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Hello ^^

I'm sorry to say this, but I will be taking a break from this story. I don't think that it will be that long since I'm only doing this to figure out the order for the plots that is going to happen and I already have the whole storyline. Just without an order-

Thank you for reading this story and again I'm sorry for the sudden break. I was so excited when I finally have the whole storyline that I forgot about the order, cause the current order does not make sense-

I apologize in advance if it takes longer than I planned 😅🥲

Anyways- if you're getting bored waiting, you can check out my account for more stories. I will still be updating my other stories and there will two new stories. (Maybe, I'm still thinking whether it's a good idea to write them both or one first since I still have the other two stories. 🥲)

You can find a 'trailer' and little spoilers in my scenarios book. The chapters are:
-New idea (book 1)
-spoiler to new idea (book 1)
-are you afraid of ghost? (Book 2)
-upcoming book (book 1)

I think that was all, correct me if I'm wrong-

I hope you have a nice day/night ^^

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