S.2 ch.9:past home

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"Soo, Gopal is your spy?"Taufan asked, wanting to know more about Fang as he still didn't really trust him.

Fang had explained about Gopal's identity as his spy before he returned to the palace to continue spying on the King.

"Yes. As annoying as he is, he is good at acting dumb. Or maybe he really is dumb and I'm overrestimating him.."He mumbled the last part and Taufan couldn't help but sweatdrop as the prince reminded him of a certain twin who bullies his twin 24/7.

Think of the devil, Ice is right now bullying his twin earning a whine from Blaze like always.

"Stop pulling my tail!!"Blaze whined, trying to wiggle his tail out of Ice's hold and at the same time holding back his claws as his werewolf instinct demanded him to attack Ice for daring to touch his sensitive tail.

"Stop moving, I'm trying to clean it."Ice simply said as if it was combing someone's hair and not brushing a werewolf's tail which is known to be a death sentence.

"I can clean it on my own!!"Blaze whined once again, his tail moving agressively.

"Clearly not if it's covered in mud."He summoned a water bubble and soaked Blaze's tail with it to wash the mud away before combing it with a brush and earned a hiss from his twin.

"Uhh, is Ice being caring for once or is he bullying Blaze?"Taufan whispered to Halilintar who shrugged as he himself wasn't sure either.

"Probably the latter."Solar said and Thorn nodded in agreement.

"Ice leave your brother alone!"Gempa scolded and didn't fail to see how Blaze's claws sharpened.

"Yeah, I think Blaze won't tolerate it any longer.."Boboiboy added with slight fear in his voice. Blaze himself might me nice, but that doesn't change his dangerous werewolf's instinct.

"I know."Ice lazily brushed through Blaze's fur one last time before letting it go.

Grr. Blaze growled as he jumped back, looking at him as if he was his enemy and not his brother.

Instead of being afraid and putting up his guard like the rest of them incase Blaze's instinct wins, he simply took out a cooked chicken leg out of a box from his bag and threw it to Blaze.

Upon seeing the delicious meat Blaze turned 180° and happily snatched it. "Hap!" His anger was immediately gone and his fur was clean again.

"Is it wrong of me too find it similiar like an owner handling their pet..?"Ying whispered to her princess.

"Maybe..?"Yaya sweatdropped at the scene. "Though let's call it siblings love."

"Yeah, that sounds much better and nicer.."Ying nodded.

"No."Ice firmly said to Blaze who was looking at him with puppy eyes as he begged for more.

"Pwease??"Blaze pleaded.

"Unless you want me to kill more of your chicken."

That made his face morph into horror. "Did you cook my chickens!?"Blaze exclaimed, tears forming in his eyes.

"How would that even be possible Blaze? We're miles away from home."Solar stated, not believing his stupidity.

"Who knows! Maybe Taufan teleported him home for a bit!"Blaze pointed at the said person, eyes now full of tears that threatened to fall.

"Hey, hey, don't pull me into the mess." Taufan raised his hands in defense.

"Ice." Gempa gave him a strict and motherly look.

Ice rolled his eyes. "No, I didn't idiot. It was the rest food from yesterday's dinner or did you forget what we had eaten yesterday? You were litterally the one who caught them."

"Oh." Blaze blinked a few times. "Right-"

"Is this normal?"Fang asked with a frown.

"It is.."Yaya akwardly replied.

"You will get used to it."Ying added from her own experience.

"Anyways, enough with this where are we going?"Solar asked Fang who was holding the compass.

"I'm not sure myself."Fang admitted. "I'm just following wherever the compass points at."

"Hm." Solar summoned a magic map to see their current location. "We're here,"He pointed at a little light in a forest. "The compass points north. If we follow it then.."He moved his fingers from their location to the only place in the north side of the map. "We're going to the cursed forest."

"What?" Taufan said in horror. "Why would the compass bring us there!?"

"Why not?"Thorn asked in confusion.

"The cursed forest is known to be the most dangerous place on earth! They say that if you even dare to step foot in it then you won't come out alive."

Thorn gulped, fear taking over him from the simple description of the place.

"That's an understatement of that place."Solar shook his head. "The history of the forest goes centuries ago when our three kingdoms was still one whole empire."

Yaya nodded in agreement. "It is said that the ruler of the time was a tyrant and therefore killed by their people in order to live freely from his cruel ruling."

"However the ruler was a strong magician.---the strongest to ever exist!"Ying explained. "Despite their success in killing the ruler, the Land where he had lived became cursed after his death. Everyone that wasn't able to leave in time died. Dangerous monsters built their homes there and dark magic filled the whole land."

"And ever since then, no one dared to step a foot into the forest."Fang ended the lecture.

"That's... scary"Boboiboy mumbled.

"You guys are overreacting."Blaze then suddenly said into the tense atmosphere.

"Overreacting? Did you even listen to our explaination?"Solar crossed his arms.

"I did. But I lived there and it isn't as scary as you claim it to be."

"Your lived there?"Halilintar tilted his head to the side.

"Yeah! That's where me and Ice used to live before we moved into Boboiboy's castle."Blaze said as if it was the most normal place to live.

"No way!"Taufan exclaimed and looked at Ice, hoping for him to deny it but Ice nodded to his horror. "You actually lived there!?"

"Yup."Ice shrugged.

"But it's dangerous! How did you even survive!??"

"You get used to it."Gempa was the one speaking now which surprised everyone else.

"Don't tell me you lived there too.."Taufan mumbled.

"I did."Gempa caressed the back of his head akwardly as the others gasped.

"I knew you smelled familiar!"Blaze exclaimed. "No wonder since you lived there so the wood's smell also lingered on you."

The three forest's villager were completely calm about it while the rest of them stared at them in disbelief.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^^

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