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Amato and his wife went to the forest to check the suspicious activity.

What they didn't expect was to find an underground lab there.

"Experimenting on people are clearly forbidden"Amato said with hatred filled voice

There were various kind of races in the lab and there are even children in there that are being experimented on.

"Let's clear the lab.I can't watch those poor people being in pain anymore"Hannah said

They have been sneaking around the lab to locate where everything are and how many people are in there.

"You're right.The faster the better"Amato agreed and they soon attacked the lab,freeing all of the innocent people and captured all of the scientist.

"Oh my..."Hannah gasped horrified

"What's wro-"Amato stopped when he saw it himself.

A young boy,chained to the wall with injuries all over his body.He was skinny and was most likely starving too.The boy had blood all over and around him and was unconscious.

Hannah quickly used her magic to heal the young boy,saving him last minutes.He has lost quiet a lot of blood,so he didn't wake up yet,but atleast his injuries are healed now.

"How could they do this to a child?"Amato thought and was completely disgusted by the scientist.

"He needs a place to rest"Hannah stated

"We can bring him to our house.It's the closest place from here"Amato suggested and she agreed

After making sure that the lab was empty and everyone were saved,they lit it up in fire to hide every trace of it.

They arrived at their home and they placed the boy on a bed in the guestroom.

As they were about to leave,the boy woke up and talked.

"Where am I...?"The boy asked in a weak voice since his body still needed rest.

"You're at our house"Hannah said gently"Don't worry,we won't hurt you.You're safe now"

The boy didn't seem to trust her,but when he realized that his injuries were healed and his shabby clotches replaced with comfortable ones,he let down his guard.

"Wait- don't stand up,you need rest!"Amato said when the boy stood up.

Surprisingly the boy was able to stand,despite his weakened state.

"I'm fine"The boy said in a weak but firm tone before he got on his knees in a respectful way "I owe you my life,how can I repay you?"

The delamores were completely caught off guard by the boy's actions and looked at each other in confusion.

They didn't want anything in return,they just hoped that the boy would be healthy.

"You don't need to repay us"Amato said

"I insist"The boy replied

No matter what they said,the boy kept insisting to repay it,so Amato came up with an idea.

"How about you be our son's friend?"Amato suggested"You can choose.It's not a must"

"Then I shall be his friend"The boy said and bowed

"Did he even heard that I said that it wasn't a must?"Amato asked himself before shrugging it off.

"What's your name?"Hannah asked with a gentle smile.

"Halilintar"He replied.

The delamores heads decided to prepare Halilintar with everything that he needs---a room,clotches,rest,foods etc.---before they introduced him to Boboiboy on his eight birthday.

"Hello!"Boboiboy said excitedly"My name is Boboiboy.What's your name?"

"My name is Halilintar"He said and bowed"You can call me Hali for short"

"You don't need to bow!Friends don't bow to each other"Boboiboy said with a smile.

Halilintar's arrival as his friend had made the little Boboiboy very happy.Especially when he agreed to it himself that he would be his friend.

"Okay..."Halilintar said and stood upright again

"Let's play!"Boboiboy said and pulled him to the toy room

"Aww,look at him!He is so happy"Amato said in a dramatic way

"Yes,he is"Tok aba agreed"But no need to be so dramatic"

"Dad!I'm not dramatic!"Amato huffed like a child and earned a blank expression from his dad

"Boboiboy definitely got his mature side from you Hannah"Tok aba stated which made Amato pout like a little kid and whined to his wife.

Hannah just chuckled at the whole situation.It's always like that with the two of them.Tok aba would often scold Amato for being so childish while he pouted and whined to her.

Meanwhile in the toy room,Boboiboy and Halilintar were happily playing.---only Boboiboy,Halilintar didn't seem that happy.He was completely emotionless the whole time and agreed to everything that Boboiboy asked or suggested to him.

Suddenly Boboiboy stopped smiling and looked at Halilintar with a slightly sad expression.

"What's wrong?"Halilintar asked

"Do you really want to be my friend?It's okay if you don't want to...No one will force you"Boboiboy said sadly

"I do want to be your friend"Halilintar stated,his voice and attidude still emotionless

"Don't lie.Lying is bad..."Boboiboy said and seemed even more sad.

Ever since he was small,everyone did everything that he wanted even if they didn't want to, and it bothered him.He doesn't want people to do everything that he wanted,he wants them to actually do what they want. He grew up to hate that fact and wished that one day,someone would tell him the truth and sincerely wants to be with him and not obligated to.

Halilintar didn't say anything for a while before he spoke again "I don't really want to be your friend,but I do want to repay your parents for saving me.They want me to be your friends,so I will do it"

His confession made Boboiboy,both sad and happy.He was happy that he told him the truth,but sad that he didn't truly want to be his friend.

Boboiboy didn't say anything as he didn't really know what to say right now and was too sad to think about a reply.

Halilintar noticed it and spoke,but this time more gently. "How can I want to be your friend when I never met you?"

That caught Boboiboy completely off guard and he looked at him with big innocent and surprised eyes.

Since Boboiboy didn't say anything,he continued "Maybe if I get to know you,I would want to be your friend.So,do you still want me to be your friends?I'm willing to try"

Boboiboy smiled and nodded happily.He didn't think of that at all,but was happy that Halilintar said it.

"Maybe it won't be as bad as I thought it would"Halilintar thought to himself as he watched Boboiboy smile brightly.

I hope you enjoy ^^

Thank you so much for all of the votes! :)

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