Chapter 55 Starting to Retrieve Memories

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In the past few days, Jin would call Yixiu whenever he had time, and got a response from Yixiu. Even though he knew that Yixiu might not like him yet, he believed that this was a good start. Not seeing is like the feeling of three autumns.

For Jin's frequent phone calls these days, Yixiu also expressed his helplessness, but he couldn't bear to hurt such a gentle person. Now he only hopes that God can let the person he is destined to appear as soon as possible, so he doesn't have to be so tired Facing Jin, the time passed quickly, and Busnock had already arranged the scene of Yixiu's autograph session. place, because only that place is the most spacious, and Yixiu did not break his promise, he still remembered the people who hadn’t signed after the last autograph meeting, so he asked the staff to arrange for the people who had records on the day to be ranked ahead.

As Yixiu thought that day, there were indeed more and more crowded people than last time, because he saw a lot of foreign friends and smiled imperceptibly, but it was not enough now, he still had to go further , but today may be busy until later.

This time Yixiu didn't want anyone to go back with disappointment, he didn't stop for a moment, even lunch was only solved in a short ten minutes, every time he saw everyone he had to smile, he really only had a smile now, because His face was already stiff, and what surprised him the most was that there was a little boy who was only four or five years old waiting in line for his autograph, listening to what the child said to him innocently: "Brother, when I grow up, I want Marry you as a wife." He had black lines on his face, he could be sure that his mother must have taught it, otherwise why would the mother behind him have a sinister smile when the child finished speaking.

On the whole, Yixiu had a fulfilling life today. Many foreigners told Yixiu how much they admired him and how much they liked him in poor Chinese, but they just smiled back and said that they would work harder. , it was past ten o'clock in the evening, and the autograph session was finally over. In the end, he sent a song from the concert to everyone, hoping that those fans who did not go to his concert will pay attention to the release of the concert disc. There are a lot of good new songs, and everyone has known Yixiu's singing skills for a long time, and they all look forward to the early release, and they will definitely buy it as soon as possible.

Now everyone has almost left, and Yixiu also came to a unique passage that belonged to him. When he walked to the underground parking lot, Yixiu saw Jin decisively: "Why are you here so late?"

"I happen to be fine. I know it will be very hard for you to have an autograph session today, so I'm going to take you to eat something. I don't know if you'd like to show your face." Jin walked up to Yixiu as he said, wiping his face with some distress Wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"You're here, why would I refuse to pick you up? Wait a minute and I'll call my agent to tell him not to come over." Sometimes Yixiu wondered if Jin had given up on his good temper, otherwise why would he grow old? This is how to cut first and then play.

Busnock, who was busy with the finishing work, received a call from Yixiu, but he didn't say anything, but just told Yixiu to be careful, he might be busy for a while now.

"Then let's go!" Yixiu hung up the phone and looked at Jin who had been looking at him. Is there something on his face? Look so carefully.

Some little happiness raised their lips, slowly held Yixiu's hand, and walked towards the direction where he parked. Yixiu tried to shake it off, but he couldn't shake it off, so he had to give up in the end. People just walked silently like this, Yixiu was still following Jin's footsteps with his hair lowered in a daze, but he didn't know when Jin stopped, and Yixiu almost bumped into him accidentally: "Jin, why are you... ......?" Before he could say the last word, he saw the person standing in front of Jin.

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