S.2 ch.23:Uncle's sarcrifice

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"Make it quick old man,"Blaze demanded while crossing his arms. He didn't want to talk to him, but his gut tells him that he will regret it if he doesn't.

"I'm sorry for not being a good caretaker,"Max said with his head hanging low.

Blaze was taken aback by his apology, but quickly shook it off and played it cool. "Fine, I forgive you. But only because I get to meet Icy afterwards!"He huffed, masking his surprise with his childishness.

"I knew you'd said that,"He smiled and it took all of Blaze's willpower not to break down in tears from the loving smile of his uncle.

"Fwor you uncie!"Little Blaze said with a smile as he handed a dandelion to him.

"Thank you,"Max smiled warmly and patted his head which made the little boy giggle.

"Was that it?"Blaze then asked, wanting to run and hide. He will not cry in front of his uncle.

"No,"He shook his head and handed him a big brown bag.

"What is this?"Blaze asked as he stared at it as if it was his enemy.

"Why don't you open it?"His uncle suggested.

With all doubt and distrust he has, he opened the bag and took out a cherry red book. "Books really?"He deadpanned.

"Open it."

"Finee,"He opened the book expecting it to be some lame knowledge that he will never read again, but to his surprise he found a picture in it.

"Mama...? Papa...?"His lips trembled as he spoke the word he was never allowed to say. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he stared at the happy couple in the photo. Their appearance might be blurry in his memories, but not once did he ever forget them.

"It's all your parents belonging,"Max said with a sad smile. "It was everything that I could find back then and some from are your father's old belongings. I just can't seem to ever burn it.."He admitted. "I thought you'd like to have it."

"I thought.."Blaze mumbled.

"That you shouldn't know them?"He finished his words. "We may not agree with their relationship, but they are your parents and you have every right to know them."

"But you always say that I couldn't speak about them.."

"I know,"He sighed. "I shouldn't have done that. I was still grieving over their dead and unknowingly I forced you to forget your parents. I'm sorry."

He shook his head and wiped away his tears. "I forgive you.."They stared at each other for a second more before Blaze left to go to his now family.

"They would've been proud of him no doubt,"He watched Blaze go. "If only they were still here.."

'I told you not to contact me-'He said through the mental bond but was cut off.

'There's no time for this! Hunters are attacking!'Helio yelled.

His anger mixed with worry, but he refused to show it. Not after he chose that woman. 'If you think that I would help you you're mistaken.'

'Come and take Blaze with you!'Helio said, his voice becoming more and more worried. If he had to guess, then his brother must be on the runaway right now.


'Do it for your nephew sake!'Was the last thing that his brother said before they lost contact.

'Helio? Helio!' He sighed in frustration before he sprinted to their location using the very thin bond to locate them.

Even with all their issue, Max never and will never hate his nephew. How can he ever hate a child that doesn't even know anything?

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