ch.22: Forgiven?

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Christmast is coming up and everyone was busy preparing, especially a certain young man with green eyes.

"I have to give it my all!"Thorn said with determination as he looked at the paper filled with gifts list and decoration idea.

This year theme was 'a wish'. Solar was the one that suggested it to help Thorn since he was getting sick of the tense atmosphere and talking with a sleepless Halilintar.

Everyone has to create something that would give hints about their wish, may it be small or big. But everyone has the right to keep the true answer to themselves and not participate in the guessing game if they didn't want to.

He gladly took this opportunity to gain their forgiveness and spent the entire week before christmast on his 'wish'.

"What do you think?"Thorn asked, feeling slightly nervous.

Solar slightly tilted his head to the side, trying to understand the hint behind the painting in front of him.

It was wildly painted with diffrent colors, each representing a person. Random drawings of object was carefully drawn into each color, giving them their own uniqueness and personality.

"I assume that the diffrent colors and drawings are supposed to be a certain person?"Solar guessed and Thorn confirmed with a nod. "Yes, it's good." Thorn waited nervously "Although, it doesn't really hint on a wish."

Thorn lowered his head, feeling sad that it didn't show his deepest wish.

"Maybe you can color around them with green. Make it look like it would hug the other colors. That would represent harmony, which is your wish I persume?"Solar exactly hit the nail and Thorn nodded happily.

Without any hesitation he quickly drew what Solar had suggested.

"I must say that I didn't expect you to do all this when I first suggested it"Solar said as Thorn drew.

"What do you mean?"Thorn asked, still focusing on the painting.

"Well.."Solar looked at the atleast eight foot painting in front of him "it's huge" His gaze swipped to the pile of presents. "And you manage to get so many present in such a short time"

"I had some help from master Lucas"Thorn admitted. "He was kind enough to teleport all of the things listed on the gift list to me."

A week ago

"Hello Thorn"Lucas's picture on the crystalball smiled. "It's been a while, how are you?"

"I'm good, what about you?"Thorn asked.

"I'm feeling fantastic!"Lucas said excitedly. "I'm living my life now that I don't have a little rascal with me that will cause chaos and trouble."

The two of them laughed, knowing very well who was meant.

But it didn't last for long until Thorn became serious.

"Um.."He hesitated"Have you heard of the news..?"

Lucas immediately stopped laughing. "That you were a traitor? Yeah, I did. I might be far away, but I still have to check up on my little wind, you know? I don't trust that rascal on his own, especially when he refused to tell me of what was going on, so I had to find out for myself."

Thorn turned silent, afraid that Lucas would also act diffrent around him.

"Hey, why so quiet?"Lucas asked, his voice soft and gentle.

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