Chapter 66 Everyone Will Be Happy

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When the two came to the beach, Xi held Yixiu's hand tightly like this. He had already thrown away his coat, and he only wore it for Yixiu.

The sea breeze is strong, but Xie doesn't feel cold, because his heart is very warm.

Yixiu leaned his head on Xi's shoulder happily: "Xi, I'm sorry, I hurt you so cruelly before, please forgive me?"

He had never really hated Yixiu, so how could he not forgive him? Now that he can return to his side, he doesn't remember the past earlier: "I forgive you, but you are not allowed to push me away from now on, do you hear me clearly? You are the only one in my Yanxi heart, and I can't take it anymore It's the second person, so you can't say those hurtful words, or my heart will hurt."

Listening to Xi's gentle words, Yixiu's eyes turned red, he sniffed, and a strong nasal voice came from Xi's ear: "I'm sorry, I thought you would be happier if I did that, I don't want you Another accident happened because of me. During the days when your accident happened, I only had a deep hatred for you, but I didn't accompany you day and night. I owe you too much. I just simply hope that you can live an easier life. "

"Fool, how can I be happy without you? Why don't you tell me these things? I thought you really didn't love me anymore, and you still used Jin to anger me. Do you know how I was in those days? I came here, you are not allowed to do this again in the future, I don't care what other people think, I just know that I love you." Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked up at the blue sky.

After listening to Xi's words, Yixiu couldn't bear it anymore, walked away from Xi's body, raised his head and kissed Xi's lips directly, pried open Xi's lips a little greenly, gnawed inexperiencedly, Feeling Yixiu's deep love, Xihua deepened the kiss from passive to active.

On the line between the sea and the sky, the hair of the two people was tightly entangled by the wind, just like their entangled love, and the trees not far away seemed to send their sincere blessings to others and made salsa sounds, the two were so tight Hug together tightly, at this moment they forget the world, forget everything, they only know that they are really happy.

Yixiu didn't go home that night, but Tongxi came to the villa where he lived for a long time. When he came here again that day, it was still as clean as ever. After the incident, he would often come here alone, because there are their good memories here. That night, Yixiu and Xi were tightly entangled. really together.

On the second day without any accidents, Yixiu was gay, and now he became a third party who destroyed other people's families. Surprised, there is even a trace of the original expression. In their opinion, a person as beautiful and perfect as Yixiu should be with someone like Xi. No one accuses Yixiu of being gay, as if Yixiu is doing the right thing choose.

When Xiuqin knew that her son was with a man, she didn't object. Seeing that he was such an excellent man, she sincerely wished her son happiness. What do you care about? So what if she chose a man, because her life was so down and out, and the man she loved left their mother and son behind and hid alone.

"Yixiu, what's the matter with you, making such a big commotion?" Busnot looked at Yixiu unhappily. Even though everyone didn't have much opposition to his sexual orientation, once it was not accepted by everyone , that will bring a lot of obstacles to his path, and it may be difficult to go up by then.

I knew that my manager would ask this question, so Yixiu was not in a hurry: "I know you care about my path, but I did this purely to find my own happiness, even if everyone doesn't understand me, it doesn't matter, because I It’s enough to have Xi.” When talking about Xi, Yixiu’s face was full of happiness, and he no longer had the gloomy and gloomy face before.

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