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A week passed and Taufan was finally free from his punishment, so he decided to play with Boboiboy.

"Hellooo!"Taufan said as he entered Boboiboy's room without knocking.

"You should've knock first."Halilintar stated and glared at him.

Taufan stuck out his tounge at Halilintar and hugged Boboiboy. "I miss you!"

"I miss you too."Boboiboy giggled and hugged him back.

"Let's play!"Taufan said and pulled Boboiboy outside.

"If he get him into trouble again, I swear..."Halilintar grumbled and followed them.

They spent a few hours playing in the garden. Boboiboy was watching Taufan annoy Halilintar while he just stood there saying nothing, but he seemed very annoyed.

"Should I stop them..?"Boboiboy asked himself.

Just as he was about to do so, a little green cat caught his attention.

"A cat..?"Boboiboy mumbled and tried to approach them, but the cat ran away. "Wait-!"

Boboiboy ran after them, but after a while he noticed that he had left the mansion and was now in the middle of a forest.

"Oh no! I have to go back or the other will be worried."Boboiboy thought and turned around.

"Meow!"The cat meowed while running  away from something.

"Hm?"Boboiboy picked up the running cat and petted them to calm them down, but the cat kept trying to escape and seemed scared.

"What is wr-"Boboiboy froze as he saw a group of beasts in front of him.

Beasts are dangerous creature who look like a normal animal, but are way bigger and more aggressive than animals. Some of them are even able to hide their true form and lure people that way.

He wanted to move, but fear was taking over his mind and he lose the ability to control his own body.

The beasts ran to him and was about to scratch him, when a boy his age suddenly appeared and tied all of the beasts with plants.

The boy turned around and noticed the cat that Boboiboy was holding. "There you are cactus!"

The said cat jumped into his arms and purred happily while the boy patted his head.

He wore ripped out clotches and was covered in mud. The only thing that was recognizable was his emerald green eyes and hazel brown hair.

"Oh- Are you okay?"He asked quietly as he finally remembered that there was another person.

"Yes, I'm fine..thank you."Boboiboy thanked and sighed in relief while rubbing his arms to calm his nerve.

"Are you sure? You're shaking.."The boy stated in a quiet tone.

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm just a bit...surprised?"Boboiboy replied and placed his hand on the back of his neck.

"If you say so.."The boy said and lowered his head a little.

Suddenly Halilintar and Taufan came. Taufan checked for any injuries on Boboiboy while Halilintar stood in front of them in a protective manner and glared at the boy.

"W-wait hali!"Boboiboy held Halilintar's arm to stop him from pulling his sword out. "He isn't a threat! He even helped me.."

Halilintar nodded in acknowledgment and let go of his sword, but he was still keeping his guard up.

" you have a home?"Taufan asked with both worry and pity in his voice.

"N-no.."The boy replied.

"Would you like to stay with us then? You can stay with me in the magic tower if you want. I'm sure that master Lucas won't mind."Taufan offered.

Boboiboy nodded in agreement. "If it doesn't work, then you can also stay at my place."He added.

"R-really..?"The boy asked.

The two of them immediately nodded and smiled at him. "Of course you can!"They said at the same time.

"Thank you.."The boy said and his eyes filled with tears.

"E-eh- Don't cry..!"Taufan panicked along with Boboiboy.

"I'm not sad."The boy wiped his tears away and smiled. "I'm just really happy!"

They sighed in relief and all of them went back to the mansion.

After asking for permission, the boy ended up staying in Boboiboy's mansion and is officially a little gardener.---He insisted to work for them in return.

"Oh right! What's your name actually?"Taufan asked.

"My name is Thorn."Thorn replied and petted the cat."And this is my best friend Cactus."

After intoducing themself, Taufan and Boboiboy excitedly dressed him up.

"Woah! You look even more adorable now that you're not covered in mud!"Taufan stated and Boboiboy nodded in agreement.

"T-thank you.."Thorn said shyly.

"So cute!"The two of them thought to themself.

Everyone except Halilintar played, but after a while Taufan approached him.

"Don't you want to play with us?"Taufan asked.

"No."Halilintar replied coldly.

"Is he still mad at me that I got Boboiboy into trouble..?"Taufan thought to himself.

"Why not?"Taufan asked. "Don't you atleast want to play with Boboiboy?"

"I do."He paused."But I don't trust him.."

Taufan followed Halilintar's gaze and landed at Thorn.

"Now it makes sense."Taufan thought and patted Halilintar's shoulder.

"You will trust him soon enough. Give it some time and you will see that he is just a sweet kid that needed a home."Taufan said.

"Whatever.."Halilintar mumbled.

"Now, don't be a party pooper and play with us!"Taufan pulled him to the other.

"Fine.."He grumbled.

Pov: you want to know what happen next, but you're the author,so you have to write it first.

Pain ;-;

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