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My breath became unsteady as I placed my finger on the trigger.

"What are you waiting for!?"Dad yelled in annoyance.

Why? Why are you smiling at me...?

As I placed my finger on the trigger, Boboiboy's expression changed. He wasn't terrified, nor was there any betrayal in his eyes. He looked...accepting?

I don't get it. How can he still smile at me after I betrayed him? Why did he smile?

"Ah, I see.."His warm smile still stayed as he talked. "You did it for them, didn't you?"

I froze.

How did he-?

"That's okay"Boboiboy said. "I hope you succeed with whatever you exactly wanted from them."

Why? Why are you still wishing the best for me after everything I had done?

"Kill him already!"My dad said as he became even more impatient.

My hand moved to point the gun right at Boboiboy's head, shivering with every second.

Is this really what I want?

"When is your birthday?"Boboiboy asked.

"Um..I'm not sure."I replied.

"Not sure?"Boboiboy tilted his head in confusion.

I nodded. "I never celebrated my birthday before. It's okay though, it's not that important."

Boboiboy gasped and shook his head. "Of course it's important! It's the day you were born into this world! If that didn't exist then you wouldn't exist!"

"I guess that's true.."I mumbled.

Why is he so fixated on my birthday? Mom and dad never cared about it...

He sighed and smiled brightly. "From now on you will always have the best birthday ever! I promise!" He giggled and extended his little finger to me. "Pinky promise!"


He would just forget it anyway..

Months had passed ever since I moved in here to spy on him and try to get rid of him.

"What am I supposed to do now? The kiddnaping plan failed.."I grumbled.

"Thorn!"Boboiboy shouted and I quickly put on a smile.

"Yes-"I turned around and was surprised to see everyone holding a birthday cake.

"Is that for me..?"I asked.

"Yup! Happy birthday!"Boboiboy shouted and the other followed.

He actually remembered..?

"E-eh, why are you crying??"Boboiboy panicked.

"Is the cake bad?"Taufan asked. "I knew I shouldn't have baked it with Halilintar!"

"Hey!"Halilintar glared.

Taufan stuck out his tounge at him and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Cheer up! It's your birthday so you aren't allowed to be sad!"Blaze added as he pinched my cheek in a playful manner.

"Idiot, don't pinch him like that!"Ice said as he hit him on the head.

"Ouch! Why do you always hit me!?"Blaze whined.

"Because I can."Ice simply said which made him pout.

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