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In a matter of seconds they teleported to the festival.

"Here we are!"Taufan said and sighed in relief. "See? I've got everything under control!"

"Whatever.."Halilintar grumbled.

"Woah.."Boboiboy and Thorn said at the same time. They looked around, mesmerized by their first time there.

"How can you not be mesmerized by the festival? It's your first time here, isn't it?"Taufan asked Halilintar.

"All that I care right now is that Boboiboy might be in danger."Halilintar said. "We didn't even bring any guards with us!"

"I'm here. I can get us out of any danger with my magic. Plus, you're a bodyguard aren't you? I say that he is protected enough."Taufan reasoned.

"We are kids. And definitely nothing compared to a trained adult."Halilintar stated.

"You worry too much!"Taufan complained.

"And you're getting us in danger."Halilintar argued.

"Guys!!"Boboiboy said with excitement while Thorn that stood next to him was looking at the stands with sparkly eyes."Look! There are so many game stands!"

"Wanna try it?"Taufan asked, his annoyed tone turned into a cheerful one.

"Yes please!"

They explored the festival and tried out a lot of games.

Halilintar and Taufan were bickering the entire time and now they were having a contest who could get the most prizes.

"Um..should we stop them..?"Thorn asked as he saw the pile of plushies.

"I don't think so.."Boboiboy said.

As they were waiting, a food stand caught their attention.

"All the playing made me hungry.."Boboiboy said and looked at Thorn. "What about you?"

"Me too."Thorn replied.

The two of them went to the food stand and bought some food. They didn't bother to tell Halilintar and Taufan since the stand wasn't that far away and they could easily find them if they turned around.

"This skewer is amazing!"Boboiboy claimed and Thorn nodded in agreement.

Just as they were about to go back to Halilintar and Taufan, the crowd suddenly became busier and they were now stuck in the middle of it.

"There's so many people."Boboiboy said as he held Thorn's hand so he wouldn't lose him. "I can't see Taufan and Hali anymore.."

"Me neither.."Thorn said.

Suddenly Boboiboy lost the grip to Thorn's hand and the crowd pushed them away from each other.

"Wait- Thorn!"Boboiboy tried to get to Thorn as he was pushed to the opposite side, but to no avail.

"If this continue then I might get lost!"Boboiboy thought as he started to get worried.

He accidentally tripped over a small stone and before he could even react, someone held him tightly and covered his mouth with a clotch.

"Guys!"Thorn said with a worried tone.

"Yes Thorn?"Taufan asked as his attention turned to him.

"Where is Boboiboy?"Halilintar asked as he realized that he wasn't there.

"We were buying skewers, but when we wanted to return back to you, we got seperated by the crowd!"Thorn explained which made worried.

"Ouch.."Boboiboy placed his hand on his head while he opened his eyes. "Where am I..?"

"Cage."Someone said which surprised Boboiboy.

He immediately looked around and saw the person who had said that.

They were both locked in a small cage. The room they were in barely had any light, but he could still see the gemstone like baby blue eyes of the person.

"A merman!"Boboiboy said with surprise in his voice as he saw the scales on the boy's body.

"Yup."The boy said in a tired tone.

"Woah.."Boboiboy said in awe. He learned a lot about different species, but he has never seen one in person. And the fact that he saw a merman is even shocking.

Merman or mermaids in general are very rare to see since they live under water. Just like any other half-human with sea ​​animals as their other half. Most of them hate or fear humans since they often catch them to sell them. Especially their eyes. Sea humanbeast have beautiful and colorful eyes that looked more like a gemstone than an actual eyes. They are also known as one of the humanbeast species that doesn't get along with any other kind of humanbeast.

"Oh right!"Boboiboy snapped out of his amazement as he realized how serious the situation was. "Do you know where we are? Other than in a cage.."

"Auction."The boy replied.

"But it's illegal to sell people!"Boboiboy said.

The boy shrugged, seeming not too worried about it.

"Aren't you scared..?"Boboiboy asked, since he himself was afraid.

"Nope."The boy paused for a second. "My brother will save me." His gaze softened as a small smile creeped on his face.

"That's good then."Boboiboy said and thought of how he could escape or give his friends a clue where he was.

"Don't worry about escaping."The boy suddenly said which got Boboiboy attention. "I doubt that my brother would be cruel enough to leave you behind."

"Thank you!"Boboiboy said with a smile as he felt relieved.

"Thank me when we're saved."The boy said and closed his eyes.

The room fell silent as the boy fell asleep while Boboiboy stared at the large wood there in front of him.

"I really hope that we can escape.."Boboiboy mumbled.
Hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading ^^

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