Chapter 15 Movie Wrapping

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Yixiu didn't know the conversation between the two of them. Thinking that he hadn't contacted his mother for a long time, he called his mother and talked for more than half an hour before hanging up.

Hee didn't come at night, and Yixiu, who was lying in the bed, didn't know why he thought of Hee at this moment. He never thought of becoming friends with his boss, and he didn't understand why he treated himself differently from others. Consider yourself special. Yixiu, who couldn't figure it out, slowly fell asleep.

"Yixiu, you have nothing to do yesterday. I thought I was going to pick you up, but the boss called halfway to say that you are not feeling well and have already asked for leave. He told me not to disturb you." Lu Jing asked while driving One repair.

"It's nothing serious, just a little uncomfortable?" Yixiu felt that there was no problem with his body.

"By the way, how does the boss know that you're not feeling well?" This was a question that Lu Jing couldn't figure out.

Yixiu didn't know how to answer, could it be that he got drunk with the boss and then took advantage of the boss? But of course Yixiu wouldn't say that, so he told a little lie: "Because the boss came to pick up things from the villa in the morning, he happened to see that I was not feeling well, so he asked for leave for me to say hello."

Lu Jing also knew that it was the boss's private villa, so he didn't doubt Yixiu's words, but just nodded to show that he knew.

When I came to the set, most of the people had already arrived, and Yixiu greeted him politely. Others also liked the beautiful and approachable Yixiu, and responded one after another.

"Yixiu, I won't talk about your leave yesterday. I don't want to delay the progress of our entire crew because of you alone, so I hope you perform better." Nanshan frowned at Yixiu who had arrived Said.

Knowing that Nanshan is not angry, but just doesn't want to hold him back, Yixiu said that he knows, even if he doesn't say he will do his best to perform well.

At the end of the day, Nanshan was very satisfied with Yixiu's performance. At first he thought that Yixiu, who had no performance experience, might get stuck at the beginning, so he sounded the alarm for the other party from the beginning, but later found that he was unnecessary. Acting talent beyond his imagination. According to this progress, it will be completed in less than a month, just in time for the broadcast on Christmas Eve.

Xiao Yun wiped the sweat from his forehead for Yixiu. Although it was not very hot, winter clothes were still too much for him. Yixiu changed out of his performance clothes and felt much more comfortable in his own clothes. When Yun handed over the water, Yixiu thought that stars might really have to work harder than everyone else, after all, wearing winter clothes in summer and summer clothes in winter is not acceptable to ordinary people. Everyone only saw the surface of their beauty, but did not see their hard work. At this moment, he suddenly felt that this was a noble profession.

Yixiu, who has been busy filming, didn't realize that Jinyu hadn't contacted him for a long time, and the relationship between the boss and himself was getting better and better, from being uncomfortable at the beginning to being casual now. He also knows that he already has a certain number of fans. When he has time, he will also go to Weibo to post photos of himself. After a little interaction with fans, he told them that he is busy making movies recently, so he has very little time. On TV, he didn't tell fans what movie he was making, it's still a secret, he just hoped fans would pay more attention.

After a month of recording, finally ushered in the day of wrapping up.

Chen Yi obtained the right to inherit, but the shareholders refused him to take the position because he was too young, and Chen Yi knew that this was just an excuse to prevent him from taking the position, but he did not give up. Before his adoptive parents died, he He has been using the pocket money they gave him to buy stocks, and he has earned a lot of expenses with his unique vision, and this is more than the money he used to acquire the scattered shares of Anshi Group, which together accounted for 3% of the company, Not much, but enough.

Chen Yi held a general meeting of shareholders. As he owns 48% of the shares, he has the right to hold a general meeting of shareholders.

"I don't know why Mr. An came to us!" Although one of the older shareholders called Chen Yi a son, the meaning is obvious. You are not the chairman of the board, but just a shareholder with more shares. .

Chen Yi looked at him coldly, not caring what he said.

The shareholder's scalp was numb and he felt uncomfortable: "Xiaochen, it's not that we don't let you take the position, it's just that you are still young and don't know much about the company's affairs, and this is the responsibility of your parents all their lives." Hard work, so we just hope that you start from the bottom, and we will take care of the company for you, and you can rest assured that we will return the company to you when you are capable."

But Yixiu is not a child. The other party's words sounded for his own sake, but in fact he didn't want to hand over the company to him. What do you mean he is capable? I'm afraid they won't give it to him no matter how capable he is. After all, he is just An adopted orphan.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I'm going to be alone with Uncle Li. This company belongs to my parents. Since they are gone, as a son, I am obliged to take up their burdens. Besides, I have your help around me. I don't think so." There is a problem." Although Chen Yi looked at everyone with a smile, he couldn't hide the kingly aura when he spoke.

The man named Uncle Li knew that his plan might come to nothing, so he stopped acting: "Anyway, we won't promise you to be the chairman of the board. You are just an orphan who has been adopted for only two years. We Why should we hand over the company we worked so hard to to you."

When the others heard Uncle Li's words, they all echoed, yes, this is the world they have conquered, how could it be possible to hand it over to others.

Seeing the scene that was out of control, Yixiu didn't panic, raised his hand and clapped his palms. At this moment, someone walked in. The shareholders also knew this person. This was the lawyer who was in charge of supervising the company's shares and the succession of inheritance rights, and he needed his seal. .

Everyone looked at the lawyer quietly, wanting to see what the hell was going on.

The lawyer glanced at Chen Yi, and after getting permission, he opened the document in his hand and read: "From today on, An Chenyi will take over the chairman of our company." After hearing the lawyer's words, everyone became uneasy: " How is it possible, he only has 48% of the shares, and we have the right to prevent him from ascending the position." Uncle Li stood up and said loudly.

"Who said that I only have 48% of the shares, there are still 3% of the shares here, everyone can see clearly, now I have a total of 51% of the shares, so my position does not need everyone's consent, why do you still have opinions? ?” Yixiu took out the shares in his hand and showed everyone a look, but they only needed one look to know that they had lost this battle, because they also knew that if the company’s personal shares exceeded 50%, they could directly take the position of chairman of.

Chen Yi was very satisfied with everyone's speechless appearance: "That's the end of today's meeting, the meeting is adjourned." Chen Yi left the meeting room and made a phone call: "Has anyone picked up? Very good, I'll go back right away." When Xiu returned home, he saw the lonely Xiao Yu, and walked up to him, his expressionless face became much gentler: "Xiao Yu, no one can bully us anymore!"

"Card. It's over. You have worked hard during this period. In order to celebrate our early completion, I will treat you today. Everyone will go." Nanshan said happily.

Everyone was happy to hear this, and Yixiu was also very happy that his first work was finally coming out.

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