Chapter 12 The Album Sells Well

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At this time, a car came, which was a limited edition Buga Oil Veyron. Yixiu didn't pay much attention because it had nothing to do with him.

But Lu Jing couldn't stand anymore, he had seen this car countless times, who else could it be if it wasn't the boss.

Xiao Yi also looked at his boss' car with some doubts. Why did the person who hadn't been seen all day long show up so late?

Xi opened the car door and looked at the people around him blankly. When he saw Yixiu, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Boss, are you still there at this late hour?" Lu Jing looked at the boss's uncertain face with an ominous feeling.

"I was passing by here, just looking for something to do with you. Here is a document about the artist you brought in before. Although he has changed his agent now, you still know some things better. You need to communicate with his agent face to face. Now because Where is the problem with the announcement, you can go there now, by the way, he is at Yueli Hotel on Jiaoxi Road."

Listening to the boss finish all the words in one breath, he felt a little misunderstood, although his tone was still as cold, but when did he say so many things, never summed it up in one or two sentences: "Boss, is he going now?" But I still want to send Yixiu back?” He remembered correctly that Jiaoxi Road and Yixiu’s way back went in two directions.

"It's okay, I'll take him back, you go there quickly!"

What? Did he hear correctly, the boss is willing to act as a driver and take the artist back? But why he also heard the boss's intentional impulse to drive him away: "Well, then I will trouble the boss to send it." I don't want to think about it, anyway, he doesn't understand the boss's thinking, if Yixiu can get along well with the boss The relationship was also good, after Lu Jing finished speaking, he made a gesture with Yixiu to go first and left.

"Xi, if you don't have time, I can take a taxi back." Yixiu was reluctant to trouble the other party.

Xie is very satisfied with Yixiu's title for him, but why would he have no time? In order to let Lu Jingzhi leave, he even found some negligible things for him to do: "My work is already done, There's nothing wrong now, so I can send you back." Xi's voice became softer unconsciously, as if he wasn't the one talking to Lu Jing just now.

At this time, Yixiu also heard the difference between the other party's treatment of himself and others, but he was a little puzzled as to why he was so good to himself.

Xiao Yi nodded to Xi from the very beginning, as a way of taking care of him, but he didn't say a word afterwards, he naturally heard the difference between Xi and Yixiu, an answer flashed in his mind, and he understood somewhat.

Looking at the two people leaving in Juechen: "Xiao Xiuxiu is in danger." As a woman, her intuition is very good.

Xiao Yi didn't reply to Han Ling's words, but just looked in the direction the car was leaving.

Sitting in the car, Yixiu obviously felt that the atmosphere was very low. He didn't know what to say, and Xie was not a talkative person, so the two sat quietly in the car.

"Xi, are you busy every day?" Finally Yixiu broke the awkward atmosphere.

"Well, you don't have to be busy if you want, but the market is very competitive. If you relax, you will be easily replaced by other markets." Xi has always been serious about his work.

Yixiu also knows that there is no fairness in the current society, and only those who have the ability can walk in the forefront. Looking at Xi who is not much older than himself and owns countless companies, I am afraid that he has put in a lot of sweat behind it, right? Suddenly he feels sorry for Xi who has shouldered so many responsibilities at such a young age.

Feeling Yixiu's concern, Xie's originally tired eyes became clearer.

At this time, the movie starring Yixiu was also ready to start, and the previously recorded mv was finally released after several nights of overnight processing by the staff.

In the city center of N, a huge LCD TV hung on a tall building was playing Xiao Yi's new song and mv, and all the passers-by stopped to listen to the idol's new song.

never forget you.

But God made a joke for us.

Let's hurt each other.

The mistake is that we fall in love with someone we shouldn't love.

How to redeem a heart blinded by love.

When did we forget our original intention.

See yourself that you never used to be.

Give up each other for love.

become a familiar stranger.

Is this the price of love.

I would rather never have loved.

I no longer believe in love.

Because that's the price of love.

A heart that cannot be redeemed.

Because that's the price of love.



The sun goes down and you are long gone.

Because that's the price of love.

Everyone was moved by the sad song. When they watched the two brothers turn against each other for love and become the most familiar strangers, they felt sorry for the two brothers in their hearts. It was not worth it for a woman. And at the moment when they were hit by a car, seeing the beautiful Yixiu was lifeless at this moment, as if Yixiu would disappear in the next moment, they all had the urge to cry. Later, the elder brother who understood what he really wanted shed tears of repentance and chose to avenge his younger brother. Looking at the murderer who was killed by himself, he felt that he was relieved, and it was time to punish himself. He resolutely chose to go to jail, maybe this is the only way Only then will his heart be redeemed.

Those who watched the whole mv were all impressed by Yixiu's acting skills, as if he was the younger brother who hurt each other for love, but saved his brother's life with his own life at the last moment, maybe his heart still He really cares about his brother, but Xiao Yi's acting skills have always been obvious to all. Although it was just acting, many people still scolded the heroine for being so cruel and hurting two men who loved her so much. Some people also said that if Yixiu and Xiao Yi fell in love with her, they would be willing to die.

There are also some people who think that the heroine of the god horse is just a cloud, and that brothers and friends are respectful.

The song became popular the very day it was played, and the song "The Price of Love" as the album was sold out in every specialty store, and the supply even exceeded the demand, which made the store owner very happy.

And the protagonist Yixiu doesn't know this yet, because he is still preparing for a new movie at this time, but with the experience of shooting MV, he believes that he can make it well.

(Dear friends, this song is purely made up. I really don't know anything about music. It's completely half-baked, so I hope you don't mind! Just treat it as entertainment -_-||! ! !

I suddenly found that the number of clicks is so low. Dear friends, please recommend and support me for the sake of being so diligent. Also, if you feel that there is something that is not good, please help point it out. I will definitely accept it with humility. give pointers.)

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