Chapter 65 Making a Choice

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After Yixiu took a shower at night, he sat alone in the bed holding the unopened sealed bag, stared at it for a long time, and finally opened it. When he saw the contents that day, he smiled wryly. He finally waited for this day. Looking at the exquisite wedding invitation, he was in a daze for a long time, this is the last chance, how should he choose?

The past two days have been cultivated in a daze, and he doesn't care about the surrounding things at all. He just nodded casually when others told him. He woke up very early because he knew that today was Xi's wedding day. He took out the wedding invitation and looked at it for a while, then put it on the bedside table, got up and walked to the bathroom alone.

"Son, do you have something on your mind? Can you tell mom." Xiuqin naturally saw that her son had been absent-minded these days, and now she didn't say a word for half an afternoon.

"Mom is fine, don't think too much about it." Yi Xiu pretended to be fine and smiled.

Knowing that her son doesn't want to worry about herself, Xiuqin also knows that her son is getting older and now has her own concerns: "No matter what it is, Mom wants you to understand a little bit. Don't forget your original intention. It's not wrong to follow your own feelings. If you fail, you won’t regret it, at least you have worked hard to fight for it.” Although she didn’t know why her son was troubled, she believed it must be because of her feelings, after all, she was someone who had experienced it, so she could still see it. of.

Hearing his mother's words, Yixiu raised his head, and the people around him were trying to persuade him, but he couldn't pass that hurdle all the time. Did he really do something wrong? Maybe I really should fight for it once, as Jack said, be brave in the face of love, no one will pity you and give love to you, figured it out, Yixiu quickly walked to his room, and heard his own love when he entered the door. He kept thinking about his mobile phone, picked it up and saw that it was Wang Ziche who opened it.

"Yixiu, now that the boss and Wei Shanshan have entered the lobby, don't you really regret it? As a friend, I really look down on your cowardice. Although I don't understand love, I know that it is wrong for you to do this." Disrespect for love, I hope you can really think about it carefully, if you come here now, you are in a hurry." Hearing the call was connected, Wang Ziche directly said what he had been wanting to say, he didn't understand Why does love come and go, if you like it, stay together!

After listening to Wang Ziche's words, Yixiu didn't say anything but hung up the phone directly. He looked at the time for half an hour, and the time was running out. He picked up the invitation in his hand and rushed out of the room, making him selfish For a while: "Mom, I have something to do at noon so I won't come to eat."

Just after listening to her son's words, the person was gone, but she heard his son's relief, and looked at the closed door with a smile, son, you must be happy.

"Master, can I trouble you to hurry up." Yixiu's expression was a little anxious.

The driver was very speechless, as his racing car, he was already very fast, if he hadn't seen that he was his daughter's favorite star, he would not bother to talk to him: "Sir, I am already very fast, please don't worry. "

Hearing the master's words, Yixiu looked at the speed of the car and found that it was quite fast. He smiled a little embarrassedly, because he was too anxious.

"This is the world of flowers, this is the ocean of love, and this is a palace full of happiness. Let us sincerely wish the happy couple today." The wedding master of ceremonies said loudly with an exciting tone.

The people in the audience all applauded after listening. The first one to play was Xi. Even though he got married today, he couldn't see a smile on his face, and he walked towards the master of ceremonies coldly. If it wasn't for the fact that he was wearing a groom's outfit, the master of ceremonies really couldn't tell that this was the expression of someone who was about to get married.

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