Chapter 40 To France

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"Boss, this is Yixiu's contract." Secretary Zhang handed the contract to Jin as soon as he returned to the company.

Jin, who returned to the company, has been waiting for the contract in Secretary Zhang's hand: "Okay, thank you for your hard work, you go out first! I will call you if there is anything to do!" Jin took the contract and said to Secretary Zhang with a smile.

Secretary Zhang nodded, then walked out of the office and gently closed the door. After the secretary went out, Jin looked at the document in his hand with some excitement. Now that Yixiu has nothing to do with Yanxi, does he have a chance?

Ai Chuxue was still worried about taking care of her alone, so she hurried to the hospital while her husband was away on business.

Hearing the sound of knocking on the door, Chuangjian wondered who would come here, got up and walked towards the door, opened the door and looked at the person outside in surprise: "Auntie? Do you want to rest?" Wei Zenzai asked Ai Chuxue to come in while talking.

"I don't trust you to take care of me here alone. I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it. I'm also idle at home, so I made soup for you and brought it to you." Ai Chuxue walked into the ward and gently put the thermos in her hand. on the table.

"Thank you, auntie, I'm fine." Deleted said with a smile.

Ai Chuxue looked at Zhan Zhan in front of her, feeling a little distressed for her, what a girl she is! Why can't my son see it? : "I have to eat even if I have nothing to do. I have already boiled it. Do you want to live up to your aunt's wishes?"

"How can it be! Auntie's soup is the best, of course I want to drink it." After finishing speaking, Wei censor opened the thermos and started to drink. Wei censor drank very gracefully. Very strict, especially her mother wanted her to be a lady since she was a child, so no matter what she ate, she always took small bites.

"By the way, do you want to come back? You didn't go back when you came from Hengdian, and your mother will miss you." Ai Chuxue thought that she hadn't gone back for a while, and she knew that her parents didn't want to own children.

Hearing what his aunt said, Wei Xunxue put down the soup in his hand: "No need, I already talked to my mother last night. I said I would not go back for a while, and my mother didn't say anything."

"It's really embarrassing for you, alas, why did such a thing happen when Xixi is fine." Ai Chuxue looked at her sick son's eyes reddened, as long as she saw her son still lying in the sick bed, she would feel very sad.

Hearing this, Wei Xunxue lost his appetite, and put the lid of the thermos bottle on the side: "Auntie, don't be sad, no one wants to see such a thing happen, I believe Xie will definitely Will wake up, isn't he always strong?"

"I hope so, delete delete, I mean if, if Xi didn't wake up you..."

"Auntie, I believe Xie will wake up, so there is no if." Wei Zenzai knew what Auntie was going to say, and she would not give up Xie no matter what, even if Xie really couldn't wake up, then she would always be with Xie .

Ai Chuxue didn't speak, she knew that she couldn't listen to what she said at the moment, why didn't she hope that Xie would wake up, but if Xie really couldn't wake up, then she didn't want to delay the life of Xie Zhan.

Yixiu opened the door at night, and looked at Jin who ran over again in surprise, didn't he come this morning? : "Why don't you plan to let me in?" Jin looked at the surprised Yixiu with some amusement.

"No, but Jin, didn't you come to share in the morning? What's the matter with coming so late?" Yixiu turned sideways to let Jin in.

"I'm here to tell you something, but don't get angry later." Jin didn't know if Yixiu would be angry when he heard what he said.

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