Chapter 44 Film and Television Script

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After Yixiu said goodbye to Jack, he came to Los Angeles with Nigel. When he got off the plane, someone came to pick him up. The first place Yixiu went to was not the dormitory, but Nigel’s company. It looked bigger than he imagined. In the company, Yixiu knew that everything would start all over again from now on.

Walking into the company, those busy people saw their CEO walking in with a very beautiful Asian boy. They all stopped their work and looked at the Asian boy intently. They knew that their boss had been looking for a Now it seems that he has found an Asian boy who fits his script. Just by looking at this boy's appearance, people can't take his eyes off him. If his acting skills are good, he will be a new generation star in the entertainment industry.

Looking at the people looking at him, Yixiu smiled politely, but he didn't know that his smile made many people couldn't help but cover their noses, and they could feel that there was a stick in their noses. Seeing such a person showing cute behavior, Yixiu is even more happy, such a person seems to be very easy to get along with at least.

When I came to Nigel's office, it looked simple but rigorous.

"Yixiu, sit down first, I'll make a call." Nigel walked in, looked at Yixiu with a smile, walked to the desk, picked up the landline and made a call: "I'm Nigel, please call me Busnock come to the office."

After a while, a tall American man knocked on the door that was not closed, and walked in with Nigel's permission: "Boss, what do you want from me?" A fix on the couch.

"Sit down and talk!" Nigel sat down on the sofa after finishing speaking.

Busnock was also polite and sat up directly.

"This is Yixiu, Yixiu is Bushnock." Nigel introduced each other for the two.

Yixiu and Busnock stood up and shook hands with each other: "I think you should already know what I'm going to say next!" Hearing Nigel's words, the two looked at each other, and they both guessed their future. Relationship.

"In the future, you will be working partners. I hope Busnock can help Yixiu well. I believe he will not let you down." Nigel glanced at Busnock.

Busnock looked at Yixiu seriously, and said after a long while: "I hope so." Yixiu smiled at Busnock with some embarrassment. He knew that the other party did not care about him when he saw the other party's eyes and tone of voice. Easy to get along with.

"Yixiu, Busnock is the best manager like me. Both Adelaide and Bridget are the artists he has brought out, and they are also the only two artists he has brought." Nigel paid a lot of money this time, he I believe that with Bushnock Yixiu, he will be able to stand higher.

Busnock has never heard of it, but he is very familiar with Adelaide and Bridget. These are golden boys and girls in the entertainment industry. They have countless fans. If you want to say that he used to own most of the domestic fans, but these two people are really familiar to the whole world. He didn't expect that it was brought out by the unsmiling man in front of him. He couldn't help seeing Busnock's eyes with a little more respect. Such a person deserves respected.

Busnock has actually heard of Yixiu. As a manager, he also needs to know artists from other countries. He has even seen Yixiu's works. He can see that Yixiu is capable, but he doesn't know why he suddenly faded out. In the entertainment industry, in his opinion, those scandals are nonsense. It's just that Yixiu wasn't his artist at the time, so he didn't bother to care about it. It's just that he didn't expect Yixiu to become his own artist. With Xiu's strength, he would not agree to Nigel's request.

"Since you all know your working relationship, I hope you can enjoy your work. Busnock, you can take Yixiu to his studio first, let him familiarize himself with the company's environment, and I will arrange it later. Someone send him to the place where he lives, and remember to show the script to Yixiu.” Nigel believed that Busnock knew which script he was talking about.

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