ch.18:traitor found?

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A week has passed ever since and the atmosphere is getting more and more tense in the Delamore's household.

Everyone was a suspect, and they all suspected each other. As much as they didn't want to, their young master were  their first priority and they wouldn't risk his safety by not suspecting each other.

With Solar's help, the security have been raised to its max capacity and there are hidden eyes all around the mansion, even if it doesn't seem so.

"Woah.."Boboiboy let out in awe. "You're really good with managing security, aren't you?"

"I'm good in many things. This is just one of my talents."Solar said proudly.

"I see"Boboiboy chuckled.

The two of them had gotten quite close despite the current situation. Boboiboy would often visit Halilintar at the training ground just so that the two siblings could bond more and Solar placed countless of protection magic around Boboiboy without him knowing and would often distract him whenever he needed it.

"Hey Sol."Boboiboy called as he looked at the garden through the library window.

"Yes?"Solar replied.

"How much longer do you think will it take to find the traitor?"He asked.

"It depends. Up until now I still haven't gotten any clue. They are really good at hiding."Solar said, slightly irritated that he hadn't manage to find a clue.

"I see" He paused. "How high is the chance that it's one of them?"

"Sadly, it's most likely the case. I say around 80 to 100%."Solar calculated.

Boboiboy sighed and looked at the garden again. A memory flashed by and he couldn't help but feel sad.

"Happy twelve birthday!"They all shouted which made Boboiboy smiles brightly.

"Thank you!"Boboiboy giggled.

"It's not much, but I hope you like it."Gempa handed him a knitted jacket.

"This is great thank you!"Boboiboy hugged him before Taufan and Halilintar handed him their present.

"You worked together for it?"Boboiboy asked in surprise.

"Yeah! I manage to convince this grumphy old man to work together!"Taufan said proudly and earned hit on his head for it.

"I'm just one year older than you."Halilintar grumbled.

"Still older!"Taufan huffed while caressing his head to ease the pain.

"Now I regret helping you."Halilintar sighed and the two of them continued to bicker while Boboiboy was surprised by a hug from Thorn.

"Hehe, this is my present for you!"Thorn said excitedly and handed him an excotic plant.

"Thank you, it's wonderful."Boboiboy smiled and hugged him back.

"Hey, what about us? We want a hug too!"Blaze playfully pouted while Ice nodded in agreement.

"You get a hug too of course."Boboiboy chuckled and hugged the twin.

"This our present."Blaze handed him a big brown bear plushie that was half the sizes of Boboiboy.

"I still think that my present idea was better."Blaze claimed as he crossed his arms.

"You literally wanted to give him a bone."Ice said in disbelief.

"Bones are great!"Blaze defended as his ears perked up.

"For you. Boboiboy is a human not a werewolf."Ice stated which made him pout like a child and complained to Boboiboy.

"Say cheese!"Gempa suddenly shouted which surprised all of them and they quickly smiled to the camera.

"It couldn't be one of them, could it..?"Boboiboy asked himself as he fought back his tears. "They wouldn't.."

Solar noticed the change of his mood, so he summoned a servant to bring him his favourite cake.

"Here, you will need the energy."Solar said as he handed him the plate of chocolate cake.

Boboiboy smiled and took the cake. "If Gempa saw me eating cake before luch then he would've scolded me while Taufan argued that sugar is good and Halilintar would just join me."He chuckled, but then his smile dissappear again. "I miss them.."

"Just a bit more"Solar comforted. "Sooner or later the traitor will make a mistake and everything will return to normal."

"I hope you're right."

While everyone was busy with their own tasks, Taufan was trying to find the traitor by tracking every single movement in the mansion.

"Who could it be.."He mumbled while replaying everything over and over again, trying to find something that he might had missed.

"Maybe a night before the kidnapping accident?"Taufan asked himself and changed the time of the magicvideo.

"Hm.."He kept searching, even when his eyes hurt from focusing and even went as far as skipping meals.

"The traitor is too good!"Taufan complained and took an eyedrop. "My eyes hurt.."

Just as he was about to watch everything over again, a switch flipped in his head.

"Wait a minute.. what if the traitor used magic for everything? Then they wouldn't even have to move.."

He immediately changed the spell form and changed it to tracking magic instead.

"There it is!"He shouted happily after he finally manage to find a suspicious magic around the mansion. "I can't believe that I hadn't think of this sooner! Master Lucas would've scolded me if he saw this.."

Taufan followed the magic's movement and tracked it to its user until he finally found it.

"No way..!"Taufan gasped as he found the traitor's identity. "I have to tell everyone!"

Before he could even do anything, a shadow like creature attacked him, making him unconscious.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you ruin my plan."The shadow figure said.

Cliffhanger :>

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