ch.6:the ill-mannered and the well-behaved

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A week has passed and Boboiboy and Taufan are already inseparable.

"Psst!!"Taufan tried to get Boboiboy's attention from the window.

He noticed him and went toward him. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with teacher Lucas?"

"Yes, but I ditched him."Taufan shrugged.

"Won't you get any trouble??"Boboiboy asked.

"Most likely, but it's fine!"Taufan said. "Anyways, want to play with magic?"

"But we aren't allowed to do it. You got in trouble for it the last time we did it.."Boboiboy stated.

Taufan was punished by Lucas for endaring Boboiboy and breaking a rule. His punishment was to clean the entire magic tower.---which was really messy due to all the magic researchs and exoeriments.

"Yeah.."He paused, thinking of an excuse. "But you've been stuck in this room for hours! Don’t you get bored?"

"Not really. I have to learn for an upcoming exam."Boboiboy replied.

"Right.."Taufan said. "But you can't learn all day. You have to get out and take a break, you know?"

"It's okay, I'm used to learn this way."Boboiboy replied.

"He is the most well-behaved person that I have ever seen..not even master Lucas follow his own rules all the time."Taufan thought.

"Come on, just for a little! I will even teach you that magic spell that you wanted to learn."Taufan suggested while giving him the puppy eyes.

During the magic class, a spell caught his attention, but he wasn't allowed to learn it since he was still a beginner.

"But.."Boboiboy hesitated. Taufan's offer was really tempting and his puppy eyes were too adorable to refuse. "Okay, but only for a little."

"Yay! Let's go then!"Taufan pulled Boboiboy hand and jumped from the window before he levitated both of them.

They flew to the back garden of the mansion and landed. Taufan created a magic space around them so that no one would see them, before he filled it with magic that would just float around.

Boboiboy was amazed and touched a little water bubble in the air. "You're so talented!"

"Thanks.."Taufan said shyly and placed his palm on the back of the neck.

Minutes soon turned into hours and they forgot the time while playing.

"There you are."Halilintar said as he suddenly created an opening in the magic space with his sword.

"What the- how did you break it so easily??"Taufan asked. Halilintar was still a beginner, so it was surprising that he could break it so easily.

"I just sliced it with my sword."Halilintar replied simply, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Is he a monster?? How the heck did he break magic with a basic sword??"Taufan thought while looking at him in disbelief.

He turned his attention to Boboiboy. "Everyone is searching you."

"E-eh, they are searching me?"Boboiboy asked in confusion.

"Yes, it has been hours since you dissappeared."Halilintar stressed the word 'dissappeared' and glared at Taufan.

"Oh no! I didn't mean to worry everyone."Boboiboy said and he went to the livingroom while Taufan and Halilintar followed them.

"Stop getting him in trouble."Halilintar hissed at Taufan.

"We were only having fun!"Taufan reasoned.

"Stop getting him in trouble."Halilintar growled.

"Geez,fine!"Taufan said and Halilintar went toward Boboiboy.

"He is so scary.."Taufan thought to himself. "And he is taking his job way too seriously.."

Both Taufan and Boboiboy ended up getting in trouble, but especially Taufan, since he was the one with the idea and he ditched his previous punishment.

"Don't influence him with your bad behaviour!"Lucas said while crossing his arms.

"And from where did I get this bad behaviour from?"Taufan said sarcastically and raised one of his eyebrow.

"Shush! Just stop getting both you and him into trouble!"Lucas quickly said. "Now go wash the dishes!"

"Fine.."Taufan grumbled.

"I can't really blame him, can I?"Lucas sighed and just hoped that his disciple won't get into more trouble.

"Hi Boboiboy.."Taufan greeted him and started to wash the dishes.

They got different punishment, but washing the dishes was one of the punishment that they had together.

"I'm sorry that I got you into trouble.."Taufan said.

"It's fine."Boboiboy smiled. "I had lots of fun!"

Taufan was surprised and didn't expect him to be happy after getting in trouble. "You're not mad?"

"Why would I? I had a choice and I decided to go along with your plan. I chosed it, so I should also accept the consequences."Boboiboy explained.

"Pfft-"Taufan chuckled."You're well-behaved, huh?"

Boboiboy tilted his head and confusion and Taufan just patted his head.

"Want me to use magic to clean the dishes faster?"Taufan asked while smiling micheviously.

Boboiboy wanted refuse, but he wanted to be bold and agreed.

"Great!"Taufan used his magic and all of the dishes washed itself.

"We are definitely going to be great friends!"Taufan thought to himself as he watched Boboiboy smiling and watching his magic in amazement.

Later at night everyone was asleep and Taufan quietly sneaked into his master's room.

"Hehe.."Taufan smiled micheviously and poured cold water on Lucas's face.

"Ahh!!"Lucas yelled in surprised and immer woke up. He looked around and saw Taufan running away from him. "Taufan!!"

"That what you get for making me clean the magic tower! Lazy teacher!"Taufan shouted and stuck his tounge out at him.
I'm so sorry for not updating this story lately. My motivation to write is starting to decrease ;-; writing block is trying to get to me, but I'm not going to let it get me >:(

Anyways, hope you like it and have a nice day/night :)

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