Chapter 48 Press Conference

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"I hope you don't put your personal feelings on work in the future, if you want to be a competent artist." Busnock glanced at the silent Yixiu.

Yixiu, who was still immersed in his own thoughts, didn't hear Busnock's words: "Hey, did you listen to what I said?" After seeing Yixiu who didn't answer for a long time, Busnock amplified his volume double.

Yixiu was startled by Busnock's voice: "Ah, yes, Mr. Busnock, you are right." He didn't hear Busnock's words clearly, but just agreed to Busnock's words casually.

Shaking his head, he knew that Yixiu didn't hear what he was saying: "I don't want you to answer whether what I said is right or wrong, look at your current appearance, my father didn't show your face when he died. Good deed, who are you showing it to? Do you want the whole world to know that you are in a bad mood? You are wrong. Few people will really care about whether you are in a good mood or not. They want It's just that you can make them happy, you know? So put away your dying expression." Busnock said so much in one breath, and now he only feels dry.

After hearing Busnock's words clearly this time, Yixiu didn't expect that he would be so obvious. It turned out that Xi's matter gave him too much obsession. He shouldn't think about it now, but to be good. Work, only when he becomes stronger can he appear proudly in front of him, and then tell him fiercely, don't be stupid, do you really think you can't live without me? You are wrong, I not only survived but also lived very well, you can wait for my revenge in the future! Yixiu felt a little funny when he thought of these thoughts. When did he become so mentally handicapped? But still earnestly replied Busnock's words: "I know, and I will never do it again."

Hearing Yixiu's words, Busnock nodded in satisfaction.

The subsequent filming went smoothly. Everyone wanted to finish filming as soon as possible, so they worked very hard and were naturally efficient. They finally ushered in the day of filming. The atmosphere on the scene was very sad, even though everyone knew that Marcus was just a clone being used, but the mistake was that he came from evil hands, and his decision was doomed to be tragic. Turning around, Bernice appeared in front of Markas’s tombstone with a bouquet of flowers, looking sadly at Markas who smiled beautifully, their memories and the picture of the doctor being taken away by the police flashed in her mind: " You know? The world is beautiful because of you."

"Cut, ok." Everyone immediately cheered when they heard the director's words, which meant that it was over, and the hard work they had put in for so long would be revealed soon.

The nearly four-month-long filming has finally come to an end, and Nigel is also very happy at the moment: "Everyone has worked hard during this period, and we will gather together tonight, and we will see you at Faxie Restaurant at seven o'clock."

Everyone cheered even more when they heard the director's words. They must give the director a good meal today. Anyway, the boss has plenty of money.

In the evening, everyone ate and had a good time. This is the second time Yixiu participated in such a party, but the mood was different earlier than at that time, but he is still very happy with the completion of the movie. Now he and everyone’s expectations All the same, I just hope that the movie will be liked by everyone, this is the first time he has made such a thrilling movie.

Everyone played very late, and it was almost twelve o'clock before Busnock sent him back to the place where he lived. Yixiu was drunk this time, and he felt that the feeling of being drunk was really good. It's not too much to indulge once in a while. Busnock didn't stop Yixiu's move today. In his opinion, as long as it doesn't affect his work, getting drunk once in a while is not a big problem.

But looking at the drunk Yixiu, he only felt that many people would not be able to control his appearance in the daytime. Fortunately, he has a wife, otherwise he really didn't know what kind of behavior he would make. Now that he finds out that there is such an artist, he will not be very worried.

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