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"Are you sure that you're okay?"Lucas asked as he lazily placed the magic supplies with his magic.

"I'm fine!"Taufan slightly huffed and cleaned the mess.

Like he had planed, he scared Lucas with a box of toy snakes and manage to scare him, but ended up creating a mess too.

"Whatever you say"Lucas replied calmly, but he was hiding the worry he had after noticing a slight change in Taufan's behaviour.

"Anyways"Lucas said after a moment of silence, "Are you going to give them a tour today?"

"Maybe"Taufan replied with a hint of hesitation in his voice. "But maybe not to the markt. It's really crowded, there might be danger lurking."

"And since when do you worry about that? That's usually Halilintar's job"Lucas asked in suspicion.

"Of course I worry! It's Boboiboy's safety afterall!"Taufan exclaimed.

"Yeah right"Lucas crossed his arms. "I still remember the day when you sneaked out with others and ended up with Boboiboy getting kidnapped"

"That was a one time thing!"Taufan reasoned.

"Sure, sure"Lucas rolled his eyes, remembering all of the things that Taufan had done in the past few years.

"Naggy old man.."Taufan mumbled.

"I heard that!"Lucas shouted from the side room.

"Looks like your hearing still works!"Taufan shouted back.

"I'm not that old you brat!"Lucas replied.

"Sure, sure. 1000 years old isn't old"Taufan said sarcasticly.

"It isn't!"Lucas confirmed.

Taufan playfully rolled his eyes as a genuine smile creeped on his face.


Two day had passed and after they enjoyed the capital and the castle, it was time for the festival to start.

"What if I do something wrong?"Boboiboy asked in panic "What if I accidentally offend someone?"

"Take a deep breath"Gempa soothed. "And breath out"

"Thank you.."Boboiboy said. "I'm just so nervous.."

"We're here if anything happens"Taufan reassured.

Everyone except Halilintar, Blaze and Ice went to the ballroom. Halilintar and Ice insisted on keeping guard outside, while Blaze was forbidden from getting in to avoid any chaos from happening.

"Why is Taufan allowed to get in but not me!?"Blaze huffed while pouting like a child.

"Because unlike you, Taufan can actually behave, even if it's just for a few minutes"Ice stated and not caring about his twin's dramatic gasp of offense.

Halilintar who was silently watching the twin just shook his head and focused on his work while ignoring all the stares he got from the other guests.

"He litterally did nothing, but already caught attention.."Solar mumbled as he watched his brother through the window.

"Sunshine!!"Thorn called happily.

"H-huh?"Solar turned around as he was a bit surprised by his nickname. The two of them had gotten quite close to each other, and Thorn eventually gave him a nickname.

"They got so many cakes!"Thorn exclaimed as he pointed at the long table filled with all kind of desserts.

"Ah, yes they do"Solar nodded.

"Do you want any?"Thorn asked.

"No thanks"

Thorn nodded before he excitedly went towards the table to get a cake for himself.

"Hm?"Solar noticed that Boboiboy was uncomfortably talking with a man twice his age on his own. "Why is he alone?"

"Excuse me"He interrupted.

"What is it?"The man asked in annoyance.

"I'm sorry, but I have to borrow sir Delamore, someone is awaiting his audience"Solar politely leave to the nearest terrace with Boboiboy.

"Thank you"Boboiboy sighed in relief as he was finally able to breath properly after feeling suffocated by all the nobles who bombarded him with questions.

"No problem" He took a last glance into the ballroom before closing the door. "Where is Taufan and Gempa?"

"Um.."Boboiboy akwardly fidgetted with his fingers. "Gempa was taken away by the servants because they mistook him as a servant of the palace.."

Solar raised an eyebrow and looked at him in disbelief. "And how did that even happen?"

"Long story.."

He sighed. "And what about Taufan?"

"He went to get some fresh air"Boboiboy replied.

"Without telling the others?"He asked skeptically.

"He seemed to be in a hurry, I barely manage to hear his words before he dissappeared in the crowd"Boboiboy admitted.

"I see"


"Anything else?"Thorn asked.

"Everything you can take"Ice asked with his mouth full of cakes.

Not long after Thorn went to get a cake for himself, Ice somehow manage to get his attention and asked him to bring some cakes outside.

"If you want cake just go inside"Blaze said and took a bite of a chocolate cake.

"As if you wouldn't follow me"Ice replied.

"No, I'm not!"Blaze denied.

"Sure, sure"

"They're fighting again.."Thorn sweatdropped as he watched the twin go back and forth.

"They've been doing it the whole time.."Halilintar sighed.

"Well, I'm going to get more cakes"Thorn waved before he went back inside, leaving him alone with the twin.

"Maybe I should've drank more coffee when I had the chance.."Halilintar thought.

While the twin continued to bicker, he noticed a familiar figure going somewhere in a rush.

"What is he doing outside?"He informed the twin before he followed the familiar figure.

"Taufan?"He mumbled as he saw him tightly holding his shirt on his chest while breathing heavily.

"Hali.."Taufan hardly let out. "They're here."

I'm sorry for not updating lately, my motivation is dissappearing ;-;

I hope you enjoyed it and have a good day/night ^^

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