Chapter 21 The Truth Comes Out

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Indeed, as Yixiu thought, now rumors about him being gay are everywhere on the Internet, those who don’t like him are suppressing him everywhere, those who like Yixiu are beginning to be a little disappointed with Yixiu, and there are also a small number of people who believe that their idol must be framed by someone with a heart.

The saliva sites on the Internet are constantly refreshing, but there is no doubt that Yixiu has become more popular. Although he is not popular because he likes him, his popularity is getting higher and higher. Even some aunts and uncles who don’t watch movies know about Yixiu. Daming, I only felt sorry for Yixiu in my heart, such a beautiful person turned out to be gay. Only some rotten girls have been saying that Xiaogong is too ugly and not worthy of our Yixiu, and they strongly demand to change Xiaogong.

With such a big commotion, Xiuqin of course knew about her son, and made a phone call without further ado. She wasn't going to question Yixiu, she was just worried about her son's current situation, and she had figured it out a long time ago. She would not object whether it was a woman or a man, as long as her son was happy.

"Hey Mom, why did you call, how are you doing recently?"

Xiuqin listened to her son's normal voice on the other end, and then she felt relieved: "Mom is just worried about you, and I know about your affairs. I am afraid that you are not in a good mood now, so I called to ask, and listened to you talking like this. Mom is relieved."

I was moved to listen to my mother's words. It's great to have such a reasonable and caring mother: "Mom, don't worry, I'm fine. The things on the Internet are all fake. That person is just my assistant. I was drunk at the time. So he supported me, but someone took a picture of it, so the matter of the picture can't be explained clearly, now the company is already solving it, and I believe the truth will be revealed in a short time." Yixiu patiently explained He didn't want his mother to worry about him.

Hearing what Yixiu said, Xiuqin also knew the darkness of the entertainment industry, but she just told Yixiu to be careful in the future, and she would always trust her son, so she hung up the phone.

"Yixiu, you are really blessed to have such a beautiful mother in your previous life!" Yixiu said this sentence not only for Ouyang Yixiu but also for himself.

Yixiu's phone calls didn't stop throughout the day, they were all calling to care about him, including Director Nanshan, Brother Xiao, and Han Ling. In the end, with a Jin expression on his face, Yixiu was very happy to hear that the other party cared and believed in his words without reservation. He was really no longer alone in this life, and there were so many people who cared about him.

After answering the call, Yixiu found another text message on the phone. When he opened it, it turned out to be Xi's. There were only a few simple words: "Don't worry, it will be resolved soon." His eyes were fixed on the words, and he suddenly There is a feeling of wanting to cry, happiness comes too suddenly.

Sure enough, the next day, Lu Jing called to say that the matter had been resolved, and there would be a press clarification meeting at ten o'clock in the morning, and Yixiu would also be present.

Many people are paying attention to this matter, many well-known TV reporters and some more experienced fans will be invited to the clarification meeting.

On the way, Lu Jing explained the whole story to Yixiu. It turned out that a paparazzi was bought by an anonymous person and asked him to take some photos that were not good for Yixiu. However, the paparazzi followed for many days and did not find any There are useful photos to take, but he has to do things after receiving money, so he borrowed a seat to take pictures at the entrance of the hotel to achieve the purpose of framing Yixiu.

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