ch.24:Malical kingdom

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After a long and chaotic journey, they finally arrived at the one and only malical kingdom.

"The castle is huge!"Blaze exclaimed as he looked out of the carriege's window.

"It's a castle, of course It's huge."Ice stated.

"Let me have my moment"Blaze said in a monotone voice, before he turned back to being cheerful.

"Remember to behave."Gempa reminded with a firm voice.

"Yeah, yeah, you already said that a hundred times."Blaze claimed.

"I will say it as often as needed"Gempa emphasized which made him roll his eyes.

"I'm so nervous.."Boboiboy mumbled while fidgetting with his hands.

"We're here with you"Ice reassured while patting Boboiboy's shoulder.

"Thank you"

"The garden looks pretty!"Thorn said in awe.

"I've seen better ones. Like the one at our mansion.."Solar added.

Thorn turned around to him with a confused expression. "Was that a compliment?"

"No, it's a statement."Solar reasoned as he looked away to hide his slight blush of embarrassment.

"Thanks!"Thorn chuckled.

A small smile appeared on Halilintar's lips, but then he felt something missing, so he turned to Taufan.

"Strange.. he hasn't teased me today"Halilintar thought as suspicion grew.

"Is something on my face?"Taufan asked when he noticed his stare.

"No.."He replied.

"Maybe he still feels carsick(?).."

"Welcome! We have been waiting for your arrival!"The knights said with their loud voice as the respectfully bowed.

"No need to bow-!"Boboiboy shaked his hands and tried to make them treat him like any other guest, but they insisted on the formality towards a high ranked family since he is part of the Delamore.

"Boboiboy! It's so nice to finally meet you in person."The emperor of the malical kingdom said as he approached him and gave him a hug.

"It's nice to meet you too.."Boboiboy replied shyly.

"No need to be shy dear, after all you're the son of our best friends."The empress said with a loving and gentle smile on her face.

He gave them his best smile while trying his best to look less nervous. It was the first time for him to talk to strangers directly. Not even in their journey did he talk to any strangers, he always hid behind his trusted companion.

"You must be tired from your journey. How about you take a rest first?"The empress suggested.

"And then you can look around the capital if you want too. I'm sure that one of your friends could guide you"The emperor said as he looked at Taufan.

"That's the plan! But for now, he needs rest."Taufan replied with a smile, as if he was talking to an old friend.

They did a quick bow and went on their way out of the throne hall, but the emperor called out to Taufan before he could leave.

"Oh, and Taufan"He called. "Sir Lucas says that he wants you to buy the usual restock of magic supplies."

"Thanks for telling me!"Taufan smiled and waved before he closed the door.

"That damn old man! Of course he made me do errands as soon as I come back"Taufan grumbled. "Just wait and see! I will get you back!"

"Are you planning on a prank?"Blaze asked on their way to their rooms for their stay there.

"Yup. Old man wants me to buy stuff for him, so I will give him a little surprise"Taufan grinned micheviously.

"How about snakes? He fears them"Blaze suggested.

"Make him open a box with the snake jumping out on him!"Thorn added.

"Great idea! But can you put it inside-?"Taufan asked Blaze.

"No problem!"He giggled.

"How is he my twin again?"Ice asked in his head as he silently walked beside his twin.

The three of them continued to plan the perfect prank for their magic teacher, which didn't go unnoticed by the two siblings in front of them.

"They are planning something again.."Halilintar sighed.

"As long as I'm not the victim, I don’t care."Solar replied.

"The view is truly wonderful"Gempa complimented as he looked out of their bedroom's window.

"Yeah! We can see the whole City from here!"Boboiboy agreed.

"Well then, if you need anything just ring the bell"The butler placed a magic bell on the table before he left.

"Where are you going?"Gempa asked when he saw Taufan going out through the window.

"I have some errands to do from old man!"He shouted as he jumped out and flew towards the heart of the city.

Gempa sighed while Boboiboy patted his shoulder.

"I told him countless of times not to jump out of the window.."

While they unpacked their lugguage, Taufan was busy getting all of the magic supplies that his master needed like in old times.

"All done! Now I just need to get the snake and then.."Without realizing he bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry!"He quickly got up and gathered everything with magic.

"It's okay sweety"A woman's voice said.

The familiar voice made him froze, but he quickly fixed his composure and smiled akwardly while avoiding eye contact.

"Well, have a good day madame!"He waved, still avoiding her eyes and quickly flew away.

"It's fine, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine"Taufan repeated in his head as he flew towards Lucas' tower without looking back.

"Hm.."The woman watched him fly away. "Don't I know him from somewhere?"

Thank you for reading ^^

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