Chapter 56 Iron-Blooded Man

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Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

Looking at the endless sea in front of him, Yixiu was thinking when can a human chest be as wide as the sea? This way at least he won't live so tired. Sometimes he really feels that life is too good at making jokes, but he can't bear such jokes.

"Xi, why don't you see me all the time recently? Did I do something wrong?" Wei Xunxun couldn't help asking as soon as he walked into Xi's office. Xie has been busy with work these days and has no time to be with her. , but she faintly felt that it was not as simple as he said.

A little displeased, he looked at Wei Shanxuan who walked in without knocking: "Didn't I tell you that I'm busy with work recently? Don't you believe me?"

Seeing Xi who was obviously angry, Wei Xunxun didn't dare to say anything more, she didn't want everything she had done before to be in vain: "I believe, I just haven't seen you for a long time, so I miss you, there is noon at noon If we don't have time, let's have dinner together, okay?"

Seeing that Wei Zenzai's eyes almost turned into begging, Xi finally agreed, no matter how meticulous this person was in car accident, he couldn't do too much.

He happily walked to Xi's side: "Then let's go, it's almost time now." Wei Xunxuan couldn't hide his inner joy.

Putting down the work in hand, he smiled slightly at Wei Shan, "Then let's go!" But Xi knew that the smile now couldn't reach his eyes.

After getting off the car, Wei Xunxuan took Xi's hand and walked towards the hotel. Xi wanted to break free, but Wei Xunxuan's strength was very strong. If you break free again, it's not like you haven't held it. When they walked to the entrance of the hall, they saw Yixiu and Jin here unexpectedly. Wei Zenixun was a little stunned, turned his head to look at Xi, and Xie and Yixiu were looking at each other. It didn't take long for Yixiu and Jin left first, Xi didn't say a word, looked at the two of them glaringly, and used force unconsciously: "Hiss!" Wei Xunxue's painful voice woke Xi up.

"What's wrong with you?" Xi looked at Wei Zenzai's frowning.

"Did you hurt me?" Wei censor pointed at Xi with his other finger and held her hand tightly.

After reacting, Xi immediately let go of Wei Shanxuan's hand: "I'm sorry Xi, do you want to go and have a look?"

"I'm not so delicate. Besides, I'm here. I'm hungry too. Let's go in!" As long as I can be with Xi, this little pain is nothing.

Sitting in the private room, Yixiu recalled the handshake of the two with some amusement. They were already together, so why bother him? Why can't you let yourself live in peace?

"Yixiu, are you okay! Jin looked at the pale Yixiu with some concern. I knew that I would not have brought Yixiu here to eat just now, otherwise I would not have encountered the scene just now.

"It's okay, I'm fine!" Yes, he's really fine, why should he think so much when he gave up on his own, what does he have to do with who he's with, they're just passers-by.

Yixiu didn't meet Xi when he went back after dinner. He felt that the two of them had become parallel lines and there would be no intersection.

"Yixiu, in order to make you deeply rooted in China, I plan to let you take on another TV series. I have already found the script for you. You will come to the company later." Busnock is busy with the concert during this time. The one who released the disc is still busy helping Yixiu find the script, anyway, he won't leave for a while, he might as well let Yixiu make a TV series, everyone's status in everyone's hearts.

During this period of time, Yixiu was indeed very boring. Hearing that he could work, Yiyixiu was also very happy. Sure enough, work would make his life more fulfilling. At least it would not make him think wildly when he was free: "Okay, I'll go to the company later." This company was founded by Nigel a long time ago, and it was also to open up the Chinese market, so he bought one of the studios in the commercial building, which is fortunately quite large.

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