S.2 ch.20:The rulers of the sea

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The water Cordelia was in turned to ice, but she quickly jumped into the air before it could trap her.

"Did you really thing think that I would fall for such a trick?"Cordelia asked with a confident smile.

"Get everyone away from the beach."Ice ordered to Halilintar who seemed hesitant to follow, but complied in the end.

"Retreat!"Halilintar shouted and everyone---including those that didn't want to--- retreated into the forest, leaving Ice with Cordelia and her remaining soldiers.

They marched forward, a wave of soldiers ready to attack but Ice stayed calm. With a flick of his hand the water rose and swept them to the rocky bottom of a cliff. Flesh ripped open, water tainted with red. Piles of bodies swimming freely on the surface.

"I didn't expect the ocean to listen to you, afterall you did betray your people and avoided the ocean."Cordelia said without any sign of sadness nor emphaty that hundreds of her soldiers just died.

"As much as I hate to admit,"He stepped into the water and his human legs turned into fish tail. "I'm still a ruler of the sea. And it will obey me whether it wants or not."

"I guess that's true,"She raised her right hand and hundreds of water arrows hovered above her. "This is your last chance my dear. Give up or I will be forced to kill you."

"Even if I die, I will bring you down with me."A huge wave arise and blocked her attacks before it hardened to ice and crashed on her.

"Very well,"Cordelia smiled and broke the ice into pieces with a simple flick of her fingers. "May the stronger survive."

The ocean obeyed its two rulers and rose higher, carrying them into the sky. Both raised their hands and thousand of arrows clashed with each other.

Water surrounded them and moved as they ordered, enveloping them and allowing them to swim in the air. With arrows still clashing with one another, a sword and a trident glides onto their hands and clashed.

"Not bad,"Cordelia praised with a mocking tone. "For a runaway prince."

"You can't make me feel guilty for something I long forgotten."Ais swung his sword and she backed away while throwing her trident at him.

"Oh really?"She swam to him just as he was dodging her trident and attacked him a new one. "Do you know just how many mermaids died because of you?"

With a swift motion Ice summoned a second sword and blocked her attack all the same time. "Do you know how many people you killed?"

"I'm aware,"She appeared behind him and swung her sword. "But that's what they get for not obeying their ruler!"

"Tch."He quickly swirled back and blocked her attack, but she manages to push him out of the water.

"You just want blood,"Ice said and caught himself with a wave while letting it rain on her with hundreds of icecle.

She moved her hands in a bow form with a wave of water following her and shielded her from them. "I'm simply keeping them in line."

"What a shitty excuse,"He scoffed and they both jumped back onto their huge waves.

"Oh well,"Cordelia shrugged and smiled cheekily. "It's about time we get serious don't you think so?"

,^&:𐌔𐌉𐌓𐌄𐌍 *𐌔Ꝋ𐌍Ᏽ*

They both spoke and sang, their voice echoing through the air. Clouds gathered, becoming grey. Wind blew faster and waves crushing violently against the shore, rising higher and higher.

"My ears hurts.."Yaya mumbled. "But I can't even hear them, atleast not completely.."

"It's the effect of siren song and mermaid rage clashing with each other."Fang explained."While mermaid song sounds beautiful despite its effect, siren song is a cruelsome copy that you think you hear but is actually in your head."

"Hali.."Solar mumbled as he saw his brother's ears bleed. Halilintar's hands covered Thorn's ears while he healed both Blaze and Taufan.

"I'm fine,"Halilintar said in his usual tone despite the stinging pain in his ears.

"But isn't siren song supposed to manipulate one's mind? How are we not affected yet?"Ying asked.

"Because Ice is protecting us with a shield. Your human eyes can't see it, but mine can."Gempa explained, his face showing clear discomfort. As a dragon it is even more painful for him to handle it due to his sensitive ears. The same goes for almost every mystic. "Although the shield can't block off their voice."

"Ugh, what's that awful sound..?"Taufan said weakly as he slowly sat up and covered his ears.

"You shouldn't move,"Solar adviced.

"I'm fine,"Taufan looked at Blaze. "Blaze is much worse than me.."

"Luckily we have Ice's mermaid rage to help me heal Blaze,"Thorn said in relief. If it weren't for that, then Blaze would've long died since there wasn't much left of Thorn's magic to heal him in time.

"We shouldn't rely on it,"Fang said with a grimace.

"Why not?"Solar asked.

"Mermaid rage could break one's mind.."Gempa mumbled. He had wished that Ice couldn't use mermaid rage and hoped that he had heard wrong, but now knowing that Ice is royalty he knew for sure that Ice is capable of it.

Everyone seemed to be shocked by the information so Fang explained:"Every royal mermaid are able to use mermaid rage. It is an ancient spell that have been the triumph card of the mermaids for centuries. However, if you use it too much or are not able to handle it then you will either die or lose your mind."

'Just give up, you can't handle your power.' Cordelia said through a mental bond and sang even louder.

On the other side Ice sang as loud as he could while using his every strength not to fall unconscious or give in to the murderous thoughts swirling in his head. 'You wish.'

Thousand of arrows clashed with one another. Water rising higher into the sky and wrapped its two rulers. It violently smashed itself, getting closer and closer to the forest with each smash.

"We need to go further away..!"Solar exclaimed as he shielded them from the incoming water.

"But Ice.."Thorn glanced at the gigantic barrier of water that blocked his view.

'You can't control it.' It wasn't a mockery, it was a statement. Ice was slowly loosing control, it's very clear from his arrows that shot without a real target.

'That's fine,"He closed his eyes and raised his right hand to the sky. 'I just have to bring you down with me then.' He opened his eyes, blood flowing from his eyes.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^^

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