ch.28:shining sun after rainstorm

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Without noticing, Halilintar approached Taufan and pulled him closer, placing his arms around him, almost like a hug.

"H-huh?"Taufan looked at him through his teary eyes as he was woken up from his small meltdown.

"You did great"Halilintar praised. "It was the right thing to do"

Hearing his words, Taufan once again broke down in tears as he crushed Halilintar with his tight hug.

Despite feeling uncomfortable, Halilintar didn't push him away and somewhat hugged him back while patting his back in a soothing manner.

"Thank you"Taufan kept repeating it over and over again through his sobs, his hug becoming more tighter as he burried his head on Halilintar's chest.

"No need to thank me"Halilintar barely let out.

"I can't breath.."He thought to himself.

After his bottled up tears were let out, Taufan finally let him go, giving Halilintar a chance to breath again.

"Sorry.."Taufan smiled akwardly.

"It's fine.."Halilintar replied.

On their way back, none of them spoke until Taufan decided to break the silence.



"Why did you help me?"

"Why shouldn't I?"

Taufan stopped in his track, dumbfounded by his simple answer.

"Just like that..?"

Halilintar, who also stopped and was now looking at him nodded as a respond.


"Something wrong?"He asked while crossing his arms and a raised eyebrow, seeming more like an offended question than a confused question despite his genuine confusion.

"No, nothing's wrong"

Before Halilintar could say anything, Gempa came. "There you two are! We were getting worried!"

"Hm?"Halilintar slightly tilted his head to the side.

"First Taufan left to talk with two strangers, then you suddenly dissappeared without saying a word!"


"Do you know how worried we were? The two of you were gone for almost an hour!"

He continued to scold them on the way back to their rooms since the ball had ended not too long ago, but Taufan was too distracted to listen.

Why shouldn't I?

Halilintar's word played on loop in Taufan's head. The more he heard it, the more did it feel like a dream.

Of course he himself knew that everything that had just happened were real, yet he still couldn't really believe it.

Not once has he ever seen Halilintar other than a 'grumphy' and 'serious' person. But now.. suddenly, he wasn't so gloomy anymore. Something about him seems so gentle. So warm.

Right in this moment, his eyes were opened and he saw through Halilintar's cold exterior. The true Halilintar that lies deep withing him. A soul worth loving.

Every memories of their time together flashed through his head. None of them were something new, they were all from the past, a memory of what had already opened. Yet.. only now did he see Halilintar's kindness in it. All the the little things that he had done for him. From pretending to not want a cake that he clearly wanted just so that Taufan could have two of it, to his 'overreaction' scolding about danger to remind Taufan that he could get hurt in the process.

Suddenly everything changed.. and he wouldn't wish it to be any different.

"Taufan are you listening?"Gempa asked firmly.

He snapped out of his thoughts and smiled brightly. "Not a word!"

Gempa, who was annoyed because he wasn't listening suddenly became confused to why he so happily admitted it as he had never done such a thing in the past.

"Are you okay..?"Gempa asked.

"Hm! I'm feeling great!"Taufan's smile widened and his eyes showed nothing but happiness. Not a single trace of sadness were there. His joy were so strong that even the slight red line from his tears earlier was outshined by it.

"If you say so.."Gempa said despite his doubt.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to go to sleep. Today was exhausting!"He cheerfully walked his way towards his bed, leaving them completely dumbfounded.

"Did I miss something?"Gempa whispered to Halilintar.

"None that I would know.."Halilintar mumbled back.

The next day, something that no one had expected happened.

"Is it just me or is Taufan acting weird..?"Blaze whispered to Boboiboy who shrugged in confusion.

"Maybe he is sick?"Gempa guessed.

"I don't think there's a sickness for personality change"Solar pointed out.

"But Taufan has always smiled brightly?"Thorn stated in confusion.

"That is true, but not to Halilintar"Solar corrected.

"Do you like it?"Taufan asked with the brightest smile on his face.

Halilintar nodded as his mouth was filled with different kind of cookies that Taufan had baked specially for him.

"Maybe he lost braincells because he spends too much time with Blaze"Ice reasoned.

"Hah!? Why am I suddenly to blame?? And what does his behaviour has to do with losing braincells!??"Blaze exclaimed.

"Obviously you don't know since you're losing braincells yourself"


"That would be the only reasonable explaination here"Solar agreed.

"Excuse you!?"

"Right?"Ice nodded.


"They never get bored to bully Blaze huh?"Gempa looked at them in disbelief. "Even in such a confusing situation.."

"Poor Blaze"Boboiboy said.

"I still don't understand??"Thorn thought to himself.

"What's wrong with them?"Halilintar asked while holding ten package of cookies in his hands.

Taufan shrugged. "Not sure. Probably couldn't sleep last night which is why they're acting so weird. Atleast that's what you do whenever you don't get enough sleep"he added.

Halilintar glared at him while Taufan innocently shrugged.

"He isn't as cold as I thought, but it would be boring without his annoyed expression wouldn't it?"Taufan thought to himself as he smiled.

I hope you enjoyed it ^^

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