Chapter 69 Die if you don't agree

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"Have you finished reading it? What are your thoughts?" Busnock felt that the time was almost up and walked in.

"Well, I read it roughly, but I think the only problem at the moment is that I can't drive." Yixiu didn't think it was a shame that he couldn't drive, so he said it naturally.

But Busnock was not calm when he heard this. How could he forget such an important thing? To make this movie, you must have skilled driving skills, otherwise any situation will be very serious. Difficult to solve, rubbing the corners of the eyes with some headaches: "Well, you go to take the driver's license test now, if it is soon, you can get it in 20 days, don't think about anything else during this time, take the test hard, if If you have extra time, you can study the script, as for the progress of the filming, it can only be done in the future, and I will tell the boss later." He seems to be able to hear Nigel's furious words now.

Sure enough, when he said this to Nigel, Nigel asked him angrily why he didn't think of such an important matter? It’s easy to say after the shooting, now many artists have pushed down the announcements in their hands and waited for the shooting to start. Now give him a car king who can’t drive. Isn’t this an international joke, but there is no way, so he just needs to shoot first Some episodes have been added, and the rest will be added when the repair comes, but now he really wants to beat this shrewd Bushnock.

So Yixiu returned to China magnificently, because his nationality is still in China, so he can only take the driver's license test in China. When Xie knew that Yixiu was back, he immediately put down his work and came to the airport. He will keep a low profile in the future, and he cannot believe that everyone's eyes will stay on him, because Yixiu is returning to China secretly, so no one will find that this ordinary dressed man with a big plain mirror will be their idol, but others may not recognize him Come out, but Xie saw Yixiu at a glance, because this was his lover, he could recognize it even with his eyes closed.

Also noticed Xie Yixiu, quickened his pace, and the two hugged each other, but to outsiders, it was just a simple hug, after all, one of them flew from abroad, maybe they just haven't seen each other for a long time. After that, the two of them didn't make any moves. When Yixiu got into the car, he took off his glasses and looked at Xi closely. After leaving for a few days, he found that he missed Xi more and more. Why not Hee? Although he supports Yixiu's work, it doesn't mean he doesn't miss Yixiu, and seeing Yixiu's longing is getting stronger and stronger.

After the two came to the villa, they hugged each other like glue. How hard they tried showed how much they missed each other.

"When does Yixiu want to start taking the driver's license test? I've already registered for you." When he knew that Yixiu was coming back to take the driver's license test, he had already arranged for his staff to do it. As long as it was related to Yixiu, he would Not sloppy.

Thinking of what I said before I got on the plane that I had to take the driver's license test, Xie had already done it for me, how could such Xie not love him: "The sooner the better, now the crew is stuck there because of me, How dare he keep procrastinating."

Knowing Yixiu's character, Xi didn't say much, although he really wanted Yixiu to stay with him for a few more days: "Well, that's okay, after two days, you can go directly to the subject one, and there will be a separate coach to teach you later. If you can pass it every time, you can get a driver's license up to 10."

Hearing that the time was shortened by more than half than he expected, Yixiu was a little happy, he would definitely pass it once, after confirming, he downloaded a driving test book, he had to work hard on the questions, Xi didn't bother him, he Believe in Yixiu's strength, after all, his unyielding spirit is there.

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