Chapter 11 Shooting MV

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In the morning, Yixiu was woken up by Lu Jing's phone call: "Hello?"

Lu Jing knew Yixiu was still sleeping when he heard Yixiu's hoarse voice: "Is Yixiu up yet? I'm rushing to your place now, so get up quickly, the director is interested in Xiao Yi's new song for the MV You, I want you to shoot by name, and I will take you there right away."

"You're not mistaken, I'm still a rookie, the director will choose me to shoot Brother Xiao's mv?" Yi Xiu's tone was a little surprised.

"Well, I was also curious at the beginning, why the director chose you to shoot Xiao Yi's mv. Later, the other producer explained that you had replayed Xiao Yi's work before, and it was recognized by the audience. Now many people are asking about it. You, if you and Xiao Yi cooperate, it will definitely be very attractive. I also think that if you cooperate with Xiao Yi, it will definitely increase your popularity."

"Okay, I see, I'll get up right away." Yixiu was very excited when he thought that he could cooperate with his idol. After washing up as quickly as possible, Yixiu looked at the clothes in the closet. He chose a white round-neck shirt for his upper body, a pair of gray-blue casual pants for his lower body, and his shoes were also white casual shoes. The whole person looked very fresh and clean .

"Did you ask what kind of MV you are filming?" Yixiu, who was already sitting in the car, looked at Lu Jing who was driving.

"I asked, mainly because two brothers and colleagues fell in love with a girl, and later turned against each other, but all this was deliberately arranged by the girl, because her mother was sick and lacked money, so someone approached her and gave her a sum of money , asking her to make the two brothers turn against each other. The heroine may have struggled in her heart, but in the end she chose to betray. When the two brothers had a dispute on the street, a big truck suddenly came, and the younger brother was hit by a car to save his older brother. At this moment, the elder brother also knew that all of this was premeditated by others. He felt guilty for his younger brother and vowed to avenge his younger brother. Through the hostess, he finally found out who killed his younger brother, so he killed that person with his own hands. , He did not escape, he chose to surrender, he thought that only in prison can he be redeemed. The hostess went to see him, but he refused, he did not hate her, but he could not forgive her. "

"Is it because of money again?" Yixiu muttered to himself.

"What?" Lu Jing, who didn't hear clearly, asked in confusion.

"It's nothing, I just remembered the past, you can drive!" Yixiu's tone suddenly became a little cold.

Lu Jing knew that the other party was not in a good mood, so he didn't ask any more questions.

When I came to the filming crew, the people inside were busy.

"Hurry up, everyone. We have to finish work today anyway. If you don't want to delay work, work harder." The middle-aged man with a goatee who spoke.

"This is Director Li who filmed this MV." Lu Jing followed Yixiu's gaze.

"You are here!" The sharp-eyed Director Li saw Yixiu who had just arrived, and seeing the other person's appearance, he believed that this time he would definitely sell well, so he spoke in a more friendly tone: "Now I am setting up the camera and preparing to shoot. Some of the props used, you go change your clothes and make up first, and I will send them to you after the next line."

Following the direction pointed by Director Li, Yixiu and Lu Jing came to the dressing room. Yixiu saw his idol without accident. At this moment, Xiao Yi was sitting at the makeup counter with his eyes closed. He was very busy with the recording of the new song yesterday. In the evening and early in the morning, he was brought here by his agent Jiang Zimo to prepare for the MV shooting.

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