Chapter 20 There's a Gossip

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Sure enough, when Yixiu came to the hotel entrance, he saw Xi's car parked there, and walked straight over.

Xi pressed something like a keyboard and the door opened by itself. After Yixiu sat in, the car drove away. Yixiu looked at the expressionless Xie and secretly wondered when did he offend him?

"What did the person who ate with you today tell you?" Xie's voice interrupted Yixiu's thinking.

Although I was curious about why he was concerned with his personal affairs, he still said it out, after all, it is not very important: "Jin, he just wanted to celebrate the big sale of my movie, so he didn't say anything, but he seems to have something important later. Tell me about it, but your call came, so I haven't come to listen urgently." Yixiu didn't know why he always felt that his words made him much happier, and even the corners of his mouth turned up a little.

Of course Xie knew what Jin had to say to Yixiu. When he knew that Yixiu was with Jinyu, he felt it. After that night, he had already regarded Yixiu as his own. In his heart, Yixiu is already his own, although he still doesn't know whether he is out of affection or love for Yixiu, but before he is sure, he doesn't allow Yixiu to have another in his heart. people.

"What's the matter with you coming to see me?" Yixiu asked when he saw Xixi's mood improved.

"As a member of the company, you have earned so much money for the company. As the boss, I must express that I planned to invite you to dinner at noon, but you have already eaten." Xie's tone revealed a sad.

This made Yixiu a little embarrassed: "Xi, haven't you eaten yet?"

Hee nodded.

"How about this, if Xi doesn't mind, I'll cook for lunch today." Yixiu felt that it would be very boring to eat alone in a hotel.

"Okay." Xi, he has never eaten a meal cooked by Yixiu?

Looking at the busy Yixiu in the kitchen, it made Xi feel like a good wife and mother, as if he was a husband waiting for his wife to cook, but he didn't hate this feeling.

Suddenly he remembered the information about Ouyang Yixiu. Even though his family’s life was not good, his mother never let Yixiu into the kitchen, so it was impossible for him to be able to cook. So what about Yixiu who is so familiar with cooking now? explain? Recalling Du Yixiu, who has passed away, and Ouyang Yixiu's "The Forgotten Child", he always felt that it would be impossible to interpret it so vividly if he hadn't been brought up in the orphanage. And Du Yixiu is a child who has been forgotten since birth.

Thinking of this, Xi was almost sure that he would not hate the other party because of this, but thinking of Du Yixiu's past made him feel inexplicably distressed. He felt that Yixiu should be the happiest person in the world.

At this moment, he has the urge to hold Yixiu tightly in his arms, and tell him that he can give him a lifetime of happiness.

Yixiu's cooking skills are very good, and Xie even thinks it is better than any chef in any hotel, so he ate more than usual today, and he suddenly thought that he could come to eat more often in the future and enhance his relationship.

"Where did you learn your skills?" Xi put down the bowl and chopsticks and asked casually.

Yixiu paused, then smiled slightly: "I learned this from my mother, and my mother cooks delicious food." This is the only reason Yixiu can think of, after all, the food cooked by my mother is really delicious.

Xi didn't miss Yixiu's actions, and what he said made Xi more sure of Yixiu's true identity, but he didn't plan to say it yet, he believed that sooner or later he would hear him say it himself.

With Yixiu's movie box office hit, Yixiu's recent announcements have been soft, Lu Jing has tried to reduce Yixiu's announcements, but there are still some announcements coming to them continuously.

Yixiu was busy with the announcements every day. He was already tired and thinner. Even with concealer, he could still see faint marks on the dark circles under his eyes. This made the makeup artist who put on his makeup feel very distressed. Yes, but Yixiu didn't think there was anything wrong with it. If he couldn't bear this bit of hardship, how could he move forward step by step.

Now Yixiu's company is surrounded by fans every day, and Yixiu can receive all kinds of small gifts every day. As long as Yixiu has time, he will agree to their requests for autographs and group photos, so fans love such an approachable Yixiu even more.

Looking at Yixiu's triumphant appearance, someone looked at him with vicious eyes. It was this person who ruined his family. He would not just let him go. Terrified, but an incomparably wretched smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He went to bed very late last night and had to get up early in the morning. Now he habitually likes to take out his notebook to check the current developments. But a striking headline caught his attention: "The popular star Ouyang Yixiu is actually gay. "Below there is a photo of him hugging a man intimately at the entrance of the hotel. His face is very blurry, but it is not difficult to see that it is him. Many of the reasons are borrowed, so he looks like he is kissing the people around him. , the last photo is of him and that man getting in the car and leaving. This will make people who see it wonder why the two of them went?

Touching his forehead with some headaches, of course he remembered this scene. It was the night when the film was finished. The movements are not quite in control, why doesn't he know that he is gay.

From this point of view, it was taken advantage of by someone with a heart. Yixiu can now feel the expressions of disappointment in everyone.

"I've always been strong, tell me what to do, and my dream will come true." The ringing of the phone broke the quiet air, and Yixiu didn't need to think to know that it was Lu Jing who called: "Hello."

"Yixiu, have you woken up? Now there are negative news about you on the Internet. You should not come out today. The announcement is not in a hurry. You should take a rest today, and we will help you solve it." Lu Jing said in a concerned tone. Let Yixiu be a little moved.

"I just read it. It's purely fictional. I just don't know who wants to play me like this?" Yixiu was a little puzzled. He didn't seem to have offended anyone in the entertainment circle. Suddenly, the appearance of Wang Ziche appeared in his mind. It passed by in a flash, but it's been so long since we met, he probably wouldn't do this, he still remembered that the other party was also busy filming a TV series before, and his work was an idol drama that he didn't choose.

"I will find out about this matter, but little Yun was also frightened, knowing that it was his negligence that caused you to be misunderstood, and he is still blaming himself now!" Lu Jing said helplessly.

"Tell him that I didn't blame him, and told him not to think so much." Yixiu also knew that Xiao Yun didn't do it on purpose, and he didn't know it would happen at the time, otherwise he wouldn't drink if he was killed.

"Well, I'll tell you, I'll hang up first." He still has something to do now.

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