S.2 ch.8:A clue

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"Are you okay Gem?"Boboiboy asked when he noticed the slightly red color under his friend's eyes.

"Mhm, I'm fine just a bit tired,"Gempa lied with a smile.

"If you say so.."Boboiboy mumbled, not very convinced.

Just then a beep was heard and Halilintar took out a crystalball that they use to communicate with each other.

"Are you in a prison??"Taufan who had now returned back to the others with Ying said in confusion to the background.

"Yes, we are,"Solar whispered. "But don't worry, Fang has a plan to get us out of here."

"Are you okay though? Where's Thorn? Is he okay too??"Boboiboy asked in worry.

His friend's eyes softened from the question. "Mhm, we're fine. Thorn is taking a nap right now since he had to use lots of his magic."

"Oh okay then,"Boboiboy smiled.

"Damn, didn't think the genius got caught,"Blaze who had also gathered back to the others with Ice said.

Solar didn't bother replying and simply focused on Yaya.

"Did you find anything?"Yaya question came.

"No, but we are planning on visiting the treasure room,"His gaze landed on Taufan. "We will need you to hold open the room's door for us while Halilintar guard the entrance."

"Will do,"Taufan agreed with Halilintar nodding aswell.

"Good, we will meet there then. Thorn will teleport you as soon as we're ready,"He then ended the call and looked towards the prince. "When will we be able to get out?"

"Soon,"Fang said with a little annoyence in his voice. "If a certain someone finally shows up."

Solar raised an eyebrow. "A friend of yours?"

"More like an idiotic friend yes,"He rolled his eyes.

"Didn't think we were similiar,"Solar sighed as an image of a certain trio causing trouble appeared in his mind.

"Me neither,"Fang sighed.

"Hey! I heard that!"A boy with brown hair and eyes as he stood in front of them with a key on his hands.

"Took you long enough Gopal,"Fang scoffed.

"Not my fault that this place is filled with dark magic and guards! They almost caught me you know!"Gopal huffed and opened the door for them.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Is this how you thank me for helping you!??"He pouted.

"You can get whatever food you want later."

"Deal,"He said without hesitation.

"Of course,"Fang deadpanned. "See what I mean?"

"I sure do.."Solar stared in disbelief.

"What? Food is life you know!"Gopal reasoned.

"Whatever, we have to get out before the guards notice,"Fang reminded and they carefully sneaked out of the prison.

"Wait, wait, wait! You want to go to the treasure room??"Gopal questioned. "You do realized how strong the spell on that room is right?"

"I know. Which is why I'm doing it with their help,"Fang gestured to Solar.

"A friend of mine is a master in magic. Although he himself is rather an idiot,"Solar shrugged.

"You two truly are similiar.."Gopal exasperated.

They simply shrugged while Thorn who has finally gathered enough magic to teleports their friends into the castle unnoticed.

"Erk.. so eerie!"Ying shivered.

"It sure does surpass my expectations.."Yaya mumbled.

"Scary.."Boboiboy thought as moved closer to his bodyguard who was completely unfazed.

"Alright! Which door do I have to open? I don't wanna stay here for long. This place reeks of dark magic!"Taufan said and slowly turned to Fang. "Nothing against you, okay?"

"Mhm, no offense taken. This place is ugly I know,"He shrugged. Then his expression turned serious as he gestured at ten guards guarding a huge metal door across the hallway.

"Hali?"Taufan called.

The said person immediately dissappeared and struck each of them down with ease, waiting before the entrance.

"And now,"Taufan placed his hands on the door. Magic surrounded him as it flowed into the door, making a lock opening sound before the huge door opened itself. "Tada! Easy peasy."

Fang stared in amazement. The door that he never would thought could be opened by anyone but his brother opened so easily and the best guards knocked out within seconds.

"Woah, so cool!"Blaze exclaimed and got a hit from his twin almost right away. "Ouch! What was that for!?"

"Don't be loud,"Came Ice excuse for hitting him.

"Poor Blazy,"Thorn said.

"Yeah.."Boboiboy sweatdropped at their interaction. Something just never change.

"What are you waiting for? Go enter!"Taufan smiled and watched as they entered, making sure to keep the door open.

"Are you sure that no alarm will go off?"Halilintar asked.

"Not really, but maybe we're lucky,"Taufan casually said as if they weren't doomed if they got caught since this was somewhat a treason.

"You're unbelievable,"Halilintar said in disbelief before striking more enemy as they came.

"Huh?? What did I do this time??"Taufan wondered.

In the meantime, the others were searching for anything that could help them as fast as possible knowing that it wouldn't take long for the King to notice it.

"There's nothing useful here! Just gold. And more gold!"Blaze whined as he poked his head out of the pile of gold coins and juwelry.

"Stop swimming around and search properly,"Ice said.

"I am! You can never know what lies underneath it! Like this thing here,"He held up a gold paper.

"Wait- that might be it!"Fang shouted as he rushed to him and took it from his hands to read it.

"Huh?? Wait- seriously??"

Fang read the golden paper and his eyes widen in joy. "We found it!"

"Oh- I actually found it?? Cool!"Blaze was just happy that he actually found it in this pile of gold while Ice stared in disbelief.

"Blaze was actually being useful??"Ice let out.

"Hey! Rude!"Blaze exclaimed and was pulled out of the pile by Gempa. "Thanks Gem."

"Guys!"Taufan shouted. "I can't hold it any longer, quick!"

"Coming!"They shouted back and hurried out before Taufan teleported them far away from the castle.

"Finally we found it,"Ying sighed in relief. "What does it says though??"

"A clue,"Fang said and poured magic into the paper, causing it ot turn into a compass. "Secrets burried in the past. Follow and find your path."He said the content of it.

"Wait- there's more!?"Gopal exclaimed.

"You barely even did anything.."Fang stated.

"Shush! Getting you out was enough work!"He reasoned.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^^

Finally the boring part is done! Now it's time for a little chaos!

Hint:Blaze and Ice

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