Chapter 13 Drunk Mistakes

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"Today is the first day of filming. I hope everyone will cooperate well and strive to finish filming as soon as possible." Nan Shan looked at the actors who had already arrived and said loudly.

Everyone nodded, because they knew that Nanshan was very serious at work.

A kid named Ruizhe played the role of Yixiu when he was a child, and now Yixiu has nothing to do. Yixiu watched Ruizhe's acting seriously, and looked at the other party who was only four or five years old. He didn't understand such a young child. Can demonstrate Xiao Chenyi so well.

It was supposed to be an innocent time, but Xiao Chenyi's beautiful face has no expression at all, just like a lifeless doll, the children around him seem to have nothing to do with him from liking them at the beginning to hating them later. He curled himself up in a world of one person from beginning to end. He doesn't care if others scold him or even beat him. Sometimes he thinks how good it would be if he left this world. He has never missed this world.

He also doesn't want to change himself, so when someone adopts him, he is expressionless. He doesn't like to pretend to be for someone he doesn't like. Seeing those people give up on him, he didn't show the slightest expression. He never thought about having a home, after all, that word is too strange. Rui Zhe's acting here is over, because there are not many plots when he was a child, most of them are memories, but it also took a day. Yixiu didn't film for a whole day, but watching others act can also gain some experience. Although he knew that he would not have his own role today, he still didn't leave, but his assistant Xiao Yun was called away by him.

Seeing Ruizhe's expressionless face after the play, Yixiu wondered if the child had facial paralysis?

"This kid is Nanshan's son." Just as Yixiu was guessing, Lu Jing gave him the breaking news.

"What? That's impossible. This kid doesn't look like him at all, but his temper makes him look alike." Yixiu couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear in shock.

I knew Yixiu would have such an expression. When he knew it, he was even more restless than Yixiu: "This child looks like his mother, and her mother is a white-collar worker. Few people know that her husband is Nanshan, Nanshan His real name is actually Ruisheng."

After listening to Lu Jing's answer, Yixiu finally understood, no wonder such a young child has such a good acting talent, but the other party's childhood seems to be not good, otherwise why would there be no smile?

In fact, this is really not to blame Nanshan. Although he is very strict at work, he is still a good man and father at home. I don’t know why this child has never smiled since he was born. Find the problem, and finally conclude that it is difficult to change by nature.

Seeing that the director left with his own son, the others did not stay. Yixiu returned to his residence, took the key to open the door and found that the door was unlocked, could it be a thief, this was Yixiu's first thought, he walked in quietly, walked into the living room, and unexpectedly found that his boss was sitting Close your eyes on the sofa to rest your mind, let go of a hanging heart.

Xi opened his eyes and looked at Yixiu who had returned with a shallow smile.

"Xi, how did you come in?" Yixiu was a little puzzled, it seems that he didn't give others the key?

"This is my house, of course I have the key." Xi replied in a good mood.

At this time, Chang Yixiu was stunned, isn't he living in the company's house? How did it become the boss's personal property?

"Don't be surprised. My mother gave it to me for my birthday. But I haven't lived in it all the time, and it's still vacant, so I asked someone to arrange for a new artist to live in. That's why I found out that it was you who lived here." Xie patiently explained Yes, but I didn't tell the truth in the following words, otherwise I would be in trouble.

"Is that so? I thought it belonged to the company, but I didn't expect it to be your house, so we are really destined!" Yixiu didn't expect his joke to become reality in the end.

Xi who didn't speak, but when he heard Yixiu's words, a trace of calculation flashed in his eyes.

"I came here today to celebrate you. This time Xiao Yi's album was sold out thanks to you." Xi said and opened a bottle of 1982 Lafite on the table with a corkscrew.

Wine again? Yixiu looked at the wine in Xi's hand with a sad face. The last time he was drunk, he still couldn't remember if he did something bad. He didn't know if he would be crazy about drinking. Oh no. But you can't stop drinking, after all, Xie is celebrating herself, so let's drink less when the time comes.

However, under Xi's persuasion, Yixiu poured cup after cup into his mouth. At this moment, he could no longer control his brain, so he could only subconsciously follow Xi's leadership.

Yixiu looked at Xi beside him with a rosy face and blurred eyes. He was very thirsty and hot at the moment. Seeing the luster of the other's lips, he kissed him without thinking, especially when he touched the other's cool body. Then he hugged each other tightly, as if he was afraid that the other party would run away.

Xixiu looked at Yixiu who was doing something wrong on him, his eyes darkened, you sent this to the door, so he turned passive into active, Yixiu's soft lips really made him want to stop, his tongue tightly wrapped around the other's tongue , when Yixiu let out a * intentionally or unintentionally, Xie's body paused, you asked for it yourself, can't you blame me?

Putting Yixiu on the big bed in the bedroom, Xie lay on Yixiu's body, kissed the other's neck, slowly took off Yixiu's clothes, looked at the other's snow-white skin and heard Yixiu's panting and * , making Xi even more excited.

Looking at the naked Yixiu lying under him, thinking that the other party will be his own, Xie doesn't know why a feeling of happiness spreads in his heart,

In the end, there were only two glued bodies left in the room, and the sound of heavy breathing.

Yixiu opened his heavy eyelids, moved his body, suddenly felt a pain in his waist, turned his head, and saw Xi's sleeping face facing him, how could he sleep here? He only remembered being drunk a lot yesterday, and then? I patted my head with some headaches, I really don't remember anything.

Yixiu's actions woke up Xi, and Xi's eyes that had just woken up did not have the coldness of the day, and his whole expression softened a lot: "You woke up, are you still feeling a little uncomfortable?" Xi's voice was a little hoarse, giving people It feels differently sexy.

"My waist feels so sore, did I get drunk and did something bad last night!" Yixiu asked worriedly.

"Yeah, yesterday you were drunk and grabbed me and gnawed and bit me with your mouth." Xi knew very well what the other party's reaction would be when he heard what he said.

Yixiu opened his mouth wide in surprise, did he hear correctly, his wine quality is so bad? But then when he thought of what he did to his boss, his face turned red, wondering if the boss was angry, poor Yixiu completely forgot about his sore back.

Carefully looking at the boss's expression, he found that the other party showed no signs of anger, so Yixiu finally let go of his heart, but what kind of identity will he face the other party now?

Xi looked at Yixiu who was already blushing, and knew what the other party was thinking, but he didn't intend to let the other party go: "You said you did that to me, how do you make it up to me?"

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