S.2 ch.6:Gloomy palace

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"Do you believe him?"Blaze whispered to his twin.

They had agreed to seperate and search for information across the shadow kingdom.

Blaze and Ice were portaled away to the south end of the kingdom by Taufan while the rest were portaled into the other part of it.

"I don't believe in those oracles, however.. it did make sense. Even worse that it's actually related to Boboiboy.."Ice replied honestly.

"Mm.. you're right"Blaze sighed. "Still, I have a bad feeling about this"

"Me too"

"There they are!"A guard shouted.

"What?? We already got caught??"Blaze asked in disbelief.

"This is all your fault!"Ice claimed and shot various ice arrows at the enemy.

"How is it my fault!??"Blaze exclaimed as he attacked one after another with his claws.

"Your voice is too loud!"

"You.."Blaze's eyes narrowed in anger. "That doesn't even make sense! You're always blaming me!!"He ended up whining, not having the heart to actually yell at his twin.

"No, I don't"Ice simply replied as if he was the most innocent person on earth.

"Ugh.. why is he even my brother..?"Blaze grumbled and continued to fight.

"He looks funny"Ice's face revealed nothing, but he was laughing inside at his brother's frustration.

In the meantime, Fang, Solar and Thorn are sneaking through the castle while the rest of them were searching at the north end of the kingdom.

"Remember, don't touch anything. Not even the ground is safe for us"Fang reminded as they floated through the castle with magic.

"How scary.."Thorn gulped as he looked around.

The castle was even gloomier than the kingdom already is. Dark and forbidden magic surrounding it, a home for its deadliness. Everything can be a trap, nothing could be trusted in this cold building. Truly fitted for the kingdom of evil.

"Here we are"Fang stopped at a huge black painted wooden door. It was locked with an unknown magic. "Can you open it?"

"Of course"Solar stepped forward and placed his hand on the rough wood, breaking the spell with ease.

They entered and closed the door behind them, being as quiet as they possibly could.

"There's so many books.."Thorn pointed out. "We're going to need ages to read them!"

"Except you have a relict to help you"Fang smirked as he pointed at his own glasses.

"I will remember to get that next time"Solar wrote a personal list in his head and snapped his fingers, creating an invisible glass in front of his and Thorn's eyes. "But for now, this will do"

Seconds became minutes, then hours, but they still couldn't find anything. They had searched every library there is, but to no avail.

"Are you sure that those are the only library in this castle?"Solar asked.

"Not really.."He admitted. "There might be a hidden one, however I myself am not sure if it even exist or how to find it"

"I see"Solar looked around the empty hallway, chills running down his spine from the amount of dark magic around him, feeling like his life was being sucked out of him. "Then we will have to change strategy"He looked at Thorn who immediately understood what he wanted from him.

Thorn got on his knees, hands touching the ground and plants sprouded across the castle.

"Wait- that's dangerous!"Fang said in horror, knowing the danger lurking in this gloomy castle he calls home.

"I know"Thorn said, his eyes shined emerald green as his magic activated, his hands slowly turning black from the amount of black magic entering his body. "But I'm willing to take the risk"

Not long forward, the guard were alarmed by his magic and rushed to them, but Thorn has already memorized a map of the whole castle in his mind and teleported them deep into the castle's wall.

"Wha- how did you-"Fang said in awe, not believing what had just happened.

"So this is how you've been walking around the castle undetected former traitor" Solar said with amusement in his voice.

His hands are now almost completely black, blood dripping from his mouth and black tears rolled down his cheek. The bright Thorn no where to be seen, replaced by a dull copy of his.

"Yes.."Thorn replied, his voice almost a whisper. His whole body felt like it was stung by thousand knifes. His inside burning in fire. But nothing could compare to his guilt of his past actions.

"Rest now"Solar said, his voice now softer as he created a bubble around Thorn so he could rest in peace and safety.

"Thank y.."He couldn't finish his sentence before he fainted from exahaustion.

"Incredible.."Fang let out, not believing his eyes. Not once has he saw anyone survive taking such a big amount of dark magic into their body, yet Thorn was able to withstand it with only a few minor injuries and pain compared to death.

"He may not seems like it, but he went through a lot"Solar said, his eyes focused on Thorn.

Ever since he helped Thorn get along with others again, the two of them grew closer to each other. Secrets were told. Pain were shared. Perhaps he is the only one who knew everything about him.

The prince watched, seeing the glimmer of care in Solar's eyes. "..."He silently walked into the maze of a library that he didn't knew exist in his own palace, feeling comfort in its dark secrets. "Hm.."

"Ah, he already dissappeared"Solar thought, too focused on Thorn to notice his dissappearence sooner. "I guess I should be looking too."

I'm sorry for the short chapter, I will try to write a longer one for the next chap.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^^

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