S.2 ch.3:The kingdom of evil

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"How long do you think will it take them?"Blaze whispered Halilintar.

Halilintar simply shrugged and watched the girls pick out clotches, forcing Boboiboy and Thorn along, while Taufan is hyping them up, Solar giving them his brutally honest opinion on them and Gempa carrying everything on his own.

They had decided to go to the Shadow kingdom for the rumored festival that will take place not too far in the future. But before that, they wanted to visit as many places as possible and as if luck was on their side, they stumbled upon a well known tailor who was so fascinated by their beauty and uniqueness that he offered to create a clotching for each one of them for free.

"I can't believe Taufan betrayed me.."Blaze mumbled, remembering how Taufan voluntarrily went with them, leaving Blaze behind as Thorn was taken away from them. "Traitor..!"

"I don't get your problem"His twin lazily yawned and leaned his back against the wooden wall of the boutique.

"Of course you don't. You get to do nothing and sleep"Blaze scoffed.

Ice shrugged and closed his eyes, ready to sleep once again. "Well, what can I say? Sleep is needed after so many hardwork"

Blaze looked at him in disbelief, not believing that he had the audacity to say that despite dumping all of his work to him, causing Blaze to be busy all the time while he lazed around.

"Hey!"Blaze called out, capturing the others' attention. "Ice hadn't tried on anything yet"

The said person immediately shot his eyes open and glared at him. "You little-"

"Oh right!"Yaya smiled.

"Mhm, now it's your turn Ice"Ying's smile showed nothing but evilness in it as she dragged him to the dressing room.

"May he rest in peace"Taufan half-heartedly said and grinned.

Gempa who was watching everything in silence simply shook his head and could already feel the headache building in his head. "I have a bad feeling.."

As if his words were prophecies, the next few days of their journey were anything but peaceful.

Lost in a forest, lack of food cause of two certain people, almost falling into a cliff, tricked by a smuggler and many more.

"Are you okay Gem..?"Boboiboy asked, worried for his friend wellbeing.

"Yes. I'm fine."His faced was everything but fine.

"Are you sure..?"He hesitantly asked and was replied by a smile that was supposed to reassure him, but instead worry him even more as it quivered the moment Blaze and Taufan started yelling all of a sudden.

"Ahh!!! Fire!!"Taufan yelled. "What did you do!?"

"What I did? You're the one who made it bigger with your wind!"Blaze argued.

"That was an accident!"Taufan reasoned.

"And clearly not my fault!"Blaze shouted.

"Why are you lighting fire in the first place!??"

"Because Solar told me so!"

Solar sighed and shook his head, not believing his eyes. A minute ago he had asked Blaze to light up a fire to cook but didn't expect it to go downhill like this.

"Ice! Wake up and put down the fire!"He lightly kicked Ice's back to wake him up as he refused to wake up to the obvious need of his assistence.

"Fine.."Ice grumbled and splashed a waterbubble towards its reaction, putting it down but hitting both Blaze and Taufan at the same time.

"What was that for!?"His twin yelled.

"I don't know what you're talking about"Ice innocently shrugged as if that wasn't his intention.

"So cold.."Taufan sniffed as Ice's water was colder than the Antarctic itself.

Thorn being the sweet boy he is, gave Taufan a towel and did his best putting a towel on Blaze's head while he was busy arguing with his twin as usual.

"Is this normal..?"Yaya whispered to Halilintar.

"Sadly"Halilintar sighed.

"Unbelievable"Ying said, not hesitating to say her mind. "But at the same I should've expected this after being with you guys for almost two weeks"

Her friend, not wanting to be rude she didn't say a word and instead agreed in her head. "They sure are.. something"


Two more days passed and finally after a long journey they arrived in the Shadow kingdom. Known for their dark magic, curses and forbidden relicts. The deadliest kindgom out of all three of them. The home of evil.

"Woah, this place sure is eerie.."Ying whispered to her friend, not wanting anyone from the kindom to hear her and be offended.

"It is called the 'shadow' kingdom for a reason.."Yaya agreed.

"We should be careful. The empire itself may not be evil neither are we at war with them, but it is still a dangerous place"Gempa reminded and they all nodded in agreement.

"Excuse me"Taufan politely approached a seller. "Could you please tell us where the nearest tavern is?"

"Yes, it's right near the plaza. Just walk straight until you see lots of festival preperation and go to the fanciest looking building there"The seller kindly replied with a smile on their face.

"Thank you"Taufan bowed in gratitude and went back to his group, telling him the information that he had gotten.

"Great! We won't have to walk a long way to reach the festival then!"Boboiboy happily concluded.

"And we get to visit some shops before we arrive at the tavern!"Yaya and Ying both happily cheered.

"Not again..."The others except Solar and Taufan thought.

They left to find the tavern while someone watched them from the shadow.

"Sir, I have some news for you"The person said as they bowed.

"What is it?"

"The boy from the oracle have arrived"

"I see"His voice powerful yet emotionless. "Capture him!"

I wasn't planning on posting today, but I'm in a good mood so why not?

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it ^^

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