ch.16:My brother

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He want to what!?

My 'brother' went to the head's room to talk again. My curiosity was too strong for me to resist.

I already did it once, so why not do it again?

But I didn't expect him to request something like that! He must be out of his mind!

"You want to kill the whole organisation that your brother worked--obligated-- for?"The head's asked.

"Yes."He replied.

He won't allow him right?

"Are you sure?"The head asked to be sure.

Is he seriously considering it!?

"Yes, I am."His voice turned cold as he continued to speak."Either with or without your permission."

I could hear the head sigh, before he spoke again. "If that's what you want, then I won't stop you. But please bring someone with you."His voice softened. "I don't want to lose you.."

"You won't lose me, and I won't die either. Atleast not until I make sure my brother has a happy life."He replied with determination.

What..? Why?

Something in me broke as I hear his words. I didn't even know that I have a brother and now my brother cares so much about me that he is willing to risk his life for me..?

Tears rolled down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away.

Don't cry. It's pathetic and won't change anything.

A voice in my head told me and I took a deep breath to calm myself down, before I continued to eavesdrop.

"Even so, please bring someone with you."The head said and I could hear my brother's grumble of frustration.

"Fine.."He grumbled."I can choose who, right?"

"Yes, you can."The head replied.

Then I hear his footsteps coming closer to the door, so I quickly hid myself.

I followed him until he stopped and explained everything to a werewolf.

"I see."The werewolf paused and patted his shoulder. "I can come with you. I won't do anything, promise."

My brother raised one of his eyebrow in suspicion while the werewolf chuckled.

"I get you, okay? That's why I won't stop nor do anything. I would've done the same thing if someone dared to hurt my twin."The werewolf voice was filled venom as he spoke.

His twin? Does he mean the merman?

I remember seeing them together when I was sneaking around, but I didn't expect them to be twins. They aren't the same creature nor do they look alike. The only thing that they have in common is their dark brown hair.

They soon left the mansion after the werewolf explained everyone to his 'twin'.

"Come out."The merman said calmly.

"So you knew that I was here all along?"I asked as I came out of my hiding place. I didn't even realized that he had known about my presence since he looked so calm and unbothered.

"I have sharp hearing."He yawned. "You don't need to hide, you know?"

"Of course I do. I'm technically a prisoner."I replied.

"No, you're not. If you were than you wouldn't be here, but in the underground prison under the mansion."He replied.

"I guess.."

"Now come on."He motioned with his head towards the mansion. "I'm sure that Hali doesn't want his brother to freeze nor starve."

"Why are you so calm about this? And besides, shouldn't you be hostile to me since I helped the organisation to kidnap the head?"I asked.

He shrugged and walked towards the mansion while I followed.

"Hali got Boboiboy's permission, so I don't have any reason to be hostile to you."The merman said as we walked. "Sure I don't trust you, but that doesn't mean that I will be hostile to you."

"I see.."

After we arrived inside the mansion, the head welcomed me with a smile.

"There you are! I was already getting worried when you weren't in Hali's room."He said.

What was his name again? Boboiboy?

"Don't be afraid, from now on you're part of us."Boboiboy said with a friendly smile on his face.

"Okay.."I replied, feeling weird with how friendly he was at me.

I helped the enemy that kidnapped him, yet he is so kind to me?

"Well, let's introduce you to the others!"He said cheerfully as he brought me to the livingroom where everyone were.

Despite not trusting them, but the thought of having someone that cares for me...

I guess it wouldn't hurt to give them a chance.


Fucking bastard.

I cut his fingers one by one, not caring about his pain nor plea for mercy.

Blaze kept his word and didn't intervene. He just followed me and watched the massacre that I have created without saying a word the entire time.

Even though I killed them all, I still don't feel satisfied by it.

The whole time I was in the lab, the only motivation I had to live was to see my little brother again. Hoped that he had a good life. Hoped that he was happy and healthy.

But it was the complete opposite.

I cut his chest open and ripped his heart away from him before shoving it in his mouth.

The rage just won't dissappear.

"Hali."Blaze called me.

"What?"I replied coldly.

"It's time to go back home. It's getting really late."Blaze said as he releases the prisoners.

The organisation had captured a lot of people, so while I was busy killing them, Blaze freed them all.

"I'm not done yet."I said through gritted teeth.

"Don't you want to see your brother? I'm sure he feels akward in a new place."Blaze reasoned.

I flinched and looked at him.

"Come on now, don't you want to make sure that your brother feels safe? It must be hard for him to trust us."Blaze continued to reason.

He does have a point..

"Fine, let's go.."I replied and we went back home.

"Feel better now?"Blaze asked on our way.

"Yes.."Now that I've calmed down, I indeed feel better. It feels like a huge weight have been lifted off my back.

"Good!"Blaze smiled and patted my shoulder.

Hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading ^^

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