Chapter 7 Formal Signing

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Yixiu was sitting in the signing room, holding the signing contract given to him by the HR department.

After the actors sign the contract, all remuneration is based on four or six points. During the period, without the company's consent, they are not allowed to take jobs privately. Once they are found out, they will be compensated three times the liquidated damages. Of course, the liquidated damages are expensive, and smart people will not choose to touch this mine. The company is responsible for all the costumes and props related to the performance during the actor's working period, and the domicile company will also arrange for them. ……….

Yixiu was quite satisfied with such a contract, but frowned when he saw that the contract was signed for fifteen years. Why is it so long? Isn't it usually three to five years?

Ye Hua looked at Yixiu who was frowning, and knew why he was frowning. The previous contract conditions were still beneficial to him, but the contract was indeed relatively long. When the boss gave him this contract, he was surprised that he never cared about the company's contract. The president actually drew up contracts for the actors himself, and it took such a long time, but after seeing Yixiu's appearance and temperament, he felt that the boss's choice was not wrong.

Thinking of the death order given by the boss, saying that he must sign the person no matter what, but now seeing the other party's expression, he knew it was a bit difficult: "Do you have any questions?" Although he knew the other party's questions, he still had to pretend to ask Down.

Yixiu raised his head: "Why did the contract take so long? Isn't it only three to five years?"

"Hey, it's like this because the company found that you are an actor with great potential and believed that you would have a bright future in the future, so the company broke the rules and signed you for such a long time, so Yixiu wanted to leave our company ?” No matter how Ye Hua’s words sounded, it sounded like Yixiu took advantage of it.

Yixiu saw the other party's answer like this, and felt that since he signed with this company, he didn't intend to change. Instead of re-signing at that time, it would be better to sign now, so Yixiu signed under Ye Hua's gaze. Named himself.

Yehua didn't expect the other party to sign the contract just because of these few words, and he was beaming with joy for a moment: "Sharp, don't worry about your salary. If there is room for improvement, the company will draw up a contract." of. The company will arrange a broker and assistant for you later, please sit down first, I will leave if I have something to do. "As if afraid of the other party's repentance, Ye Huafeng left the signing room.

Seeing the other party's overjoyed smiling face and the figure leaving in a hurry, why does Yixiu feel as if he has sold himself?

"Knock, click, click." It didn't take long before the knock on the door came.

"Please come in." Yixiu replied to the door.

At this time, a smiling and amiable middle-aged man came in, followed by two men.

"Hello, I'm from the human resources department. I'm in charge of arranging managers and assistants for new actors. This is manager Lu Jing, and this is your assistant Xiao Yun."

Yixiu looked at the other person's words, and the first thing he saw was a man named Lu Jing, who was 1.8 meters tall, wearing a pair of glasses, wearing a neat gray-blue suit, and had a faint smile on his face. . This person gave Yixiu the feeling that he was not as humble as he appeared on the surface, he should be a master who pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger. Lu Jing has brought many stars, and there is no lack of stars who have entered the first line, but it is difficult to go to the next level. He has always wanted to bring out a superstar like Xiao Yi. As his manager and his friend, he often shows off him in front of him, but when he saw Yixiu, his eyes lit up under the lens , his intuition is not wrong, this person will definitely go further than the artists he brought before, and even surpass Xiao Yi.

And the guy named Yun is a relatively young guy, not very good looking, but his eyes are very bright, but some flickering eyes tell others that he is a little nervous now, this is his first time as an assistant, when he Seeing that he was going to work with such a beautiful person, he became nervous, for fear that the other person would not like him.

In fact, Yixiu was quite satisfied with these two people, and nodded slightly to them.

Feeling that it was none of his business, the middle-aged man said a few words of blessing to Yixiu and left.

"Hello, I am your manager. I will be solely responsible for all your announcements and work-related matters in the future. I hope we can have a good job." Lu Jing first stretched out his right hand. If he knew what he meant, You won't reject yourself.

Yixiu stared at the other party's right hand for a few seconds, then slowly stretched out his right hand: "Happy cooperation!"

Seeing the hands put down by the two, Xiao Yun introduced himself with some stammer, "You... hello! I'm your assistant."

"Well, hello, little Yun, don't be nervous, I'm not a tiger, I don't know how to eat people." Yixiu joked. In fact, he still likes Xiao Yun quite a bit, such a person has no scheming.

As a result, when Xiao Yun heard this, his face became even redder. He didn't expect the other party, and he didn't have any airs. But he swore that he would do his job as an assistant.

"Yixiu, you have some fame now, but it's not enough. What the entertainment industry lacks most is breaking news. Once everyone's attention is diverted from you, few people will think of you, so we have to strike while the iron is hot. , I will pick a few better scripts for you later, and we will go to the audition after you choose. It is difficult for an actor to get a job without a good work that leaves a deep impression on the audience." A dedicated A good manager is to always plan for his artist.

"Okay, give me the script later." Yixiu also agrees with Lu Jing's point of view. He still remembers that his idol Xiao Yi became famous because of that debut work, but he seems to remember that Xiao Yi is also from this company. Yes, I don't know if I can meet my idol, and I want another autograph by the way.

As expected, the Star Entertainment Company is very aggressive in its work. Not long after I came back, I repaired it. Before my butt was hot, I received a call from the company, saying that the accommodation has been arranged, and told him to move there when he has time. The company will send a car to take him there. . Yixiu also knew that his current status was not suitable for living here. Once someone found him, it would cause trouble to his mother's life. After reporting his family name, he asked the company's car to come over at 8 o'clock in the evening, and then hung up the phone.

Xiuqin knew her son was going to move out, but she didn't try to keep her, but only told her son to take good care of himself.

When he was packing his luggage in the evening, he suddenly realized that he didn't seem to have anything to pack. He couldn't wear the white clothes that had been washed, so he finally took some relatively new clothes and daily toiletries.

When getting into the company car, Yixiu knew that his acting career had just begun, and he was still full of hope for the future.

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