ch.11:new friends

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After they discussed it, Halilintar went to rescue the boy while the others escape.

"Are you sure that I don't need to come along?"Taufan asked with worry in his voice.

"I'm sure. Just protect the others."Halilintar replied before he ran back into the building.

Minutes passed but he still couldn't find the boy.

"This is taking too long."Halilintar grumbled and used magic to increase his speed.

In a matter of seconds he found the boy after going through 20 rooms.

"W-who are you..?"The boy asked in fear when Halilintar stabbed the evil man without any hesitation.

"Not important right now."He pulled the sword out of the man's chest. "We have to escape before the guards find us."

The boy couldn't even reply before Halilintar held his hand and pulled him out of the building using his magic.

"There you are! What took you so long? We were already getting worried!"Taufan said.

"The building had too many rooms and the guards aren't helping either."Halilintar replied.

"Are you okay?"Boboiboy asked the two of them and they both nodded as a reply.

"Alright! We got no time to waste!"Taufan casted a teleportation spell and teleported them back to the mansion.

"It worked again! Today must be my lucky day."Taufan thought, feeling relieved that his magic spell didn't mess up.

"Sooo, we really can live with you?"Blaze asked Boboiboy.

While they were waiting for Halilintar earlier, the others talked and got to know each other. Boboiboy eventually offered Ice and Blaze to stay with them after finding out that they were homeless, to which they---mostly Blaze---agreed.

"Of course! I just have to tell my grandpa about it."Boboiboy looked at the boy. "You can also live with us if you want."

"Are you sure..? I don't want to be a bother.."The boy said.

"Of course! You won't be a bother at all."Boboiboy smiled. "We never got the chance to introduce ourselves right? My name is Boboiboy. What's your name?"

"My name is Gempa.."The boy smiled a little.

"Boboiboy."Halilintar suddenly called.

"Yes Hali?"He replied.

"I can beat up anything and anyone that could or harmed you, right?"Halilintar asked.

"Um.."He hesitated, feeling like Halilintar had something planned. "Yes..?"

Halilintar nodded in acknowledgment and pulled out his sword as he looked at Taufan.

"Wait- don't you dare!"Taufan stepped back as Halilintar got closer. "Hali, we can talk about this..."He then started to run while Halilintar chased him.

"Um..should we stop them?"Thorn asked.

"I don't know either.."Boboiboy replied.

Ever since that day, the three of them started to live there, and Gempa even got a job there. He had insisted to work for them to show his gratidude, and is now officially a beginner butler.

"Woah, so cool!"Both Boboiboy and Taufan said at the same time as they watched Ice swim from one end to the other end of the lake in a fast pace.

It was located in the forest behind the mansion, which is why many guards came with them, along with Boboiboy's grandpa.

"Right? Swimming is the only time Ice moves fast. Usually I be dragging him from one place to another."Blaze said.

"Walking is tiring.."Ice said lazily as he got out of the water and turned into a human.

"Walking is similiar to you swimming in water!"Blaze said.

"No it's not."Ice argued.

"Then how do you move in water?"Blaze asked.

"I move my tail."Ice reasoned.

"That's like I move my legs to walk."Blaze stated. "And you have legs too, not just tail. So walking is the same as swimming for you."

Ice grumbled, knowing that his twin was right.

"See? I knew I wa-"Blaze suddenly got splashed with water. "Hey!"

Ice stuck out his tounge at him and escaped into the water when Blaze tried to chase him.

"Not fair! You know that I can't swim as fast as you."Blaze pouted.

"Not my problem."Ice said as he swam away from him.

"Meany!"Blaze huffed and didn't gave up to chase his twin.

"This is free entertainment."Taufan said.

"Just there is even more copy of Taufan."Halilintar thought and sighed.

"Why do I feel like he just thought shit of me in his head."Taufan thought as he took a glance at Halilintar.

"What?"He asked.

"Nothing.."Taufan replied skeptically and continued to watch the twins.

"They don't get along well, do they?"Gempa asked.

"Not really.."Boboiboy admitted.

"I'm glad that Boboiboy has so many friends now."Tok aba said as he watched them.

"I agree, but it is really okay to let them stay here just like that? You didn't even check their background nor anything else.."His butler, also known as his right hand said.

"They are children. What evil thing could they possibly have in mind?"Tok aba said. "And besides, they needed a home, so why not?"

"I guess you're right."His butler nodded.

I'm sorry that it's short, I will try to write a longer chapter for the next one.

Thank you for reading and hope you like it :)

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