S.2 ch.16:Where you belong

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"Aren't you excited to go back home darling?"Cordelia asked with a smile.

"No."Ice replied coldly as if it was obvious.

She frowned for a second, but plastered another smile on her face. "Oh well, you will just have to get used to it. Because this time I'm not letting you get away again."

The bubble shaped carriege stopped and they swam outside, their human legs replaced by fish tail.

"Welcome back your majesty."The guards greeted with a bow.

Cordelia smiled as she entered the palace while Ice frowned. He hates this place. Other saw it as a magnificent castle while he saw it as prison.

"Prepare my love a bath and the best of clotches."She commanded and servants rushed to do as told.

As annoying as it was, Ice complied thinking that Blaze was still held captured in the dungeon. There are strong protection spells in the palace, so he couldn't contact anyone.

He looked at the image in the mirror and frowned. Blue fish scales instead of skin. Ocean blue hair and eyes. Mermaid's features. Royal clotches and marks. This was his true appearance, yet he hated it.

"What's wrong?"Little Blaze asked as he sat beside him near the river.

"I hate it.."Ais mumbled while staring at his reflection in the water.

"The river?? Ouch-!" Ais hit his head with a frown. "What was that for!?"

"My face!"He exclaimed.

The latter stared at him in confusion. "Why would you hate your face?? It's smooth, pretty and squishy."He said while pinching his cheeks.

"Stop that!"Ais hissed and almost bit Blaze on instinct.

"Right, sorry.."Blaze smiled guiltily, forgetting that his new friend hates being touched.

"It's fine.."He sighed and stared back at the river.

"But seriously though, why do you hate your face??"Blaze asked.

"Because it's just like you said..!"He clenched his fist, wanting to punch his own face and damage it to change it permanently.

"Why?? You look so pretty! Especially with those shiny scales!"Blaze smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

"Exactly!"He exclaimed before lowering his voice. "If it wasn't so pretty then Cordelia wouldn't like me and none of 'that' would've happened.."Tears rolled his cheeks as memories flashed before his eyes.

"Don't say that! You did nothing wrong! She is just a crazy witch!"Blaze huffed.

"Yes, but I.."He swallowed hard, knowing the consequences of him leaving.

"Fine, you hate your face."Blaze then said after seeing Ais's distressed expression. He knew exactly what he was thinking about. "Can’t you change it??"

The latter looked at him in disbelief. "How am I supposed to change my face?"He deadpanned.

"I don't know! You have those cool magic of yours, don't you? Isn't there any to change your appearance??"

"Kind of."He changed to his human version and stared at his own reflection. "I still have the same face."

"True.."Blaze thought for a bit until he remembered something. "Wait- I know a spell!"

"What spell..?"He asked in a quiet voice, hope shimmering in his eyes.

"I remember reading a spell before about disguises, maybe I could do that!"

"You read?"Ais asked with doubt.

"Hey!"Blaze pouted. "Hmpf! Fine, then I won't tell you the spell!"

That made his mood shift. "No, I'm sorry.."He slightly sobbed.

"E-eh, don't cry!"Blaze panicked. "I will do the spell, don't cry!!"

"Okay."Ais wiped his tears away and looked at him, ready for the spell.

"I can't guarantee that it will work okay?"Blaze took a deep breath before he cupped Ais's face and casted the spell. He opened his eyes with hesitance and a smile formed on his face. "I did it! Well half did it, but who cares-"

Ais ignored him and immediately looked at his reflection. His eye color stayed the same, but his hair and facial features changed. He looked.. like Blaze?

"Hehe, I didn't know what to change your face into so I kinda imagined my own face."Blaze akwardly said. "But it worked-"

"Thank you."Ais hugged him which completely took him by surprise since his mermaid friend has made it very clear that he despised physical touch.

"Huh- o-oh, yeah you're welcome."Blaze hugged him back after a little hesitation. "So, what do you want me to change your face into? Since, you know I can actually do the spell."

The latter shook his head. "No, I like it like this."He smiled sweetly. "It reminds me of you."

"Was that a compliment??"

"Don't ruin the moment."

"Geez tsundere much."Blaze returned his smile. "Welp, we're twinning then!"


"Darling! I'm waiting!"Cordelia called from the other side of the door.

He cursed under his breath before he walked outside. "Now that's a fitting clotches for a prince! Wait no- king!"She grinned. "I'm officially the queen now, so you're the king."

"What did you do to your father..?"Ice asked skeptically, already expecting the worse.

"I killed him!"She chirped as if she hadn't just revealed that she had killed her own father. "He didn't listen to me, so I had to get rid of him."

"Of course you did."He scoffed.

"Aww, you know me so well darling~"She giggled and looked so innocent that Ice would've believed her innocence had it not been for the memories they shared together.

"Ais! Ais! Hold my hand!"Cordelia ordered while giggling.

"Okay.."He did as told, afraid of the consequences.

"Eek!!"She squealed. "My darling is so cute!"

"Why does she wants him? He's a mermaid!"A servant whispered. "He looks so sickly and frail!"

"Hey watch your mouth!"Another servant whispered. "Or the princess will-"

"Hey."Cordelia approached the servants with a smile but dead eyes.

"P-princess..!"The servant panicked.

"What did you say about my husband?"She asked, her voice becoming dangerously low.

"I-it was a m-mistake, I d-didn't-"Her head was beheaded before she could even finish her sentence.

Cordelia smiled wickedly and giggled. "Husband look! I protected your name!"

Ais trembled as he stared at the headless body on the ground. He took a step back as she approached, afraid that she'd kill him too.

"Husband hold my hands!"She chirped, but her smile dissappeared when he looked at her like she was a monster. "I said hold my hands."

"Of course. You made sure that I know."Ais said with an ironic smile. A psychotic princess who was obssesed with him. Someone who smiles as she kills those that she disliked and toyed with everyone like a puppet. And he was her husband.

"Yeah I did!"Cordelia giggled and held his hands. "You'll never escape me!"

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^^

I'm sorry that the chapter isn't that good/interesting, I didn't really know what else to put here. I'll try to make it better for the next chap TvT

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