S.2 ch.22:Family

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"Ice!"Blaze shouted happily and immediately hugged him as soon as he woke up.

"Hurts.."Ice said weakly. That one word taking all of his energy.

"Oops-"Blaze lets go of him and helped him sit up while scolding him. "What was that!? Do you know how worried I was when I woke up and see you falling!??"

"Mm.."Ice yawned, feeling like all of his energy had been robbed.

"Now come on Blaze, let's give Ice a little space. He just woke up afterall."Taufan gently pulled the pouting Blaze to him.

"What....happened...?"Ice spoke slowly, feeling like he could fall asleep right now.

"You were drowning and Blaze saved you,"Gempa explained. "He wouldn't listen to us when we told him to rest since he just woke up and could let the others get you."

That made a click in his head as he remembered what had happened before he fell unconscious.

"Try not to think much, your head will hurt even more,"Thorn suggested and Ice gave a little nod.

Then he reached for Blaze who moved closer to him at his wish. "What is-" Before he could finish his sentence Ice grabbed his hair harshly. "Ouch! Ouch!"

"Idiot..!"Ice said while pouting.

"Hah!?? What did I do this time??"Blaze whined and made Ice let go of his hair, which was easy since he was still in a weak condition.

"You shouldn't swim after you missed death!"Ice huffed with a cracked voice. His throat was dry, but that wasn't the reason. Especially not when a tear rolled down his cheek.

"E-eh- why are you crying??"Blaze panicked.

Solar who can already guess where this is heading poked everyone except those two and gestured at the door.

"Eh- where you-"Blaze panicked even more when he saw the others leaving, but he immediately became quiet at Ice's words.

"I thought I lost you.."

His usual energetic eyes softened into calm ones as he patted his twin's head. "Well you didn't!"Blaze smiled and sat next to him, letting Ice bury his head on his chest as he gently hugged him. "You will never lose me. Even if I die, I will be still stay by your side."

"Promise..?"Ice said in between sobs.

"I promise,"Blaze patted his head and spoke in a gentle tone. "Now rest, you need it."

"Mhm.."Ice agreed and let himself fall asleep in his brother's warm embrace.

"They are so adorable!"Taufan squealed as he peeked through the door with everyone---even Halilintar---agreeing.

It has been a week ever since that incident and not once did Blaze leave Ice's side while he was unconscious. He even refused to sleep, afraid that Ice might dissappear the moment he close his eyes. As much as they wanted Blaze to sleep and rest, especially since he himself had just woken up and was still recovering after a serious injury, they let him stay awake and simply made sure to take care and reassure him.

"Let's go,"Gempa said. "Don't want to wake them up afterall."

Everyone agreed and went outside where they were greeted by Jake. The werewolves were kind enough to let them reside at their place. "I assume from your relieved expression that he woke up?"

"Yes, he did."Solar confirmed.

"Good,"Jake nodded. "Could you please tell me when Blaze is ready to leave Ice's side?"

That confused the group, so he added:"Max would like to talk to him. It's something private between families only."He shook his head at his mistake. "I meant between relatives."

They glanced at each other before looked at him skeptically. "Don't worry, he won't say anything hurtful. Besides, I'm sure Blaze will tell you if anything happens. You're his family now afterall."Jake reassured with a smile before he joined a group of werewolf.

"Should we really tell Blaze?"Taufan whispered as they ate dinner.

"Well.. it is a family thing, I think we should tell him."Boboiboy said, not sure himself either.

"Tell me what?"Blaze suddenly asked behind them with Ice clinging to him like he always does.

"Jake said that Max wants to talk with you about something private."Solar said calmly.

"Ugh, what does that old man want from me?"Blaze frowned at the simple thought of it.

"Should I kill him?"Ice asked with every seriousness.

"No, no, let him live."Blaze immediately said and patted his head. "Go eat with the others, I will join after I talk with him."

"Are you sure?"Ice asked, still wanting to kill the man that had ruined Blaze's childhood.

"Mhm,"He patted him once again to reassure him before he left to go find Max.

"We will immediately protect him if anything happens."Gempa reassured Ice who was frowning down to his plate with Halilintar nodding in agreement.

"Okay.."He mumbled. Then he looked at Fang who had just sat down with his plate. "Thank you for healing me." The others had told him everything that had happened while he was unconscious.

"No problem,"Fang replied casually as if he hadn't just lost five years of his life to save Ice's life. After they found Ice's unconscious body, Thorn and Taufan struggled to heal him due to Cordelia's magic and Fang didn't waste a second to use forbidden magic to save him. Even when it took away his five years of his lifespan.

"It was an effective yet dangerous spell,"Ying said and Yaya agreed in agreement.

"Dark magic are useful, but it will always come with a cost."Fang said the words his magic teacher told him countless of times.

At the other end of the table Gempa was peacefully eating when he saw a certain dragon gesturing for him to come to them, so he excused himself.

"What do you need?"Gempa asked while trying to hide his nervousness. She was the only mystic that hadn't left yet after the battle.

Her scarlet eyes looked down at him as she was a head taller than him. "A dragon protect its treasure." Was what she said before she flew into the nightsky.

"Huh..?"Gempa blinked a few times, wondering what her words meant until it finally clicked to him. He smiled and look into the sky. "I will!"He shouted, even when he knows that she is already gone.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^^

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