Chapter 49 Coming Soon

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"Is there anything you want to ask after the short movie screen? Everyone can start." Nigel looked at the audience, and when he heard the director had spoken, everyone began to ask impatiently.

"Mr. Nigel, why do you choose a newcomer you have never heard of when you are the protagonist in the movie? Are you not afraid that the effect you want will not be achieved?" A woman in business attire asked curiously.

Perhaps he had thought of this problem a long time ago, but Nigel didn't even think about it: "Yixiu is not a newcomer. In my eyes, he is the most talented performer. It's not that I lift him up, but if everyone After seeing Yixiu’s movies and advertisements in China, maybe no one will ask me this question.”

After hearing Nigel's words, everyone knew that Yixiu already had works in China: "Then, Mr. Yixiu, why did you give up working hard in China and choose to start anew abroad?" Be tough, not all journalists will give you face.

Knowing that this is the nature of most reporters, Yixiu showed no unnecessary expressions, nor did he feel a little unhappy because of these words, but instead smiled at everyone: "I believe everyone is very curious about this question, then I will also Don’t lie to everyone, in fact, my reputation in China is not good, even very bad, why is this? Actually, I don’t know, maybe there are too many misunderstandings! But I believe there will always be a rainy day One day, I want to tell those who have been silently supporting me that I am back!" Yixiu showed a charming smile to the camera when he said this, this time he really came back up.

Everyone listened quietly to Yixiu's words. Although it was a little cloudy, they basically understood it. They couldn't understand how such a gentle and beautiful person would do things that everyone could not accept. They decided to go back today. Look at Yixiu's works, but there are many people who have seen Yixiu's works, but they don't know why Yixiu can't get along in China.

"What do you think is the biggest selling point of this work?" In fact, this sentence seems very simple, but if you don't answer it well, it will also change the sales of this work.

But such a question is also not difficult for Yixiu: "I think the biggest selling point is everyone. If everyone can accept and love this movie, then I think this is its biggest selling point."

The reporter who asked the question did not expect Yixiu to be so glib, and Busnock and Nigel were very satisfied with Yixiu's question and answer, because if no matter which selling point Yixiu said, everyone would be very satisfied with the movie. Lose some interest, like you already know some of what's going on. Then you naturally don't want to spend time going through the whole process, and Yixiu's answer will only make more people interested.

"I want to ask Miss Bridget, what was it like to be on the same stage with Yixiu for the first time?" The object of the question this time was Bridget.

Bridget heard that the other person was asking herself, and pretended to be surprised: "Hey, are you asking me? I thought everyone only had Yixiu in their eyes, and they almost forgot about our old performing arts." Everyone listened He smiled awkwardly at Bridget's words.

"However, if you really ask me how I feel, I think it's cool. Don't blame me for speaking rudely, because facing such a beautiful person every day, who would dare to say that it's not good?" Bridget looked at everyone funny.

But everyone was amused by Bridget's relaxed and funny words, and the embarrassment just now was completely gone, which is why everyone likes Bridget.

Then I asked Bridget a few more questions, and then a reporter asked McDonnell: "Mr. McDonnell, this is the first time you try such a role, did you encounter any difficulties during the performance? "

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