Chapter 74 The Dust Settles [End]

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After a while, Yixiu came back, and the test results would not be available until tomorrow morning at the earliest. After saying a few words to make them worry, he left, and he would come back early tomorrow morning.

"You mean Yujin has leukemia?" Xi was a little surprised by Yixiu's words.

He nodded wearily: "You know what? I overheard a big secret. If I hadn't been reborn, it would be a secret that I would never know." Yixiu leaned sadly on Xi's shoulder. .

Looking at the frail Yixiu, Xixiu touched Xiu's head encouragingly.

"Do you know who my biological parents are? My biological parents will be Jin's parents, and Jin has lived in my family for so many years in my place, but I have become an orphan that no one wants, Xi Don't you think this joke is a little too big?" Yixiu smiled self-deprecatingly.

Hearing Yixiu's words surprised Xi even more, but he knew how uncomfortable Yixiu was at the moment. A child who had been in an orphan for so many years finally found out that his biological parents had unreservedly given the love that should be given to him to an unreserved child. People of any blood relationship, no matter who they are, probably won't be able to accept it!

"Maybe this is God's deliberate arrangement! If it weren't for this, how could I meet you, then we wouldn't be together, since it has happened, you have to face it bravely, at least you know your own life Parents did not abandon you, and they are also victims, I believe there is no parent in this world who does not love their children." Xi looked into the distance with some emotion.

"Don't worry, I've already thought about it. What I'm most worried about now is Jin's illness. He doesn't have much time to delay, but he still can't find a bone marrow that matches him." Yixiu left Xi's body, eyes full of worries.

Xi knew that Yixiu's worry came from the friendship between friends, so he was not jealous at all. Yixiu was already his own, so what else did he have to worry about: "Don't worry, he will be fine." Although he and Jin It's just a partner at work, but he also knows that the other party accompanied Yixiu's downturn when he lost his memory. No matter how he thinks about it, he doesn't want anything to happen to Jin. After all, the other party is also a rare talent.

"Xi, I'm going to tell you something, if you can, I hope you can support me." Yixiu looked at Xi seriously.

"What's the matter?" Xi had already vaguely guessed what it was, his Yixiu was always so kind.

After thinking for a while, Yixiu decided to speak out, no matter whether Xi agreed or not, he would stick to his idea: "I have already taken a blood sample in the hospital, if mine can match with Jin, I will give him a bone marrow transplant. "

After his own ideas were verified, Xi sighed helplessly: "But don't you still want to film? If you do bone marrow transplantation, you don't want to delay the process of filming."

"I don't need to shoot the movie, but Jin has only one life. I owe Jin too much, and I can repay a little." Yixiu had thought about this a long time ago, and if it matched, he would reject the movie. Even if you will be scolded by the agent for the bloody sprinkler.

The next day Xi didn't go to work but went to the hospital with Yixiu. When he came to the ward, he saw Jin who was still unconscious. He didn't expect him to haggard like this after not seeing him for a long time, which shows how hard he was tortured by the illness.

After a while, I felt that the time was almost up. Yixiu and Xi went to get the test results, and Chu Rui couldn't help but follow, as long as there was a glimmer of hope, he would not let it go.

The eyes of the three were fixed on the sealed result. Yixiu slowly opened the seal, took out a piece of paper with the result written on it, and carefully opened it. When everyone saw the result I was about to yell excitedly when I saw the words on it: "Bone marrow match, can be transplanted."

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