Chapter 25 Awarded

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Yixiu's shooting location is on the swimming pool on the roof, and the filming crew is arranging the planning of the location. When the director saw Jin and Yixiu, he smiled and said hello, and then continued to tell the people around him to do things.

"This is the shooting location, and they will give you the script of the filming later." Jin pointed to the swimming pool, the water in it was very clear, this was the water he arranged to be replaced yesterday, and no one had entered it yet.

Yixiu nodded slightly, he can still swim.

"This is the line that the director just gave me, take a look." Lu Jing said and gave a revision to the script in his hand.

In fact, there are not a few lines in it, and most of them are instructions and requirements for some actions. Yixiu doesn't think there is any difficulty.

The shooting officially started. Xiu was swimming in the water wearing a white one-inch shirt and casual jeans. When he swam to the shore, he stretched out his left hand with a watch and walked up the stairs to the shore. At this time, the camera will give a close-up of his left hand. Then there was Yixiu standing barefoot on the shore, deliberately leaving two buttons on his white shirt to reveal his sexy collarbone and slender neck, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He raised the wine glass in his left hand and opened it He opened his mouth slightly, and the watch on his hand was refracted with dazzling light due to the light, and finally faced the camera like a noble prince, showing a gentlemanly smile: "Excellent taste, you deserve it." This is his The only line, the sexy and hoarse voice gives people infinite charm. He is so radiant at the moment, and the director of the shooting has already driven this watch named fantasy, which will definitely sell well.

This is what Lu Jing expected. After all, Yixiu has given him too many surprises. Now he is no longer surprised. He just shouts in his heart that this is really a monster. Why would God make it? Such a perfect person?

Jin's eyes never leave Yixiu's figure, this is the person he misses in his heart, he fell in love with Yixiu from the first sight, and it has never changed until now, he feels that he will never like others again in this life .

Xiao Yun suppressed the urge to have a nosebleed, he has been with Yixiu for so long, but he still has no immunity. Seeing that it was over, he quickly took a clean towel and handed it over. Yixiu wiped his hair casually. The weather had turned cold, but the water in the pool was warm. He guessed that this was probably Jin's masterpiece.

After changing into clean clothes, he felt much more comfortable. He didn't like the feeling of being wet.

"Do you have time at noon? I'll treat you to dinner." Jin's eyes looked expectant.

This made Yixiu a little bit difficult, he didn't want to reject Jin, but he agreed to have lunch with Xi: "Well, I'll treat you to lunch tomorrow, I've never invited you to dinner before."

"Isn't it okay at noon today?" He deliberately canceled the noon meeting just now for a repair.

"Sorry, I have an appointment at noon today." Yixiu looked at Jin embarrassedly.

"Well, then you go, but don't forget to invite me to dinner tomorrow!" Although Jin looked at Yixiu with a smile, he was still unspeakably disappointed.

Saying goodbye to Jin, he hurried to the company. It was already noon, and he was afraid that Xi would wait for him there.

Looking at Yixiu's anxious back, Jin suddenly felt a pain in his chest, and he had a feeling that he had lost Yixiu.

Sure enough, when he came to the studio, Xi had already sat there waiting, but his face showed no impatient expression, and he didn't say anything when he called Yixiu, because he knew what Yixiu was doing just now, and asked Lu Jing to leave. On one side, he took Yixiu's hand and left.

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