the encouragement of our parents. A child who is only a few years old has to instill family business management and how to deal with others. At that age, we are still ignorant, but we have no choice.

My father and I have always had a bad relationship. In my memory, my father was very strict. He never cared about himself. The only thing he cared about was whether I had learned. He said that failure is not allowed in life, because a But if it fails, it will be a fatal blow to the family. We cannot afford to fail, so we can only move forward in the direction of success.

Maybe it's because he feels too depressing to me, so my character has always been cold to everyone, because I don't know how to smile. The only good thing is that my mother loves me very much, she will always be there My side encourages me, she once told my father why he has to be so strict with me, because my father has no parents since he was a child, and all this is achieved through his hard work, but only he knows the hardships behind it, father I once said a sentence: "A man should be self-improvement." This is also a sentence that his father often said in front of him.

And my father is very satisfied with my performance, because I have never failed in front of him, and in his indoctrination, I have been moving towards success. When I was only twenty-four years old, that was my father. At the age of fifty, he handed over the company to me and took my mother to play. I also know that my mother has never left me in my 23 years. Many women of her age have traveled all over the world. In many places, I also hope that my mother can go out to relax, and I don't want her to be around me all the time, because she has her own life.

After I took over the company, many people questioned my ability. This is what I expected. Later, my vigorous and resolute behavior made them feel a little in awe. One year later, when the company's account data calculated by the financial department , They were taken aback, because this year's data has increased by 30% compared to the above. They know this concept better than anyone else. Since then, no one has dared to question my ability, and they can only obey me. But I don’t stand still, I look for business opportunities everywhere, and don’t miss a chance to make money. I’m not greedy for money, it’s just that I don’t feel empty.

I only have two friends in my life, and only in front of them can I show my true self, and I don’t bother to deal with those who live with masks, I only have a relationship with them, I believe that if the company leaves them Will sell myself without hesitation.

I don't have too many requirements for my girlfriend. I found a woman before, but she took herself too seriously, thinking that she could become a rich wife if she dated me. I hate this kind of self-righteous woman the most. He dumped her mercilessly. If he didn't need a female companion to attend some important occasions, he wouldn't be bothered looking for a woman? He met Wei Xunxuan at a party. She didn't feel as frivolous as other girls, and she behaved generously. At that time, I thought it would not be troublesome to bring such a woman by my side, so I didn't refuse her. I struck up a conversation with her, and then we got together. Except for the necessary physical needs, I usually don’t stay with her. She also knows how to measure and won’t touch my minefield. In this way, we have been together for three years.

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