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"Who is here?"Halilintar asked as he slowly came closer and patted his back to calm him down.

"M-my parents.."Taufan squeked, his breath getting slowler as he felt soothed by him.

"I see"Halilintar's voice softened. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Taufan sat down on the ground, hesitating whether to tell him or not.

"Take your time"Halilintar said as he sat next to him and took out a small bottle of water from his pocketbag to give it to him.

"Thank you.."


None of them spoke, they just stared at the sky, letting the gentle breeze and familiar sound of nature lighten their mood.

After a peaceful moment of silence, Taufan was finally able to speak normally.

"It's been a while since I've seen them.."Taufan said. "It felt so... strange? Unfamiliar? Suffocating? I never had a good relationship with my parents. My dad had high expectations and was quite.. abusive. My mom was no better than him. She was so distracted by being a noble and keeping up a good reputation, that she completely forgot or maybe ignored my existence."

Halilintar stayed silent, patiently waiting for him to continue as he took a deep breath.

"I had really tried my best to win their approval or simply to be acknowledge by them, but there wasn't much that I could do as a young child to impress them"He smiled sadly. "In the end, they didn't want to waste any time on me anymore and sent me to master Lucas at the age of seven, telling me that I would learn magic with him. I was a child, but I wasn't dumb. I understood that they had abandoned me, I know that they never cared about me nor did they ever love me"

Unknowingly, tears rolled down his cheeks as he smiled through the tightening pain in his chest.

"How ironic. Everyone think that we're a happy family when in reality we're not even close to a 'family'. I barely knew my parents and they barely knew about me. I bet if I asked them if they knew about my birthday they wouldn't remember it."He laughed, but there wasn't any joy in it.

With a soft motion, Halilintar moved closer to him and patted his back, comforting him and encouraging him to let it out at the same time.

"I really tried my best, but it was never enough. I got hundreds of praises from other people, but never from them. Not once have they ever praise me, I don't even think that they ever said anything nice to me. It was always insults, lecture on why I'm a dissappointment, and judging words that would take away the little confidence I had back then"

He couldn't hold it back anymore, tears streaming down his face as he burried his face on Halilintar's chest, holding him tight as he tried to keep his breath steady.

"No matter what, I was always a dissappointment in their eyes."He sobbed, his body trembling as he remembered the past. "And now that we finally meet again..." He tightened his hold on Halilintar. "I don't know, I really don't. I just can't see them, I can't be near them. It hurts, I can't breath. Something in me tell me to run away, yet there's a voice in my head that tells me to look them in the eyes, wondering if they would still look at me with those dissappointment filled eyes."

His breakdown truly hurts Halilintar. They might get on each other nerves most of the time, but he still cared.

Taufan, the person who smiled the most, bringing joy wherever he goes, was secretly carrying a burden. And it was slowly killing him.

Now all the memory of him smiling doesn't seem so nice anymore. When he really thinks about it, there was always something in his smile that didn't looked genuine, as if it was hiding something that no one should know about.

And now he knew the truth.

The a annoying and naughty Taufan was just like that to get the attention he never received. The childish and bright Taufan wasn't as bright as he believed to be.

It was all fake.

Without saying a word, Halilintar continued to pat his back, soothing him until his body relaxed.

"I'm sorry.."Taufan let go of him and wiped away his tears. "Sorry for burdening you, I sure did overreacted huh?"He tried to joke out of it, but Halilintar didn't seem amused at all, instead he was as serious as he was never before.

"You didn't overreact, you have every reason to react that way"Halilintar said firmly. "You're not a dissappointment, your parents are"His voice filled with hatred as he said 'parents'. "No parents should treat their child that way, and no child should've gone through that. You're perfect the way you are, annoying but good. They are just too blind to see that"His voice stayed firm, but the way his eyes softened for a second didn't go unnoticed by Taufan.

Taufan's eyes widen in surprise as tears rolled down his cheeks once again. He was touched by his words, and surprised at the same time because he had never heard Halilintar talk so much at once nor did he ever showed so much emotion like now.

"Pfft-"Taufan grinned as he wiped away his tears. "And I thought that you weren't capable of showing emotions!"

Halilintar was caught off guard by his laugh, but he smiled nevertheless. "I'm still human afterall"

"Really? That's news to me!"Taufan laughed even harder when Halilintar playfully glared at him. "Tsundere"


The two of them stayed there, enjoying each other company as the wind spread their laughs.

I'm sorry for the slow update, motivation is once again gone 😔
It's back now though- 😃

I hope you enjoyed ^^
Check out my new story if want to read more stories from me. It's quite chaotic if I can say so :D

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