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"How can I not know my little brother's name?"Halilintar said as he stood up and wiped the blood on his mouth.

Solar froze, his eyes widen in surprise. "Brother..?"He shook his head and pulled out a sword. "I don't have a brother!"

Halilintar's eyes filled with sadness as he stood there, not even trying to fight at all. "You were to young to remember.."He mumbled.

"Nonsense!"Solar shouted as he charged at him, but instead of attacking back, Halilintar just dodged his attack. "I don't have a brother! I don't have anyone!"

"What..?"Halilintar's voice was filled with confusion as he blocked his attack. "But I left you with mom and dad.."

"Stop pretending that you know me!"Solar yelled as his anger rised. "You don't know me!"

"I do know you."Halilintar replied.

Solar kicked him on the stomach, making him fall to the ground while he placed his sword on his throat.

"I get it now."He took a deep breath to calm himself down. "You probably mistaked me for someone else."

"I didn't.."Halilintar said while Solar rolled his eyes in return. "I would recognize you anywhere.."

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't have a brother?"Solar said as he slightly sliced Halilintar's throat, making it bleed as a warning.

"You do. You just don't remember it.."Halilintar said, his tone filled with pure sadness. He looked at Solar, his gaze soft and caring, yet sad and worried. "Why are you with them? What happened after I left? What happened to you?"

Solar sighed in frustration. "For the last time. I am not your brother."

"Boboiboy!"Blaze's loud voice snapped Halilintar out of his thoughts.

"I'm sorry.."Halilintar mumbled as he quickly moved behind him and hit his nape, which made him faint.

"I will be right back."He said as he moved Solar to a tree and casted a protection magic around him. "I promise sunshine.."

He then quickly ran towards the direction where Blaze's voice was coming from.

"Finally!"Taufan smiled as the magic block finally disappeared and he was able to catch the intruder using his magic.

All of the intruder are now trapped in an invisible cage, along with the kidnapper.

"Took him long enough."Ice thought as he panted, exhausted from all the fighting and chasing.

"Ha! Who is pathetic now!"Blaze said as he snatched the magic crystal that Boboiboy was held captured in away from the kidnapper and stuck his tounge out at him.

"Tch. You're still a pathetic werewolf for serving humans!"The kidnapper said.

Blaze gritted his teeth and gave Halilintar the magic crystal. "You really want to die, don't you?"His claws sharpened and he killed him without hesitation.

"Atleast your not entirely useless."Blaze licked the blood off his fingers. "You make a great dinner."

Ice smacked the back of Blaze's head. "Idiot! Don’t eat humans."

"Whyyy??"He whined. "He is dead anyway! This is a waste of meat!"

Ice shoot him a disgusted look and dragged him to Halilintar while Blaze continued to complain.

"Is it hard to break?"Ice asked, ignoring Blaze's complains.

"No, this should be easy to break for Taufan."Halilintar replied as calm as he possibly can while trying to ignore the thoughts of Solar.

They brought Boboiboy to Taufan and he manage to easily break him free.

"Do you feel any pain?"Thorn asked with worry in his voice.

"No, I don’t."Boboiboy replied.

"That was a hell ride of a night!"Taufan said, but then he noticed that Halilintar was leaving. "Where are you going?"

"Nowhere.."He replied and left the room.

"What's wrong with him?"Taufan asked in confusion.

"I don't know either."Blaze shrugged. "He has been like that ever since he came back after fighting with one of the intruder."

"That's strange..perhaps he isn't feeling well?"Gempa guessed.

"Could be."Ice shrugged.


"Let me go!"Solar yelled.

Halilintar had brought him to his room without anyone noticing, and casted a magic spell around him so he wouldn't be able to escape.

"I can't do that.."Halilintar replied, his voice as gentle as his gaze. "Why were you with the intruder?"

"And why in the world should I tell you?"Solar said and crossed his arms.

"Because I want to help you."Halilintar said firmly.

"And you want to help me because I'm your 'brother'?"Solar asked in a mocking tone. "Don't make me laugh."

"I do anything for you."Halilintar said coldly which surprised Solar a little since he has been nothing but gentle to him.

"And why should I believe you?"He asked.

"Because you have no other choice."Halilintar replied.

"That gives me even more reason to not trust you."Solar replied and leaned his back on the wall.

"Hali?"Boboiboy said as he knocked on the door. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes."He replied.

"Are you sure? If there is something wrong, you can always tell me."Boboiboy said.

Halilintar clenched his fist, hesitating if he should really tell him the truth.

"No..I'm not.."He admitted, and there was a hint of hurt in his voice.

"May I come in?"Boboiboy asked in a softer tone.

"No, I will come out.."Halilintar left the room, and made sure that Boboiboy couldn't see through his door.

"Now is my chance."Solar immediately used his magic to break the spell. "Easier than I thought."

He left the room quietly and sneaked his way through the mansion, trying to find the exit.

Just as he finally found an open window with no knights around, he heard Halilintar's voice from a room.

He hesitated whether he should listen to it or not as he felt curious about him.

"A brother.."He mumbled.

Solar spent his whole life on his own, and the thought of having someone that cared about him was...thrilling? Exciting? Whatever it was, it manage to get his interest.

"Ugh. I will regret this.."He mumbled as he eavesdropped on their conversation.

It's kinda ironic that I'm excited for my own story despite knowing the whole story line 😃 Oh welp-

Hope you like it ^^

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