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A week has passed ever since Thorn came and they got even more closer.---atleast with Boboiboy and Taufan. Halilintar was still skeptical about him and would just stand in the background while they played.

"Have you heard of the festival tonight?"Taufan asked as they were eating cakes.

"Yeah, I did. The summer festival right?"Boboiboy said.

"Yup! Are you going to go there?"Taufan asked.

"No.."Boboiboy said with dissappointment in his voice.

Taufan tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Why not? Are you not interested?"

"I am, but I can't.."Boboiboy said and looked at the ground.

"Why not?"Taufan asked.

"He isn't allowed to leave the castle."Halilintar asked. "The number one rule of the Delamore's household. Every child are not allowed to leave the mansion until they turn eighteen."

"That sucks!"Taufan commented. "You sure do take your job seriously huh?"

While Halilintar took the same lesson as Boboiboy, he also took an extra lesson about how to be a good bodyguard, and for that he needed to learn all of the rules of the Delamore's household.

It was supposed to be something that he had to learn in about two weeks, but he already memorized it in three days.

"Of course I do."Halilintar replied firmly.

"He always think of his job, does he..?"Taufan thought and sighed, before he returned his focus to Boboiboy.

"What if some guards come along?"Taufan asked.

"Still not allowed.."Boboiboy replied.

"Oh come on! Isn't that too much??"Taufan complained.

"Well, they do have a valid reason for this rule.."Boboiboy said. "Many young children of the Delamore's household were kidnapped or murdered in the past."

That information sent a shiver down Taufan's spine, but he still kept his smile.

"But you would be safe if some guards are with you, wouldn't you?"Taufan said.

"There are still risk."Boboiboy stated.

Taufan looked at Boboiboy in disbelief then he turned to Thorn.

"What do you think?"Taufan asked.

"I understand why the rule exist, but I think that they are too strict about it.."Thorn said. "A few guards should be enough in my opinion."

"I completely agree!"Taufan nodded and crossed his arms.

"Rules are rules. Your not allowed to break it."Halilintar said coldly.

"Even so!"Taufan huffed as he tried to not look intimidated by Halilintar's piercing glare.

"You're a rulebreaker, of course you wouldn't agree."Halilintar stated.

"No, I'm not!"Taufan denied.

"Then what about the time you broke Master Lucas's rule about using advance magic?"Halilintar said.

"I know how to handle it!"Taufan reasoned.

"That could've still gone wrong."Halilintar argued.

"But it didn't!"Taufan stated.

"The risk was still there"Halilintar growled.

"Okay, that's enough."Boboiboy said as he stood between them.

Halilintar made a 'tch' sound and looked away while Taufan rolled his eyes and also looked away.

"Party pooper.."Taufan grumbled.

"Annoying rulebreaker."Halilintar thought.

"Are they always like this..?"Thorn whispered to Boboiboy.

"Often, yes."Boboiboy whispered back.

The day flew by and it was soon evening.

"Boboiboy!"Taufan whispered-yelled from his window with Thorn next to him.

"Are you sure that we should do this..? What if he got in trouble because of it?"Thorn whispered.

Taufan had went to Thorn's bedroom to convince him and manage to do so, but now Thorn was having second thought.

"It will be fine!"Taufan replied and gently knocked on the window.

"Get lost."Halilintar said coldly as he stood in front of the window.

"Why are you in Boboiboy's room??"Taufan asked.

"I'm his bodyguard. I'm allowed to enter his room as I wishes."Halilintar replied.

"There gotta be a line is there not?"Taufan asked in disbelief.

"Yes, but he allowed me to enter anytime, so I did. I knew that you were going to something like this."Halilintar replied and glared at him.

The two of them glared at each other while Thorn stood there, looking back and forth from the two of them, thinking whether they should stop them or not.

"Hali?"Boboiboy said as he approached him and saw Taufan and Thorn through the window. "Taufan? Thorn? What are you guys doing??"

"He won't let us in."Taufan said.

"He wants to get you in trouble."Halilintar said.

"I'm just coming along.."Thorn said quietly.

Boboiboy sweatdropped and just let the two of them in and calmed Halilintar down.

"So, why did you come here for?"Boboiboy asked.

"I wanted to convince you to come to the festival with us."Taufan said.

"But I can't.."Boboiboy replied.

"It will be quick! Just for a few minutes please?"Taufan looked at him with puppy eyes.

"He can't!"Halilintar said firmly and glared at Taufan like always.

"I asked Boboiboy not you."Taufan stated as he looked at Halilintar with an annoyed face expression before his puppy eyes returned.

"I.."Boboiboy was having trouble refusing as he saw Taufan's puppy eyes. "Okay.."

His answer made Taufan jump in excitement and he hugged Boboiboy tightly.

"Yippie! Let's go then! We can't waste anymore time, the festival is ending in a few hours."Taufan said excitedly.

"But how are we going to go there without getting caught..?"Boboiboy asked.

"Did you forget that you have a magician as your friend?"Taufan said proudly."I can easily teleport us there!"

"With a risky magic spell that you aren't even allowed to do until you're eighteen?"Halilintar stated.

"Shush! I can do it!"Taufan said, not letting Halilintar ruin his mood.

Taufan concentrated to cast the teleportation spell while the other three stood next to him, ready to get teleported.

"Please don't be mad Hali, we are only going to be there for a while."Boboiboy said, trying to sound soothing, but he couldn't hide his excitement.

Halilintar's eyes soften as he saw and heard Boboiboy's excitement for the festival.

"Fine.."Halilintar agreed which made Boboiboy smile.

"Now I only have to hope that we end up in the right location."Taufan thought and teleportated them."If not, then I'm screwed!"

Hope you enjoy ^^

By the way- in case you didn't know about the 'elemental family scenarios', I made a new story for the continuation cause the old one is broken ;(

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