ch.13:How do you know me?

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"How unfair is this!?"Taufan complained.

"I agree! You're officially the head, but still not allowed to leave the mansion."Blaze agreed.

"It's for his safety. Rather be safe than be sorry."Gempa said.

"Besides, the last time we went out, we almost lost Boboiboy."Halilintar said and looked specifically at Taufan.

"Stop reminding of that! It's been years."Taufan whined.

"Never."Halilintar replied with a smirk as Taufan pouted.

"I hate you.."Taufan grumbled.

"I can say the same about you."Halilintar replied.

"They never get tired of fighting huh..?"Boboiboy thought and just laughed akwardly while Gempa stopped their fight.

"What are you going to do now that you're the head?"Ice asked as they walked to the library.

"I'm not sure.."Boboiboy sighed. "My plan for now is just to learn how to be a good head."

"Don't worry about it too much. You've been learning about that ever since you're young."Halilintar stated.

"I guess you're right.."He replied.

There was still a lot of things to do after the ceremony, but luckily Boboiboy had his friends to help him.

After a week, things finally calmed down and they were able to take a break.

"My back hurts.."Taufan complained as he placed a box filled with magic equipment on the ground.

"You're getting old."Blaze said in a casual tone.

"Hey! I'm just two years older than you!"Taufan huffed.

"Still older~"Blaze teased.

"I give up.."Taufan said, too tired to argue with him.

"Damn, you must really be tired huh?"Blaze said as he gave him a glass of water.

"I have been handling all of the things that requires magic, fixed the old magic tower and even casted a protection spell around the whole mansion!"Taufan complained. "Of course I'm tired!"

"I'm lucky that I'm just a bodyguard."Blaze thought in his head.

Taufan sighed and looked at a photo on the shelf. "At times like this, I wonder how he manage to do everything while taking care of me.."He said, his voice filled with sadness.

"Master Lucas is just a pro at it."Blaze tried to joke to lighten his mood. "How long have he been a magician? 100 years? 1000 years?"

"259 years to be exact. He is quite old."Taufan said and chuckled. "I really miss him.."

When Taufan became the official magician at fifteen years old, Lucas went back to his home country in malical kingdom while Taufan stayed there.

"He will visit us next month, so cheer up!"Blaze said as he placed his hand around Taufan's shoulder.

"Yeah, you're right. And you know what? I will dump all of the work to him once he come back!"Taufan's lips curved into a michevious smile. "I will annoy him so much that he admits that he is indeed very old."

"Pfft- I can join you, can I?"Blaze asked.

"Of course!"Taufan replied and the two of them chuckled together. "And we're bringing Thorn along!"

"Great plan!"Blaze added.

"I wouldn't want to be him."Ice thought as he shook his head.

Hours passed and the day turned into night.

"Are you sure that you don't want to rest?"Boboiboy asked.

"I will be fine."Halilintar said firmly.

"If you say so."Boboiboy yawned and fell asleep, exhausted from the day.

"I'm so boreddddd."Blaze whined.

"Then go to sleep."Halilintar said, irritated by his whining for the past few minutes.

"But I have to do my job."Blaze said.

"Then I will do the double of it. Just. Go. To. Sleep."He replied as his patient starting to fade.

"Hehe..I think that I'm not bored anymore."Blaze looked at the other side, avoiding Halilintar's piercing gaze.

Ice that was watching it all happened just shook his head and sighed.

Suddenly a small creak on the floor caugh his attention and he immediately opened the door.

"Boboiboy!"Ice shouted as he tried to catch him, but was too slow.

The kidnapper manage to jump out of the window with an unconscious Boboiboy who was trapped in a small magic crystal.

"Shit!"Halilintar didn't hesitate and quickly followed the kidnapper with the twins behind him.

"Signal the others!"Ice shouted as they ran.

Blaze nodded and howled loudly, waking everyone up.

"It's time.."A figure said as they hid in the shadows.

The three of them continued to chase the kidnapper while Taufan fixed the magic spell along with Gempa's and Thorn's help.

"Someone is blocking my magic!"Taufan said as he tried to locate the intruder with his magic.

"They must be skilled.."Thorn said as he shared more of his mana to Taufan.

"Other than that, I think that they knew that Taufan has been weakened due to the ceremony."Gempa said.

"But only the staff of the mansion and the emperor knew about the ceremony?"Thorn stated.

"Someone must've leaked it."Taufan said. "We have a traitor."

"They are too fast!"Ice thought as he tried to catch up.

Suddenly someone attacked him from the left, but luckily Blaze was there to block it.

"They came prepared.."Blaze said as he stood with his back faced to Ice's back.

They were both surrounded by a group of people. All of them wore mask and a coat, which make it hard to see their faces.

"Urgh..!"Halilintar winced in pain as he got hit by a magic spell.

"I won't let you get close to him."The person said.

"Tch."Halilintar immediately charged at them, which surprised them.

He manage to break their mask, but he didn't expect to see a familiar face.

"Solar..?"Halilintar said as he frozed.

The person was as surprised as he was, and casted a magic spell to build distance between him, which sent Halilintar flying to a three.

"How do you know my name..?"The person mumbled as he looked at Halilintar with both surprise and confusion in his voice.
Finally I wrote it! This scene have been haunting me for weeks-

Anyways- who do you think is the traitor? And why does Hali know him?

Either way, the answer will be in another chapter. ;)

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