Chapter 73 The condition worsens

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Both Xi and Yixiu stood at the door of the emergency room. It had been more than two hours, and the people inside hadn't come out yet. But he still doesn't want Wei Shanshan to be in danger, after all, this is a life, and he also understands what it feels like to love someone but not get it, after all, she became like this because of herself.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine." Xi who was next to her comforted softly, and he could see Yixiu's uneasiness.

Hearing Xi's words, Yixiu smiled.

Not long after, the people inside finally came out, and Yixiu looked at the doctor anxiously: "How are the people inside the doctor?"

"The patient's condition is quite serious. Because of the severe impact, the leg suffered too much force, and now the nerves in the leg are dead. I'm afraid she will spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair." The doctor looked at Yixiu regretfully. Know how much this hits people who haven't woken up.

Looking at the doctor in surprise, Yixiu didn't expect it to be so serious. In his opinion, this kind of result is probably worse than death: "Is there nothing the doctor can do?"

The doctor shook his head, even if he went to the biggest and best hospital, he believed the result would still be the same.

At this moment, the nurse pushed Wei Shanshan out, but Wei Shanshan's face was covered with gauze, only showing her closed eyes but her bloodless lips.

"Her face?" Yixiu looked at the doctor with some doubts.

"The patient's face was scratched by the glass, and if the latter is repaired well, the scar will not be obvious." This is already the best result.

Even so, Yixiu knew how important a face was to a woman.

Zhao Qing, who rushed over after hearing the news, saw her daughter lying on the bed, her face was so entangled that she could not see clearly, she almost fell to the ground: "What's wrong with my daughter? Why did she become like this?" She His voice trembled a little.

"Auntie, you may not be able to bear this result, but I still hope you can think about it." Yixiu looked at Zhao Qing worriedly.

Averting her daughter's gaze, this is the first time she has seen Ouyang Yixiu at such a close distance. The other party is indeed more beautiful than on TV, but this is not what she is concerned about: "What's wrong with my daughter?"

"Your daughter may have to live in a wheelchair in the future." Yixiu's words made Zhao Qing's eyes go dark, and she passed out directly.

When Zhao Qing knew why her daughter had a car accident, she sighed helplessly. Her daughter is like this, and she will never give up until she achieves her goal. At the beginning, she was not very in favor of the two being together, but... Who can blame this result now? This is the path my daughter chose, and she has to bear the consequences. As for the future path, let her, a mother, accompany her.

Later, Xie had to leave because of some sudden situation in the company. After saying goodbye to Yixiu, he left first.

Coming out of Zhao Qing's ward, Yixiu was a little aimless. He is not a kind person, but Wei Shanshan's final ending like this was not what he expected. He seemed to be able to imagine Wei Shanshan's expression when she woke up. That should be an expression more desperate than death.

Unknowingly, he walked to the door of Ward 306, leaning against the wall a little tiredly, but the conversation inside inadvertently shocked him.

"It's been so long, my wife, don't you plan to visit your son? His condition is getting worse and worse." Although Yu Zhen also misses his own son very much, he knows that his son's final outcome has nothing to do with Jin , All of this can only be blamed on them as adults, and children are innocent.

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