ch.3:planned bodyguard

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Two weeks had passed after Halilintar's arrival and the two of them are slowly but surely getting along with each other.

"Hali"Boboiboy called

Boboiboy has finished his lesson for the day and decided to eat cakes in the garden.

"Hm?"Halilintar hummed in a questioning way

"I was wondering.How old are you actually?You never said anything about yourself"Boboiboy said

"I'm twelve years old"Halilintar replied"If you have any other question then just ask me.I'm not the type to talk first"

"Alright!"Boboiboy giggled

During the past weeks Boboiboy became quiet fond of Halilintar,even when he isn't really playful nor talkactive.For Boboiboy,he is the closest to friend that he ever had.

"Young master"A servant said and bowed down"Should I get more cakes?"

The cakes on the table had already vanished into their stomach even though it was only there for fifteen minutes.

"Yes please"Boboiboy replied"Can you get more strawberry cakes?"

"Of course.Your wish is my command"The servant said before they went to the kitchen to get more cakes.

"Don't you like chocolate cakes more than strawberry cakes?"Halilintar asked

"I do!But you seem to like strawberry cakes a lot,so why not get more?"Boboiboy smiled

Halilintar nodded in understanding,but in his mind,he wondered why Boboiboy was so nice to him.He only known him for two weeks,but he already treated him so nicely,as if they known each other for years.

The servant came back with a tray filled with desserts and tea and placed them on the table.

"Here you go young master"The servant said

"Thank you!"Boboiboy said before they left

Halilintar took a sip from his tea and tasted poison in it. "The hell"He thought to himself before he stopped Boboiboy from drinking his tea,worried that it might also be poisoned.

"What's wrong?"Boboiboy asked in confusion

"That's poisoned"Halilintar said in a cold tone

"How do you know that?"Boboiboy asked while tilting his head to the side.

"I drank it and I tasted the poison in it"Halilintar replied which made Boboiboy panic

"Wait- really???Are you okay?Does it hurt anywhere???"Boboiboy asked,his tone filled with both worry and panic

"I'm fine.I'm immune to poison"Halilintar revealed which made Boboiboy flabbergasped."I will explain it later.You have to tell your grandpa about this"

Boboiboy agreed and reported it to his grandfather.His parents had left the yesterday for a long mission,so his grandfather was the only family at home.

Tok aba immediately called the doctor of the mansion and interrogated the servant that served them the tea.

"Is he okay?"Boboiboy asked with a worried tone

"Don't worry,he will be fine."The doctor reassured him"I've checked and his body seem to be immune against poison"

"Really?"Boboiboy asked to be sure

The doctor nodded as a reply before he turned his gaze toward Halilintar. "But if you feel anything strange then immediately come to me,okay?"

Halilintar nodded and the doctor left the room to report everything to Boboiboy's grandfather.

"Are you really okay?Do you feel any pain?"Boboiboy asked,still not convinced that his friend is alright.

"I'm fine.I don't feel anything"Halilintar replied"I'm really immune to poison,so no need to worry about me."

Despite his reassurance,Boboiboy was still not convinced so he told Boboiboy how he is immune to poison to calm him down.

He revealed his past in the lab and how his parents had sold him there,because they wanted money.How he became immune to poison after the scientist tortured him with different kind of poison and the fact that he was able to use magic after they mixed his blood with elves blood.

After hearing his whole story Boboiboy teared up and hugged him while telling him that he won't let anyone hurt him again.

His words warmed Halilintar's heart and his lips curved into a small smile. "How come he is so nice to me...?Not even my parents treated me this nicely..."He thought to himself as he patted Boboiboy's back to calm him down.

After everything was settled,the servant was sent to prison while the security got improved.

Before Halilintar was about to sleep,Tok aba suddenly called him to his office.

"You called?"Halilintar asked

"Yes,please sit down."Tok aba said while motioning at the chair in front of him.

"I want to thank you for saving my grandchild's life.Both of the tea were indeed poisoned."Tok aba said after Halilintar sat down.

"You're welcome."Halilintar said emotionlessly.

"I only did it,because I didn't want him to die.He didn't deserve it..."Halilintar thought to himself.

"I would like to offer you a job.Are you interested?"Tok aba asked

"Yes,what is it?"Halilintar asked

"I do need money.I can't live in their mansion rent free forever like this"Halilintar thought to himself

"How about you become Boboiboy's bodyguard?"Tok aba suggested
"Ofcourse,not right now.But when you are older.Right now just be his friend."

"Alright,but I can start now,no need to wait until I'm older."Halilintar said"I'm strong enough to protect him in the house atleast"

Halilintar's body was much stronger than the average body of a twelve year old due to the experiments and he is also able to use simple magic.

"I know,but I want you to enjoy your childhood"Tok aba said in a more gentle tone

"I insist"Halilintar said

"He sure is stubborn isn't he?"Tok aba thought to himself"Well,that was the reason why he became Boboiboy's friend in the first place..."

"Then how about this?After you turn eighteen,you can be his official bodyguard,but until then you will train and study."Tok aba suggested and after a while of thinking Halilintar agreed.

I hope you enjoy ^^

I'm sorry if there are any mistake and feel free to correct me ^^

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