Chapter 36 A Car Accident

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Xi sat on the chair as usual and turned on the computer to read the document, but the screen that popped up on the computer suddenly caught his attention. It read: "When the popular idol beats up the rookie while filming, he becomes unconscious. He hasn’t made a statement yet. According to insiders, Star Entertainment intends to give up Yixiu. Does this mean that the company is very dissatisfied with Yixiu’s approach? And Yixiu hasn’t shown up until now, and all fans are waiting for him to say something.” Xi looked at the report with some annoyance, how could Yixiu do this, someone must have deliberately retaliated, what do you mean the company is going to give up Yixiu, and he will never allow such a thing to happen.

Xi immediately took out his mobile phone, and when he unlocked the phone, he found that there was a repaired caller ID, which was from yesterday afternoon, since he didn't know, he thought of this, Xi immediately called, but the only reply was that the number you dialed was turned off. Xixi pressed a keypad on the landline with some irritability: "Call those managers and above, immediately!"

When the secretary heard what the boss said, he knew that the other party was in a bad mood, so he immediately contacted those high-level officials.

Seven or eight people are not crowded in Xixi's office now. Everyone is peeking at each other. Looking at the long-faced boss, they are suffering in their hearts. In fact, they have already guessed why the boss called them over.

Sure enough: "Can you guys explain what's going on?" Xi turned the notebook to the person opposite, and everyone took a rough look.

Looking at the silent people in front of him, Xi slapped the table vigorously with his hand, and everyone burst into a cold sweat in shock.

"It's not what we want to do as the chairman, but?" The manager of the publicity department didn't say what happened next.

"Don't play charades, what's going on?" Xi didn't have time to waste time with them here.

"It was the old director's order, and we dare not disobey it!" The manager of the publicity department said helplessly.

Hearing that this was the reason, Xi threw the documents on the table angrily. Everyone had never seen Yanxi so angry before, standing there a little uneasy.

It was also because of his father, he really couldn't figure out why he was so opposed to this matter, did he really want the two of them to break off the relationship between father and son?

"You have to find out this matter for me. Don't forget that I am the chairman of the board now." Xi's voice was extremely cold.

How could everyone dare not agree when they heard this, and nodded quickly.

"Okay, you go out!" Everyone heard the boss's words as if they were released, and hurried out, not forgetting to take their friends with them.

Xi thought for a while, got up, picked up his coat and went out. Since he couldn't be contacted, he went to find him himself. He felt that Yixiu should have his company by his side at this moment.

The car sped towards Hengdian at high speed, Xi, who was only thinking about repairing, didn't notice a truck with a brake failure and speeding over at the fork.

With a sound of "bang", the big truck directly knocked Xi's sports car into the air five meters away, and the slowly stopped car was severely deformed by the truck, and Xi Zao lost consciousness, and his hands were still tightly held. Steering wheel, but the head fell on the steering wheel bleeding profusely.

"Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong!" An ambulance drove quickly on the road. Xi was lying on the bed of the ambulance, with oxygen tanks inserted in both nostrils, and his face was pale. Without the coldness of the morning, he looks like a fragile glass now, only the slightly heaving chest tells others that he is still alive.

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