Chapter 39 A Conversation Between Two People

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Waiting for the uncles and aunts to leave, the rear guard deletes and sits alone beside Xi, looking at Xi affectionately: "Why can't you see my love for you? Could it be that you can't do anything for that one repair? Do you know Dao sees you like this, my heart really hurts, can you like me, even just a little bit." Wei Xunxun held Xi's hand and tears made people look very distressed.

No matter what Wei Zenzuan said, Xi still lay there motionless. If it wasn't for the fluctuating heartbeat of Xie displayed on the computer, she really thought Xie was a cold corpse, and she was really afraid that Xie would never wake up again. Yes, this is the man she loves like her life: "Xi, if you really can't wake up, then I'll go and accompany you, okay?" Wei Xunxue gently touched Xi's face.

Jin was still worried. Yixiu immediately called Lu Jing. After learning that Yixiu was at home, he rushed over immediately. When he heard the doorbell, Xiuqin went to open the door: "Jin, you are here, come in quickly!" Xiuqin Looking at Jin who arrived happily, although her son smiled at her every day these days, she knew that he had a lot of worries and was not happy. Now that Jin is here, she can help enlighten her son.

"Auntie, is Yixiu there?" Jin walked in and asked.

"Here, in the room, Aunt Jin, please ask you one thing. Although Yixiu can't feel any unhappiness or sadness in the past few days, Auntie knows that he is only bearing it alone, so Auntie hopes you can enlighten him. , I feel sad to see Yixiu like this!" Xiuqin whispered to Jin who was beside her.

"I know Auntie, don't be too sad. We can all understand Yixiu's mood when something like this happens. I will persuade him well, so I will go in first." Jin pointed to Xiuxiu's room with his finger direction.

Xiuqin nodded: "Well, you go in!"

Jin came to the door of the room and knocked on the door, but didn't hear another voice inside, so she opened the door gently and walked in, only to see Yixiu sitting at the computer desk with a book in a daze, he didn't even come in. have no idea.

Jin walked over to remove the book in Yixiu's hand, and Yixiu came back to his senses: "Jin, why are you here?" Yixiu looked at Jin in surprise.

"How could I not come after something like this happened, how are you doing, Yixiu?" Jin looked at Yixiu with concern.

Yixiu shook his head indifferently: "I'm fine, I'm fine, this little thing is nothing to me, you don't have to worry."

But the more he heard Yixiu say this, the more worried Jin became, because he knew that Yixiu was a person who liked to swallow all kinds of hardships: "Yixiu, I know you must be very sad. Who can bear such a thing? What about it? I said that if I lend you my shoulder at any time."

"Thank you for your concern, I'm really fine!" Yixiu looked indifferent.

Hearing this, Jin got angry: "I said Ouyang Yixiu, you can't be so brave, okay? You are obviously sad in your heart, but you have to act like it doesn't matter to anyone else. Do you think I can't see it? Do you think Will everyone be happy if you are like this? Do you know that auntie has been very worried about you for the past two days, and she just asked me to have a good chat with you, when will you open up to us? Or is it that we are not worthy of you in your heart? Open your heart?" This is the first time Jin got angry with Yixiu, and he just can't get used to Yixiu's appearance like this, which is obviously bitterer than anyone else, but he wants to pretend to be sweeter than anyone else.

Looking at Jin who got angry for the first time, Yixiu knew that his actions did not bring them peace of mind, but made them even more sad: "I'm sorry Jin, I just don't want you to worry, this incident hit me hard, But I believe that time will dilute everything, so don't worry about me."

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