S.2 ch.18:Awoken

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"You gotten stronger since I last saw you!"Jake shouted through the battlefield as he slashed a siren with his claws.

"I could say the same to you!"Blaze shouted back with a smile. As much as he hates to admit it, he misses his frenemy.

A soldier shot an arrow towards Blaze, but he dodged by bending his opponent back and jump on it, making them get shot instead.

He didn't waste any time and sprinted towards the shooter with his supernatural speed and ripped their heart out with his bare hands.

A wicked smile formed on his face as he killed one soldier after the others. Their blood dripped over his body.

Across the battlefield stood Max with his eyes glued on Blaze. "Just like his father.."He mumbled.

"You what!?"Max yelled and slammed his hands on the table.

"I'm going to marry her whether you like it or not!"A man with brown hair said. His cherry red eyes shined beneath the moonlight.

"She is a demon!"Max shouted. "You can't marry her!"

"Of course I can. This is my life, you can't tell me what to do!"He countered.

"But I can kick you out of our pack."Max said coldly.

The latter's eyes widen in surprise, but that soon turned into anger. "And you call yourself a good brother."He scoffed.

"I'm doing this for your own good! Heck, she probably brainwashed you to love her!"

The man smashed the table in half and growled at him. "Don't you dare accuse her of something like that!"

"How can I not when she fucking killed our parents!?"Max countered.

"You know very well that they are the one at fault for trying to kill her first."He said, his voice filled with danger.

"So what!? They are our parents for goodness sake!"

"Parents? Those two who chose other people than their own sons? Those two who neglected us our whole life?"

"They're not just any people! They are our pack! Pack is family! And they have their duty!"

"We are their sons for fuck sake!"He agressively stroked his hair and glared at his brother. "I can't believe that I'm saying this,"He pressed his lips into a thin line. "But you became just like them."

"No I'm not!"Max disagreed, but he himself doubted his own words.

"What about our promise that we won't be like them..?"He asked in a softer tone. "Where is the sweet little brother that I know?"

"That's enough!"Max clenched his fist and looked at him sternly. "Leave Helio."

The latter sighed and turned towards the door. "Gladly."He held the hand of his lover. "Let's go Seraphine."

Max shook the memory away and focused himself on the battlefield. This wasn't the time for memories. Especially not about them.

"There are so many of them!"Taufan exclaimed and pushed a wave of soldier away from him.

"Tch. At this rate they will defeat us."Solar grumbled. The soldiers were just doing their job, that they knew. Which is why Boboiboy had asked them to try not to kill them. "And Blaze is of course isn't following order as usual."

"I mean,"Taufan pushed the soldiers back into the water with his wind. "Can you really blame him? They kidnapped Ice and I'm pretty sure this isn't their first encounter."

"I know."Solar sighed and looked at Halilintar who was doing his best not to accidentally kill someone. "But this is really getting annoying."

"Ahh!!"Thorn screamed as he ran behind Solar.

"What's wrong?"He asked and looked at the direction Thorn was pointing at. "A water snake?"

"Where!?"Taufan exclaimed and hid behind him aswell after seeing the huge snake made out of water.

"Are you kidding me.."Solar massaged his templets. "They aren't even real snake!"

"Still scary!"They both shouted.

"Why am I stuck with this two..?"Solar sighed and looked around the battlefield. "Where's Gempa anyway?"

"A dragon without its wings."The red dragon scoffed.

Gempa stayed silent and continued to fight while trying his best to control his emotion around her.

"Speak dragon."She said firmly. When Gempa didn't reply she sighed deeply. "Tch. You're a dragon, don't let people talk shit to you. You're ruining our name."

Even then Gempa stayed quiet. The familiar harsh words from her that had saved him in the past.

"A dragon don't give up! Stand up and fly!"She shouted.

"B-but I'm tired.."Little Gempa mumbled.

"Speak louder!"She yelled. "Use your voice dragon!"

"I-I'm tired..!"He tried.

"There's no point. He is so weak and fearful! I can't believe a dragon like him exist!"A boy said.

"Right? He is such a disgrace to our family!"A girl said.

Little Gempa lowered his head, tears threatening to fall as he bit his own lips to avoid making a sound.

With a swift motion she moved behind him and slashed a soldier. "Watch your back."

"Thank you.."Gempa mumbled, feeling like a little kid again in her near.

"Blaze!"Taufan shouted in horror as his friend got hit by an arrow.

"I'm fine!"Blaze shouted back and stabbed a sword through the soldier's heart.

"We need to win this fight fast!"Ying said as she helped from the back. They for once agreed that they could help, but only with distance.

Yaya nodded in agreement. "Many are getting injured and Thorn is slowly loosing mana."

"Is the spell done yet?"Ying asked.

"Not yet.."Boboiboy said in a tired voice, the spell draining his energy.

"We need more time, the spell on the castle is really strong."Fang said. "And if  we aren't careful then the queen will notice us."

"I really hope we win this battle.."Ying mumbled and turned to look at the battlefield only to be horrified by the scene. "No..!"

Taufan stood in front of Blaze, blood seeping out of his stomach with the magic arrow in him.

"Taufan..!"Blaze caught him as he fell down. "No! No! No!"

The soldier raised their sword and swung it, but before it could even hit them it melted.

"He has awoken.."Max mumbled as he watched fire surrounding his nephew.

"How dare you hurt him!"Blaze growled loudly. The fire around him rising along his rage.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^^

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